History Repeats Itself In 2274

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History Repeats Itself In 2274

Once again, history repeats itself in 2274, for two of the great-grandson of Lord Frederick William Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk Territory and it is between his great-grandsons, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and his second cousin, Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory on Star Base 12.

Both are 24 years old when Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell arrives from Post World War Three Planet Earth and she is on the arm of Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and on his other arm is Susan Virginia Bell and walking by Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell is Katherine Grace Kelly.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR is present at the beam down point in Bedford Territory with his nephew, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second, great-nephew, Lord David William Beck, his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles and his first cousin twice removed, Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory.

There is no love lost between Lord Richard Willliam Carey and his second cousin, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second, but he does care for Lord Frederick William Howard The Third and Lord Thomas William Howard , Duke of Northumberland Territory, and there is no love lost between Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and Lord Andrew Charles Howard, but Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and Lord Richard William Carey are good friends on Star Base 12.

Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley walks up with Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell on his left arm and on his right arm is Susan Virginia Bell and on Karissa's side is Katherine Grace Kelly.

Lt Kevin Thomas Riley bows and he presents Karissa, Susan and Katherine to Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior and to his nephew, grand-nephew, two first cousins twice removed, and his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles.

OH Heavens! Lord Andrew Charles Howard is starry eyed when he sees Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell on the arm of his foe, Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley, and his first cousin, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second is starry eyed when he sees Susan Virginia Bell and so does their first cousin, Lord David William Beck when he sees Katherine Grace Kelly.

Lord Andrew Charles nudges his father " Hey father. Introduce me to the blonde hair one." Lord Andrew Charles asks his father.

"I am sorry. This is my youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, and this is my nephew, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second, my grand-nephew, Lord David William Beck and this my first cousin twice removed, Lord Richard William Carey Duke of Bedford Territory and my first cousin twice removed, Lord Thomas William Howard, Duke of Northumberland Territory." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells Karissa, Susan, and Katherine.

Karissa looks at Kevin " Kevin. Katherine, Susan and I are tired. Can you please find out if one of these gentlemen will carry us out to Madame Boarding House." Karissa asks.

"Lord Richard William. May I ask you to see Karissa, Katherine and Susan at Madame's Boarding House." Kevin asks.

"My pleasure Kevin." Lord Richard William tells Kevin Riley and with Lord Richard William Carey. They carry the suitcases to Lord Richard William Carey's carriage and Kevin and Lord Richard William Carey help Katherine, Susan and Karissa into Lord Richard William carriage and Kevin watches it start on its way to Madame in Bedford Territory.

Kevin looks at Lord Andrew Charles " Hands of them, Lord Andrew Charles or you and I will rumble." Kevin threatens him.'

"They are not here for your kinsmen and you to get your filthy hands on." Kevin tells him " They are not aristocrats."

"Don't tell me what to do, Kevin Thomas Riley." Lord Andrew Charles threatens him.

"I don't have to threaten you, Lord Andrew Charles Howard. Lord Richard William doesn't care much for Lord Richard Edward The Second or you." Kevin tells him.

"I see Lord Patrick William Howard the Second a far better man than you will ever be, and Lord Charles Andrew Howard The Third has far more potential than you have." Kevin tells him.

"Even Lord Frederick William Howard The Third and Lord Thomas William Howard are far better than you ever be. " Kevin tells him and he starts to walk away with Lord Andrew Charles Howard red in face.

Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second are the best of friends and they are each other's allies and they set off to win Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and Susan Virginia Bell.

Lord Andrew Charles devised a plan where his cousin and he can meet Karissa and Susan, but it backfires in their face with them both being rejected the first three times.

Lord Andrew Charles tells his father " I have found the woman I want to marry." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father and "so has Lord Richard Edward Howard the Second."

"Oh! Is that so Lord Andrew Charles?" Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior asks his son.

"Father. I am going to marry Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell and we will give you your heir/heiress." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second will marry Susan Virginia Bell and they will give us our spare heir/heiress until Karissa and I have our second child." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Andrew Charles Howard. A second child becomes The Duke/Duchess of Clarence Territory." Lord Charles Andrew Junior tells his son.

"Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second child will be heir/heiress presumptive as your child will be heir/heiress apparent." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior states.

"Actually if you succeed in this. You will become the next Duke of Norfolk according to your grandfather's Act of Succession, and your child will be your successor, and only if your child has no children, will Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second succeed your child and then his child." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior states.

"I will alter it,father. My first-born child, their children, my second child, their children, and so forth and then it will revert back to the brother who gives you your next grandchild, and their children, and my other brother and his children, then my sister, Lady Patricia Charlene and her children, Lady Charlotte Augusta and her children, Lord Richard Edward Howard the Second and his children, Lord Frederick William Howard the second and his child, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and his grandson and his children, followed by Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and her grandson, Lord Richard Willliam Carey and his children, and finally Lord Edwin William Howard and his grandson, Lord David William Beck and his children." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"I don't care what my old stingy grandfather wrote back in 2240, before he died." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Do you know what Lord Alexander Charles told me about our maternal grandfather? He was just like my paternal grandfather. Stingy and greedy and neither cared if their children were happy." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Lord Alexander Charles told me that they should have married each other because misery loves company." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"I am sure that your cousin, Lord Alexander Charles would know more about your maternal grandfather who is his paternal grandfather." Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR states.

"I didn't love my father but I respected and feared him as did my brothers and sister." Lord Charles Andrew Junior states.

"I know that your uncle and mother felt the same way towards your maternal grandfather." Lord Charles Andrew Junior states.

"I know that Lord James Alexander didn't love his father. He feared him but I don't know if he respected him as he was made to marry a woman that he didn't love and they had your first cousin,Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, and his sister, Lady Jemina Alexandra Stuart." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior tells his son.

"Lord James married Lady Janet Flemming in 2249, and they didn't consummate their marriage until 2250, and it was that on the evening that Lord Alexander Charles was conceived." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells his son.

"The next time they slept together was in 2255 with the conception of Lady Jemina Alexandra." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior states.

"I was lucky with your mother as she agreed with me to have separate living suites and the only time we would see each other was to have another child together and we had good luck everytime we came together." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior tells his son.

"I won't be separated from my wife." Lord Andrew Charles states " I am marrying for love and not to supply my great-great-grandfather with a lot of descendants."

"I will do my duty to him as I have been taught." Lord Andrew Charles states. " There is only one woman for me and her name is Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell." Lord Andrew Charles declares.

"I hope she feels the same way towards you, Lord Andrew Charles. A broken heart is not easily mended." Lord Charles Andrew Howard Junior states.

Lord Andrew Charles doesn't care about rules or the prime directive established by his great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard and the other Lords and The United Federation of Planets in 2165.

He sets out in the Howard carriage to Bedford Territory to see Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell at Madame Boarding House, but when he gets there he is greeted rather coolly by Karissa.

"What brings you out to Madame Boarding House from Norfolk Territory?" Karissa asks Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

"You do, Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I do. How very interesting." Karissa answers.

"I think we would be perfect together. " Lord Andrew Charles tells Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell.

"How so, Lord Andrew Charles. I am not an aristocrat. " Karissa tells him " I don't wish to become one."

"I am perfectly happy being a commoner." Karissa tells him " But where I come from there were no titles or property and no Lords and Ladies and no pre-arranged marriages and no dowry exchanged." Karissa tells him.

"I don't come with a dowry or a fancy title." Karissa answers, " I know what you are hunting for and be warned right now. If I even consider it. I will raise our children the way I see fit and no one dares tell me how to raise our children.." Karissa tells him.

"Our children will not be raised by a nanny or governess. " Karissa tells him " As I don't believe in such utter nonsense."

"No younger son or brother will ever replace our oldest daughter or sister." Karissa tells him.

"I will tell you to take your sorry ass back to the high price parochial school where you graduated from and retake Biology once again." Karissa states.

"Save your fancy titles for someone who cares to have them." Karissa tells him.

"So! You will give me a chance." Lord Andrew Charles asks her.

"I will consider it and I will give you my answer later on and Susan asked me to relay the same message to sorry ass first cousin, Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second." Karissa tells him.

"Katherine on the other hand will deliver her own message to your other sorry cousin.'' Karissa tells him.

"Please excuse me, Lord Andrew Charles. It is lunchtime, but if you like you may join us." Karissa tells him.

Susan looks at Karissa " Did you tell him what I said?" Susan asks.

"I gave Lord Andrew Charles your message to give to his first cousin." Karissa tells her.

"How dare they think we are breeding mares for their sorry ass family?" Susan retorts.

"Why are the women here so ugly here? That they can't find one of their own to marry." Susan asks.

"I have no clue." Karissa admits " Maybe they have already had them all and they were just cheap thrills to them."

"I am no courtesan." Susan retorts " I will not become any Lord's mistress."

"We should have settled on Star Base 10." Susan tells Karissa.

"It is too late to ask to be relocated to Star Base 10, but what if it is no different from Star Base 12, and then what?" Karissa asks.

"What about Star Base 8?" Susan asks.

"I will ask Kevin what he knows about Star Base 8 next time I see him." Karissa tells Susan.

"There is Rigel Seven." Susan states.

"I will ask Kevin what he knows about Rigel Seven?" Karissa promises.

Madame asks everyone to sit down at the table and everyone eats lunch together and polite conversation is passed through and Susan looks at Lord Andrew Charles and she tells him " Tell your cousin I am not for sale."

"Mademoiselle Susan. My cousin is an honest gentleman and he loves you." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"My name is Susan. I don't care if he is honest or not." Susan states " I AM NOT FOR SALE and NOR WILL I BE HIS DAMN MISTRESS."

"Tell him to take his aristocratic ass somewhere else or I will have no recourse but to relocate to Star Base 10." Susan states "I will take Katherine and Karissa with me. Your other sorry cousin and you will never see us again."

"We didn't travel how many light years away from Post World War Three Planet Earth to become the wives of some sorry aristocrats that don't care for their own kind. " Susan retorts.

"Do you know what it is to travel four years on board a Starship and have to leave the Planet you were born on and start anew?" Susan asks Lord Andrew Charles.

"No Mademoiselle Susan, but my great-great-grandfather did." Lord Andrew Charles admits.

"That was your great-great-grandfather and you are not your great-great-grandfather as I suspect that your great-grandfather, father, and father were all born here." Susan tells him.

"Come Karissa and Katherine. Let us go upstairs and play our records and think of the good old times before we had to come to this Star-Base." Susan tells them and Karissa and Katherine follow Susan and they leave Lord Andrew Charles standing by himself. 

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