10. Something Is Coming My Way

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With the help of a nurse her and Poe's injuries were set in no time. Her arm and his ribs were on their way to be healed in about a week and a half. Jysella was given an oral painkiller while the nurse used a hypo injector to administer a stronger painkiller to Poe.

Poe was now blinking heavily at the pad that was handed to him by one of the junior ensigns. Jysella read over his shoulder. Thankfully his debrief had been pushed back three hours. The General felt that the fighter pilots earned a rest after the past few days.

Three hours wasn't much but it was all the General could offer as the Resistance would have to begin packing up the base soon.

Jysella and Poe were eternally grateful. Neither of them could have sat through a meeting right now. Poe was almost asleep standing up as she was punching in the code to his quarters. He looked dead on his feet.

'I feel it.' He replied with a grumble. BB8 bleeped in agreement as it wheeled behind them. Being a Commander, Poe had the minor luxury of having a single room. Although his room was still no larger than any of the other dorms within the base.

Poe held onto her lightly as she pulled off his boots. The painkillers were now in full effect. He collapsed onto the cot with a grunt. Jysella shuffled into the small space next to him and drifted into a dreamless sleep. BB8 stared at the two for a moment before hooking up to the charging station in the corner of the room.

They were woken up after three hours by a whistling tune and a small bump to the bed. Jysella groaned and stretched as much as the small space allowed. Poe was still drooling into his pillow. She stood up to splash her hands and face at the refresher.

The movement of the bed jarred Poe enough make him blink. He then noticed the bleeps of his droid. BB8 had picked up a message over the internal network about the status of Finn. Poe dragged himself up as he heard the beeped message. Jysella guided him as he almost put his boots on the wrong feet.

She looked at the pad terminal next to the door, there was an urgent message. Poe's debriefing was in a half hour. That should give Poe long enough to go and visit his new companion. Jysella relayed the message to him.

She brushed down her clothes and grimaced. She was still in the under clothes that she had crash landed in. She gave them a sniff and quickly changed into one of Poe's shirts that he used to work on his X-Wing. She closed her eyes as the soft cotton brushed over her face. She inhaled and hugged the shirt to her for a few moments. She slipped a pair of her trousers on that Poe had kept in one of his drawers.

His eyes roved over the fresh scars on her body as she got changed. His fingers danced near her hips. Poe smiled at her mussed hair. He gathered her hair in one hand and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to her shoulder. He began sectioning of her hair, forming a loose braid that ran from her crown to her shoulder blades. She met his eyes in the mirror above the refresher.

'You should see Finn before we head down, I'll get us some Kaff from the mess hall.' She patted the hand that rested on her shoulder. He smiled and pecked her cheek.

'Remind me why we're not married again?' The words just slipped out of him. Even though he'd known and loved her for so long, he was just as nervous as the first time he'd said, 'I love you.'

'Is this your way of asking me?' she turned to look at him, the small of her back resting on the refresher sink. The smile grew on her face. BB8 bleeped in the corner whirring around in a circle. He coughed.

'Uh buddy,' he nodded to the little droid with a look. BB8 rolled over his drawer arm flung out from his chest. Inside was a set of two ribbons in the colours of her mothers' tribes. Words were almost lost on her.

'How long have you had those?'

BB8 chirped in informing her that he had gotten them two years after they had met each other, which would have been around four months into their relationship.

Poe laughed and grabbed the two ribbons. He placed them delicately in his left palm. 'You gonna leave me hanging here 'Ell?' His eyes twinkled at her. She threw her arms around him, clinging to his form. She smirked into his jumpsuit.

'What took you so long,' she teased.

'Well you were undercover for the last few years, I haven't exactly had the chance to pop the question y'know.' He laughed. 'So how does this go again, I remember these ribbons, but not how the rest of this is supposed to go.' Poe also added hastily that they were made from Keshian cotton, so they wouldn't fray or break.

Jysella smiled and grabbed one of the ribbons. She tied the two ends together. She took her left hand in his. BB8's optics flicked back and forth, he let out a small whirr. She wrapped one half around the back of her hand and grasped the end in her fingers. She nodded as Poe did the same.

Jysella couldn't remember the exact words that were special spoken in Topwaran engagements but that didn't matter. She'd just have to paraphrase.

'I pledge and promise myself to you, by the will of the force.' Poe inclined his head, asking if he was to say the same. Jysella nodded.

'I pledge and promise myself to you, by the will of the force." Poe swallowed the lump building in his throat. Jysella placed a hand behind his neck, dipping it softly. She used her other hand to guide his own hand onto her neck. She rested her forehead softly against his. A warm feeling washed over them both. Poe was the first to speak.

'That was intense,' Jysella cracked an eye open. 'We should get married more often.' Poe chuckled lightly. BB8 whirred in agreement. Jysella stroked his neck and ran her hand through the ends of his hair. She then tied one of the ribbons onto his wrist and she motioned for him to so the same with the other. He stroked her wrist softly as he tied the cotton into a knot.

Poe then pulled out a black cord from under his shirt. The ring attached to the cord blinked as it caught the light.

Noticing the action Jysella placed a hand on his.

'Poe that was your mother's.'

'And my father gave it to me for this exact reason.' He raised an eyebrow daring her to argue with him.

He slipped the cord over her head and cupped her cheeks. He placed a firm kiss to her lips. She sighed happily as they broke away.

'I haven't felt this whole in a long time.' Poe's heart clenched. He kissed her hair. His eyes then wandered around the room. He coughed. 'So, uh do we have to consummate this marriage or...' Poe was tempted to wink at her.

'You have three cracked ribs,' she replied. 'And its tradition that the couple stay celibate for six months.' Jysella added nonchalantly as put her boots on. Poe's face dropped and rubbed his neck.

'Oh, uh, of course.' Poe nodded looking sheepish. A smile began to creep on her face. She couldn't hide her grin and she clipped her boots into place. As she caught his face she could help but let out a giggle. 'Maker! Your face!' she laughed.

'Oh, that's how it is huh.' Poe raised his eyebrows.

'I mean it's been a few years, six months isn't that long when you think about it,' she teased. They shared a laugh. Her eyes flicked to her the clock at Poe's bedside. They'd have to get a move on soon.

'I'll go and get the Kaff, see you at the debrief.' She picked him on the cheek.

She tried to send him some reassurance through the force about Finn. Though given the recent events she doubted that it helped much. He nodded to BB8 who followed on his heels. They bid each other goodbye and went their separate ways.


Jysella smiled as she saw Lieutenant Connix in the mess hall. The young woman's hair was falling out of its usual side buns. The exhaustion was clear on her face. She was typing on her pad with one hand while sipping from her Kaff. She had the beginnings of dark circles under her eyes.

Jysella grabbed two cups of Kaff and slid onto the bench across from the blonde woman.

'Captain Sarkin.' Jysella could sense that the woman wanted to stand to attention, but she restrained herself. General Organa preferred a more familiar and less rigid command structure in the Resistance. Everyone had titles and they served under a commanding officer, but salutes were something the General preferred to do without.

Connix initially had trouble with this coming to the Resistance as she came from a military background. Many other soldiers and officers who come from the New Republic forces sometimes forgot this nuance of the Resistance.

'It's good to see you Kaydel, you look..."

"- Wiped? I feel it. I heard what happened over Starkiller Base. I was in charge coordinating the Comms between you guys and the general. We were lucky to have you out there."

"You ready for the debrief?" Jysella asked looking at her wrist-chrono.

"General Organa actually gave me the evening off. I nodded off at my terminal... twice." She blushed. "I was just waiting to see Jessika before I went to my quarters. I know she's okay. I just wanted to make sure y'know."

"You and Jessika?" Jysella smiled at she put the pieces together.

"Oh, that's right you wouldn't have known. We got together about four months ago." The young woman smiled.

"Good to hear Kaydel, I'm happy for you. Enjoy your rest," Jysella nodded to her. She bid her a goodbye and made her way to the command centre.

As she turned a corner a hard-black mass rushed into her knees.

'Kayfive,' Jysella's eyes widened.

The droid greeted back her by running into her shins. She jerked away and rubbed at the sore spot.

'Glad to see you too rust bucket.'

The droid bleeped and whistled.

'I'm sorry about that Threepio can be rather full-on. But you needed someone to update your processors and input the bases' schematics.'

The droid rolled on his hydraulics in a huff.

"Look Kayfive, I'm gonna be late. Just follow me okay and try not to electrocute anyone along the way." She added as one of the droid's circuitry arms unfolded from a panel.

The droid bleeped lowly and rolled along next to her. The droid brandished the mechanical arm each time another resistance member got a little too close for comfort. K5 reminded Jysella of a wild feline.

The turned two more corners and reached the command centre which was significantly quieter than it was during the recon meeting for Starkiller base.

All eyes were set on the readouts at the centre of the holotable. Poe joined the small group with Snap moments after she entered with K5. The group consisted of Leia, C-3PO and a handful of the Generals most trusted officers. Rey and Chewbacca were also there.

Although a little orange and white droid was missing, Jysella furrowed her brow. She told Poe who expressed his concern. C-3PO chimed in stating that it would look for the smaller droid.

'Don't worry Commander I'm sure Beebee-ate I'm sure he won't have strayed too far.' The gold droid saluted Poe and trotted off.

'Any luck Admiral?' Jysella addressed Admiral Statura. General Organa had passed the map into the hands of Admiral Statura's team, hoping that they would be able to reveal more of the map. It didn't look good.

'Nothing so far,' he sighed.

Frowning at the silence Poe spoke up.

'I don't think we're gonna have any luck analysing the map. Like I said. During my interrogation Kylo Ren divulged that the map is only a segment of a whole.'

'I know Poe, but we needed to explore our options here. All of which are very limited.' Leia replied.

Poe agreed with a curt 'Ma'am'.

Rey stepped forward wearily. She cleared her throat.

'When Kylo Ren looked inside my head, I could... see into his as well somehow." She paused as reminded herself of the interrogation. She clenched her fists for a moment then looked to the General. "I saw that the First Order has it. They extracted it from the Imperial Archives.'

K5 whistled confirming that this was a likely possibility, given the sheer size and depth of the Imperial archives.

Admiral Statura made a noise of agreement. 'It's entirely plausible, taking into consideration the Empire's crusade to remove all remnants of the Jedi.'

'With Snoke at the head of the First Order we don't stand a fighting chance without Luke. This war won't end until the First Order has wiped us out of the galaxy.' Leia hunched her shoulders over and set her hands on the holotable as the looked at her officers.

She was right. Even with the recent win for the resistance, the First Order was still a fully-fledged and heavily armed military force. The resistance didn't even have half the numbers of what the First Order had. They had state of the art technology, while a good chunk of resistance tech was outdated by ten years.

All focused on the conversation at hand no one had noticed the series of small bleeps in their peripheral.

A small light had begun blinking away on a dusty, R2 unit.


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