The Great-Granddaughters of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard

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The Granddaughter and Great-Great-Granddaughter of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart, Duke of Lancaster and Duchess of Lennox Territory

Lady Charlotte Louisa Howard is the oldest daughter of Lord Patrick William Howard the fourth and Lady Charlotte Louisa Bourbon and she was born in the year of 2345, as her brother, Lord Patrick Frederick Howard was born in 2340 and she is the great-granddaughter of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart, Duchess of Lennox Territory on Star Base 12 through their son, Lord Patrick William Howard The Third who married Lady Louisa Lennox.

Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart is the oldest child and daughter of Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory and Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg and he is first maternal cousin to Lord Andrew Charles Howard through his mother, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart.

Lord Anthony and Lady Alexandrina had three children, Lord Patrick William Howard the Third in 2302, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second in 2305 and Lady Josephine Karissa Howard in 2310.

All three children marry, Lord Patrick William Howard the Third and Lord Andrew Charles Howard the Second marry in 2318 and 2317, and both have a son in 2320, Lord Patrick William Howard The IV and Lord Andrew Charles Howard the Third.

Lady Josephine Isabella Howard married Lord Charles Andrew Howard the Fifth in 2335 and their oldest daughter, Lady Charlene Andrea was born in 2340, and a second daughter, Lady Alexandrina Charlene Howard was born in 2345, and finally in 2350, Lord Charles Andrew Howard VI.

They are second cousins to Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth as they share the same great-great-great-grandparents, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third, both the sons of Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR.

You are first cousins if you share a mutual grandparents, (maternal or paternal).

You are second cousins if you share a mutual set of great-grandparents (maternal or paternal)

You are third cousins if you share a mutual set of great-great-grandparents ( maternal or paternal)

"You are fourth cousins if you share a mutual set of great-great-great-grandparent (maternal or paternal grandparents)

Your great-aunt grandchildren are your second cousins,

Your aunt's children are your first cousins.

Your second cousins' children are your second cousins once removed, and so forth.

Lady Josephine Isabella Howard is the great-great-granddaughter of Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR and Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Fifth is the great-great-grandson of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior, and they are the second cousins, through their great-grandfathers, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third and Lord Andrew Charles Howard, and their sons, Lord Anthony Christopher and Lord Charles Andrew Howard The fourth.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth is also the great-great-great-grandson of Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Senior and so is Lady Charlene Andrea Howard and they are third cousins.

So is Lady Edwina Wihelmina Howard who is also the third cousin of Lord Andrew Charles Howard The fourth.

Lady Jeanette Virginia Carey has been singled out by her grandmother, Lady Isabella Karissa Carey and her mother, Lady Jeanette Virginia Carey.

So, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The fourth has three potential brides who are all his third cousins- Lady Edwina Wihelmina Howard, Lady Charlene Andrea Howard or Lady Charlotte Louisa Howard.

One still hasn't been presented to Lord Andrew Charles Howard the Third and his son, and she won't appear until 2363, and her name is Lady Josephine Isbella Stuart, the heiress to The Earldom of Moray on Star Base 10.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard The fourth makes a courtesy call to his first cousin twice removed, Lord Patrick William Howard the Fourth and he meets his second cousin, Lady Charlotte Louisa Howard and he spends time with her and he is often seen in Lennox Territory where he is his father's heir to the Dukedom of Lennox Territory which is south-east of Norfolk Territory on Star-Base 12.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard the Fourth also travels to Pembroke Territory to see his aunt, Lady Josephine Karissa Howard who became Marchioness of Pembroke Territory in 2330 and she marries Lord Andrew Charles Howard The fourth second cousin, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Fifth in 2335, and they have Lady Charlene Andrea named for paternal great-great-grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The third in 2340, and their second daughter, Lady Alexandrina Charlene is named for her maternal grandmother, Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart is born in 2345, and their son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard the Sixth is born in 2350, and he is named for his paternal great-great-grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third.

Naturally, Lord Andrew Charles Howard the IV favors his paternal side of the family over his maternal side of the Family which is the House of Bourbons or Stuart.

Lord David Robert Stuart had a brother, Lord David Alexander Stuart who settles on Star Base 10 and he becomes The Earl of Moray of Star Base 10, and he has a great-great-great-great great-granddaughter, Lady Josephine Isabella Stuart through is great-great-great-great-grandson,Lord Jerome Alexander Stuart, and his wife, Lady Florence Clara Craven who is the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Lord Archibald Craven and Lady Lily Lennox and their son, Lord Colin Craven who marries his maternal first cousin, Lady Mary Lennox and through their son, Lord Albert Colin Craven.

Lord Albert Colin Craven is Earl Craven on Star Base 10 and he has a son, Lord George Grimmel Craven and he has son, Lord William Craven who has a daughter, Lady Florence Clara Craven and she married Lord Jerome Alexander Stuart, Earl of Moray on Star Base 10 in 2343 and their daughter, Lady Josephine Isabellla Stuart in born in 2347.

Lady Josephine Isabella Stuart is a distant cousin to Lord Alexander Charles Howard through Lord Robert David Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory through his younger brother.

Lady Josephine Isabella Stuart is blonde, blue eyed, and she is strong-willed, bold, and when she is presented to both Lady Victoria Elizabeth and Lord Andrew Charles in 2363, Lady Victoria Elizabeth looks at her husband "Oh no. Our great-great-grandmother has returned in the way of Lady Josephine Isabella Stuart." Lady Victoria exclaims.

By this time, Lady Elizabeth, Lord Anthony have both passed away, and they call upon their great-aunt, Lady Samhain, Lady Sophia Dorothea, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann and Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Albert Edward and Lord Benjamin Lawrence and Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The II " Did our great-great-grandmother ever leave Star-Base 12?" Lady Victoria Elizabeth asks.

Lady Caroline Matilda looks at her husband, Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II and he answers " I don't think so. It was my father who presented your great-great-grandmother to your great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR in 2274 and then a rivalry started between Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Lord Richard William Carey." Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The Second explains.

"It was your great-uncle that introduced me to your great-aunt much to the delight of your great-great-grandmother and your third cousin three times removed." Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The Second explains.

"I grew up with your great-uncle." Lord Kevin Thomas Riley the Second says with tears in eyes, " He was my best friend."

"I never thought we would lose your great-grandmother and great-uncle in the same year." Lord Kevin Thomas Riley The II states.

Lord Jerome Alexander walks in with his daughter, Lady Josephine Isabella on his arm and she is presented to her new family and it is Lady Caroline Matilda that looks at her " Lord Albert Edward and Lady Samhain. She looks like mom."

"I will take that a compliment. I heard a lot about your late mother on Star Base 10 and how she helped pave the way for sisters and daughters to inherit the titles and property of their fathers." Lady Josephine Isabella tells Lady Caroline Matilda and Lady Samhain, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann, and Lady Sophia Dorothea.

"I would love to hear more about her." Lady Josephine Isabella asks them.

"There is a lot to tell." Lady Samhain explains, " Our mother had five daughters and three sons."

"I am her oldest surviving daughter, and Lord Albert Edward is her oldest surviving son." Lady Samhain explains, "Her second surviving daughter is Lady Caroline Matilda and her youngest surviving son is Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, and these are her two babies, Lady Sophia Dorothea and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard." Lady Samhain tells Lady Josephine Isabella.

"Lady Karissa is her oldest granddaughter, and Lady Patricia Eugenie is second oldest granddaughter, and Lady Victoria Elizabeth and Lady Edwina Wihelmina are her oldest great-granddaughters." Lady Samhain states.

"Her oldest grandson is Lord Richard Edward Howard The Fourth and Lord Alexander Andrew Howard." Lady Samhain explains.

"Lady Isabella Karissa Carey is her third oldest granddaughter." Lady Samhain explains.

"After that it gets complicated as many of her grandchildren were born in 2305." Lady Samhain explains.

"As many of her great-grandchildren were born in 2320, starting with Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third, Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard, Lord Patrick William Howard The Fourth, Lady Jeanette Virginia Howard, Lady Jeanette Virgnina Carey and two of her grandchildren, Lady Charlene Andrea Howard and Lady Edmee Georgiana Howard." Lady Samhain states.

"We are the descendants of Lord Patrick William Howard, Lord John Carey, Lord Edmund Beaufort, Lord David Robert Stuart." Lady Samhain states " We had one great mother, Lady Karissa." Lady Caroline Matilda tells her.

"You see her great-great-great-great-grandson now, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The fourth standing in front of you. You couldn't have picked a better match." Lady Samhain states.

Lady Victoria Elizabeth looks at Lord Jerome Alexander and she says " We have to establish the succession?"

"Lord Andrew Charles The Third and I have agreed that their first child regardless of the sex would inherit the Earldom of Moray and their second child would inherit the dual Dukedoms of Lancaster and Norfolk." Lord Jerome Alexander tells her.

"Didn't you hear that my son has given the Dukedom of Lancaster to his younger sister, Lady Victoria Susan?" Lady Victoria asks.

"Lord Andrew Charles Howard the Fourth will only inherit Norfolk plus Westminster from his great-great-grandfather." Lady Victoria Elizabeth tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third, Lady Victoria Elizabeth with Lord Jerome Alexander and Lady Florence Clara agree to allow their two children marry each other in 2365, and 11 months later Lord Jerome Alexander Howard is born in 2370, Lord Andrew Charles Howard the Sixth is born and Lady Josephine Isabella Howard in 2375.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth has his hands full with Lady Josephine Isabella as she is just like his great-great-grandmother, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard-Carey nee Lowell.

Lady Victoria Elizabeth watches her daughter-in-law take control of her wayward son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fourth.

By this time, Lady Caroline Matilda has also died, and so has Lady Samhain, and only Lord Albert Edward Howard, Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Lady Sophia Dorothea and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard; her four youngest children are alive, but most of her great-grandchildren are still alive in 2375.

It has been 100 years since Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell married Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady

Elizabeth would be 100 years old, but Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and Lord Richard Edward Howard The third are the great-grandparents of Lord Andrew Charles Howard IV and so was Lord Anthony Christopher Howard and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart.

Lady Victoria Susan Howard born in 2350 is married in 2378 to Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Sixth and they have a daughter, Lady Karissa Victoria Howard in 2380, a son, Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Seventh is born in 2385 and finally in 2390, a second son, Lord Frederick Andrew Howard.

By this time, Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey have passed away and only Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, Lady Karissa's youngest daughter is still alive.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann, and her niece, Lady Karissa Ann were both born in 2295, and they are nearly 70 years old and they both passed away in 2390 at the age of 90.

Both Lady Victoria Elizabeth and Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third pass away in 2400 and Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Fifth their grandson, becomes Duke of Norfolk Territory as his father, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The fourth predeceases him in 2379.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard the fifth and his brother, Lord Jerome Alexander Howard, had daughters, Lady Athena Isabella Howard in 2390 and Lady Florence Clara Howard in 2395, and they both govern The Earl of Moray and Duke of Norfolk.

They are the eighth generation descendants of Lord Patrick William Howard who arrived on Star Base 12 on April 30, 2159 from Pre World War Three Planet Earth. 

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