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About 20 minutes passed and you were done showering.

You went to grab your clothes and your towel that weren't on the sink like you that you put down there.

Then thats when you realized, you left them on your bed when you were waiting for Jisung.


You opened the door just a crack to check if Jisung was anywhere in sight.

You saw him laying on his bed with his phone.

"Jisung, can you hand me my clothes and my towel?" You asked as you hearr Jisung humm im response.

"You want your clothes? You get them your self." He laughed it off.

"If i go im going to be butt ass naked." You whined abit in anger.

"Not my problem, shouldnt have been daydreaming about Hyunjin." You growled under your breath.

"I wasn- Fine ill get them myself." You covered your front and had no choice but to leave your behind visible.

You walked out, feeling the cold breeze hit your body.

Jisung looked up noticing you.

"Yah! I didnt think you'd actually come out." He got up really fast, beating you to your bed and picked up your towel and pulled you to face him, wrapping it around you.

"Im sorry, i shouldnt have been rude." He leaned over and grabbed your clothes and handed them to you.

"Your fine." You took your clothes and walked back to the bathroom, confused with the sudden change in attitude Jisung was showing.

"Wait, do you like Hyunjin?" You stopped in your tracks.

"What's it to you?" He shrugged.

"Just be careful, because the last girl he fell in love with... it didn't end well." This caught your attention and you wanted to hear more, but you were still in just a towel.

"Can we finish this conversation once I'm changed, please?" Jisung nodded and rubbed the back of his neck, realizing you were still in only just a towel.



"Hyunjin, you need to stop." Bangchan said, turning the corner of the hallway.

"Stop what?" They both stopped midhall while bangchan was looking pretty upset.

"Stop trying so hard with y/n, no one wants to wake up to find her half dressed in your bed." Hyunjin laughed at the situation, making bangchan get even angrier.

"Im sure your the only one who has a problem with it." Hyunjin rolled his eyes and turned around to continue walking.

"Im serious Hyunjin, stop or im going to make sure you do." Hyunjin stopped and turned around.

"Was that a threat?" Bangchan smirked and kept walking to his bedroom.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and continued walking to his bedroom, but on the way he was able to hear y/n talking through her door.

"If i go, im going to be butt ass naked." Hyunjin stepped closer to the door, listening in.

"Not my problem, shouldnt have been daydreaming about Hyunjin." Hyunjin laughed to himself, loving the affect he had seemed to have on y/n.

"I wasn- Fine ill get them myself." Hyunjins eyebrows rose, thinking how she's walking in there naked infront of Jisung.

Hyunjin then heard Jisungs bed creek from the sudden movement made.

"Yah! I didnt think you'd actually come out." Jisung shouted.

Hyunjin stood there for a few moments but heard nothing. He wondered what was going on, so he decided he was going to knock, but as he was about to, Jisung spoke.

"Im sorry, i shouldnt have been rude." Hyunjin started to grow confused as to which he's never actually heard Jisung apologize and sound as if he really meant it.

He heard you say it was fine and assumed you were going back to the bathroom.

"Wait, do you like Hyunjin?" Hyunjin pushed his ear closer against the door, trying to hear more.

"What's it to you?" Hyunjin thought, feisty, when he heard you speak.

"Just be careful, because the last girl he fell in love with... it didn't end well." Hyunjin started to get upset, anger started boiling within him.

"Can we finish this conversation once I'm changed, please?" Once Hyunjin heard the bathroom door shut, he knocked lightly on the door.

When Jisung opened it, Hyunjin got in his face.

"I swear to god, if you speak of Nari to y/n, Ill tell her all about Nari's bestfriend..." Jisungs heart stopped, everything slowed down.

"H- What do you mean?" Jisung worriedly asked.

"Oh you know what I mean, and I'm sure y/n would love to hear everything." Hyunjin backed away from Jisung and angrily made his way out of the bedroom, just in time for Y/n to walk out of the bathroom.

"Okay, so about Hyunjin.." Y/n continued on, as Jisung shook his head and ran out of the room, and out of the house.

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