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"Hey, Jasper." I skipped between Jasper and Monty and linked my arms with both boys. "Hi, Monty."

From the look in their eyes, they weren't expecting a stranger to simply link arms with them as if we were best friends.

All of us had trudged through the woods following behind Clarke, she was extremely focused on navigating through the overgrown nature and was oblivious to all of its beauty.

"Hey," came both of their prolonged replies.

My eyes scanned upwards over Jasper's gently sculpted face and up to the black set of goggles that sat proudly on his black, swept, mop of hair. He really had the postapocalyptic look going on.

"Nice goggles, I dig the look," I complimented earning a smile from Jasper. I also noticed the impressed look Monty gave his best friend.

From that look alone Jasper kicked into action and yanked off his goggles, offering them to me, "Wanna try them on?"

I nodded taking them from his hand. I jumped a few steps ahead and tugged them on over my wavy hair. Spinning around I struck a pose, "What do you think?"

Monty applauded and Jasper gave me a thumbs up.

"Here..." Jasper startled me as he tucked a bright purple flower behind my ear.

"What is it?" Octavia's voice carried to my ears urging me to turn around. Finn had just put a flower, like the one jasper gave me, in her hair.

"That, my friend, is poison sumac," Monty spoke.

I chuckled amused while Octavia rushed to get the beautiful flower out of her hair. I shut up quickly when she glared at me.

"The flowers aren't poisonous. They're medicinal, calming, actually." I listened intrigued at all the words that tumbled out of Monty's mouth. Safe to say, he was really smart.

I guess Jasper picked up on my interest because he spoke directly to me, "His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on the Ark."

I plucked another flower and placed both luminous flowers behind the goggles in front of my eyes. I twirled to Octavia and managed to get a laugh from her.

"Hey, Clarke!" I yelled with a grin. The blonde dug her boot into the mud and spun around with an annoyed expression. She completely skipped over the reason I called her name and began a soul draining scolding.

"Hey, guys, would you try to keep up?"

"Come on, Clarke." I whined out.

"How do you block all this out?" Finn questioned incredulously. My question exactly, how does she block out something so new and exciting?

"Well, it's simple. I wonder, 'why haven't we seen any animals?' Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty, though. Come on."

"Someone should slip her some poison sumac." Octavia mumbled.

I removed the poison sumac from the goggles and pushed them back up.

"I got to know what you two did to get busted." Finn said to Monty and Jasper.

"Sumac is not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean."

"Someone forgot to replace what they took." I interjected. I knew what they did.

"Someone has apologized, like, a thousand times.... Wait, how did you know?"

"My mum used to do some stuff with pharmaceuticals too," I brushed off Monty's quizzical stare and left it as that.

"How about you, Eden? What'd they get you for?" Jasper asked.

"Something stupid..." Images of Thompson rushed past my eyes scaring me. Instead of showing it was effecting me I pushed it away and picked up my pace; not before hearing Monty though.

"That is so not game."

We've walked for ages and it feels as if we're never going to reach Mount Weather. I've blocked out all conversations after we spoke about why we were put in Lockup. We saw a two-headed deer which scared the hell out of me but I kept a calm demeanour. Now they're all talking about why we were sent down here after ninety-seven years but I didn't care anymore. We were down here; they were up there. The end.


The brunette came quickly to my side and was stunned to silence as we marvelled at the huge expanse of water below us.

"What do you say we go for a swim?" I smirked at Octavia getting one back.

"After you."

We stripped off our jackets and trousers― well my shorts. Stood at the top of some huge, craggy boulders, I marvelled at the rough feel beneath my bare feet. It was odd but I relished in it nonetheless.

"Eden, Octavia, what the hell are you doing?" I ignored Clarke with a roll of my eyes.

I still didn't know much of what Clarke was like as a person, what I did know was that the nickname Killjoy was gonna stick. I only knew what she told us― everything that happened with her dad and why she was put in solitary. I felt bad, so I'll have to cut her some slack eventually... just not today.

I plunged into the refreshing water, followed by Octavia. The water wasn't deep at all, in fact we could stand up and it would only come up to above our waists.

"Hey, guys jump in!" I shouted, my head only above the water.

"Eden! We can't swim!" Monty's concerned voice made my heart melt.

"I know, but we can stand," I grinned back.

To prove my point Octavia stood up with water rolling down her body and her hair slicked back. We both giggled as the boys rushed to pull off their clothing and as Finn persuaded Clarke to follow.

Feeling the sun beating down on me and the water soothing my muscles, I smiled to myself. "Hey, Octavia."

When she turned to me, I splashed her with water. I couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up my throat at the look on her face.

"Eden!" She splashed me back drenching me all over again in water.

"Octavia, get out of the water!" I frowned towards Jasper, I thought he wanted to join us. Instead, now he sounded panicked and I didn't know if he was trying to frighten us or if he was joking. "Eden! Get out of the water now!"

"Ha ha, Jasper, really funny." I wasn't going to fall for his joke.

"N-no he's not joking." Octavia's frantic voice hit my ears right as I felt myself being knocked over. Her piercing scream became muffled as I fell beneath the water. Fear spiked in me, I scrambled to push myself up and breathe only to be surrounded by everyone's frantic screams.

"Eden, get to the shore!" Finn pointed over to some rocks. I made a step to move but I couldn't, I was frozen at the fact I couldn't hear Octavia's shrieks or see her anywhere. "Eden, move!"

I gasped hearing a spine-chilling scream before I could spot Octavia being dragged through the river. Adrenaline sprinted through my veins and kick started my panicked mind. I pushed through the water towards Finn and Clarke.

"Quick, grab her hand." Clarke ordered Finn as she positioned her hand on a small boulder.

Water splashed from my arm as I swiped it up towards Finn, my eyes begged for him to haul me up quickly. My fingers clasped around his forearm with an iron grip, as did his with mine. Whilst Finn attempted to pull me up, the others pushed the boulder sending ripples proliferating away.

The sudden splash scared me and I momentarily lost my slippery grip on Finn. "Fuck," I hissed as my arm scratched roughly on the rocks drawing blood.

"It worked. It let her go," Finn said surprised. I used my other arm to boost my upper body. I thought Finn had me, but the last thing I heard before I was yanked under was Jasper telling Octavia to get to the shore and my piercing shriek.

Water lashed out at me and stole my screams from my throat with a chilling ease. Whatever had a hold of me made no sign of releasing me anytime soon and that scared me immensely. I kicked out with my free leg trying my hardest to release its grip. To my dismay it moved up to my waist and coiled around me.

"Finn!" I screeched through a splutter of air. This water snake thing decided to squeeze the life out of me and it hurt like a bitch.

I watched through a hazy blur as Finn and Clarke moved away from Jasper and Octavia who were laying down drenched. Another, larger boulder tumbled into the water and I was let go.

"Eden, go! Move!"

"Monty! Note to self dude!"

I felt like a sloth. I willed myself to move faster but I knew I barely made headway. Frantic splashing caught my attention and me sigh in relief.

"Are you okay? Don't answer that, stupid question. C'mon."

With the help of Monty we made it onto the rock beside Jasper and Octavia. I was overjoyed to be out of the water and I was grateful to Monty as well as Finn― and Clarke.

"Thank you, Monty," I breathed out letting my head rest on his arm as we tried to catch our breaths.

"You saved the girl, dude." Jasper patted Monty on the back.

"I saved the girl," he agreed collapsing back. We all laughed at his response.

"I'm sorry, Eden. I shouldn't have let go."

I looked up to Finn's guilty face then rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder. "It's not your fault. I let go first and then that thing grabbed me."

He nodded but I could still see in his eyes that he felt guilty. I winced as I moved to sit up and decided to just stay laying half on Monty.

"Well since you feel guilty, Finn..." Clarke ripped a part of his shirt, "...I'll use this on Eden." Without a second to waste, Clarke wrapped the material around my arm. "It's the best I can do for now."

"Thank you," I smiled genuinely meaning the words I spoke to the blonde. Maybe I should start giving her a chance now.

"Right, let's go a bit further and then we'll find somewhere to sleep. Octavia can't last that long on her leg."

"Oh thank God I feel like I've just ran a marathon." I wheezed out getting more laughs from the others.


Free falling.

It felt extraordinary...

"Mum. Mum I don't think I can do this."

...It felt pacifying, almost soothing...

"Yes you can."

...Your heart beats fast and slow, rapid and unrushed; your mind swims into a stagnant sea to sit and wonder..

"No I can't. I need you here."

...Your body feels weightless like an itinerant vessel. You're free, you defy all laws...

"Please, baby."

...I was floated...


...I was floating...

"I'm begging you."

Then I wasn't.

I breathed in as if I'd been drowning for hours. I awoke the same every time, with a sharp intake of air and not a scream. I didn't have the energy to wake screaming anymore.

I frowned at the never-fading memory of my mum. Beautiful with glossy raven hair and the most surreal green eyes. My mother was the most beautiful person in the universe and she had a heart to match. Despite all of my flaws, she loved me, she loved her screwed up, bitchy, stupid daughter unconditionally; so I loved her right back. I loved her so much that I did what she asked me to do. What she begged me to do. And like the selfish bitch I was, I regretted it. I regretted what I did, even though I knew she was in pain and she was better off.

I felt heavy as if the Earth had been placed on top of me, and then some. I felt heavy and numb. I had to live with the burden of what I did and it messed me up inside more knowing that I did it twice.

A heavy-hearted sigh wisped over my lips. I pushed myself up careful not to wake Monty, who I was laying with although it seemed I failed already.

"Eden, what's wrong? Has something happened?"

"No no, it's nothing. Sorry for waking you. Go back to sleep."

"Something's on your mind." Monty pushed up and manoeuvred to sit beside my hunched figure.

My throat clogged up and the usual stinging pierced behind my eyes. "I- I just miss her," I whispered.


"My mum. I shouldn't have done it."

"Done what?" I knew I was confusing Monty, I was confused myself, my head was a junkyard of old things.

"You shouldn't be friends with me."

"Why?" Monty's eyes had grown to saucers.

"I did something I shouldn't have and then I did something awful."

"We all did something bad, that's why we're all down here."

"I shouldn't be. I was supposed to get floated today."

"It's your birthday? Happy Birthday Eden." Monty's warm embrace surprised me. I didn't think he'd want to comfort a babbling girl but he did and he did it fairly well. I stayed in Monty's hold appreciating it and feeling a warmth spread in my chest.

"It's your birthday?" Clarke's inquisitive voice startled me further into Monty's hold.

"Well it's probably not anymore." The sky above us showed no signs of light, only darkness.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asked confused.

"It's not something to scream about especially to people who barely know me or that I barely know."

"Well I think we should sing you happy birthday. You're eighteen and still breathing."

I scoffed, "Barely."

"Who are we singing to," Octavia's groggy voice got everyone's attention also waking up Jasper, who she was lying with.

"Eden. It is or was her birthday," Finn explained.

"Wa-hey," Jasper sat up a little straighter and was the one to kick off the little sing-song around a camp fire of glowing butterflies.

I smiled gently appreciating them singing to me and their cheesy, happy smiles. A wave of emotion washed over me, it wasn't content I don't think, ultimately I was unsure. Despite knowing these guys for only a day, I knew I took a liking to them― even Clarke. I had to remind myself it was her mother I had an issue with.


After my moment of weakness with Monty last night, I scolded myself and ordered myself to be stronger today. Monty hasn't mentioned last night yet in which I was grateful for.

My arm ached as we trekked on, Clarke had said I could take off the material tied around my forearm. She said it looked like it would stop bleeding for now and that she'd have to check it when we get back to camp. Also the bruising around my waist had caught her attention, earning me a patronizing scolding from her about not saying I was squeezed to death by the huge water snake. The response she had gotten from me: a heavy eye roll. I was fine.

"Come on, Finn. Swinging from a vine and spacewalking are pretty much the same thing," I urged the daredevil to do what he said he would and swing to the other side of the stream.

"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling," Clarke pushed.

"Mount Weather awaits."

"Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine." I'm assuming Jasper meant the highest point or something along those line.

"The apogee like the Indians, right?"

I spluttered trying to stifle my laugh at Finn.

"Apogee, not apache."

"He knows. Today, Finn." Clarke practically demanded.

"Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side."



"For God's sake. Someone swing to the other side or I'll do it myself," I whined out exasperated. I knew I would not be the first to swing over, because when I looked down from where we stood I got a bit nauseous. Heights were not my think, but this was taking way too long.

"Let me. I can do it." Jasper looked at Octavia and in that moment I understood, he liked her.

"Knew there was a badass in there somewhere."

"Heyy wait," I called against my better judgement of just getting this over with. "Here, you've gotta wear the full Jasper gear if you're gonna be a badass." I handed back Jasper's goggles.

Jasper clumsily put them back on and then prepared himself for the jump. "See you on the other side. Ha ha!"

We watched in absolute silence as Jasper's body tumbled over the rocks. I winced hoping he'd just walk it off. And he did.

"We are apogee! Yeah!" He rolled to his feet and hollered.

I laughed loudly and cupped my hands around my mouth, "Whoo! Yes, Jasper, you did it!"

Everyone bubbled with excitement, hollering and yelling to Jasper expressing their happiness.

"Let's go, Princess. You're up." I glanced over my shoulder watching the small interaction between Finn and Clarke.

"Come on, Clarke! You got this! Whoo! Apogee! We did it!" Jasper held up a huge piece of scrap metal and my eyes widened in surprise. We'd made it. "Mount Weather!"

I watched on, beside Monty, overjoyed that this trek wasn't starting to be a waste of time. We were all yelling like crazy teenagers and we were so thrilled, too thrilled, that we didn't sense any danger. Nothing seemed out-of-place, until a spear pierced straight through Jasper's chest and flung him into a tree.

My cries of delight morphed into those of horror as I watched my new friend get speared before my eyes. I heard Clarke and everyone's yells, to get back, loud and clear but I didn't move.

Monty yanked me down to take cover. The forest was silent, not even a rustle of trees or any warning signals.

"We're not alone." Clarke stated and I immediately had the urge to slap her.

"You think? Someone just threw a fucking spear into Jasper."

"We need to move," was her only response. We all fled back into the safety of the trees, running back.

Then I heard it as clear as day. Jasper's agonizing howl of pain that called to me and made me run back to where we were. He was alive! As his friends we had to go and get him back.

"Hey, hey Eden! Wait!" I ignored them all and came to a frantic stop in the opening.

He wasn't there. Jasper wasn't there anymore.

"We need to go and get him," I demanded.

Clarke stared at me. I didn't see why she wasn't making a move to go and get him. "If we're not careful we could all end up like Jasper."

I sent her a steely glare right back.

"Look, guys calm down." Finn, the voice of reason.

"Calm down. That was a huge spear, did you not see that go through Jasper." Octavia came up beside me.

"Eden's right. We need to go and get him," Monty said and I could tell this was hard for him because Jasper was his best friend.

"I know that." Clarke took a moment closing her eyes and then rolling her shoulders back. "We go back to camp and we get reinforcements."

I wanted to disagree, though I knew she was right. We didn't know who was out there and if they'd continue to be hostile. We had absolutely nothing but a small knife Finn made.

An image of Bellamy flashed in my mind, I needed to talk to him. He came down pretending to be a guard and I'm pretty sure I spotted a gun on him.

We needed Bellamy.

I nodded in understanding and took the first step back to camp. We needed to be quick otherwise Jasper could die. I didn't want that. Jasper was growing on me pretty quickly.







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