Chapter 51

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Francy's p.o.v

I was leaned back on one chair with my feet up on the other, baking outside on the garden patio of my home.

Kai was in the shade, reading a book and swirling the glass in his hand, clinking the ice in his cold brew coffee.

"Give me a sip.." I told him and leaned over the table.

Kai passed me the glass, immersed in his book and I took a sip through the straw. It was a bit bitter, but ah... so nice and cold.

"I think we should get a pool." Rehan walked out to join us barefoot and dropped down over the short green grass.

He laid there like a little kid enjoying the sun.

"I second that." I waved a hand over my face. The sun was getting hotter and hotter.

"Where do I sign?"Kai joined in taking a sip from his coffee.

"We need Ace to agree too and then we go to mom and dad." Rehan put a hand over his eyes to look at me. "Where is he anyway?"

I threw my head back in a satisfied laugh. "Since he's not back home since yesterday, I can only assume he's still there."

"Where?" Rehan asked curiously.

Kai didn't ask, but he did not flip the next page of his book either.

"He's with Sole."

"He finally went after her?" Rehan jumped on his feet happily.

Kai shut the book closed and turned towards me. "No way."

"Yes, way." I almost spilled everything when I saw Rehan shaking his head.

Suddenly dad walked out carrying a huge watermelon. Mom rushed outside after him and ran to get the hose.

"We could just cut it and put it in the fridge," Kai complained.

"Where's the fun in that?" Rehan said and got up to help.

"That's the right spirit in this family," Dad said as he put the watermelon down.

"Plus when you cut it and eat it right away it tastes best," I added.

Dad smiled and pointed at me. "Go help the helper."

"What helper?" I asked.

I turned around and saw Elric carrying a plastic laundry bin for the watermelon.

"Elric!" I ran over to him excitedly and hugged him from his back. "When did you get here?"

"Eheee.I said help. No distracting him." Dad complained and I let him go immediately.

"Sorry." I gave Elric a cute smile and he just winked.

Dad turned on the hose and then handed it to Eric to keep cooling the watermelon in the little plastic laundry bin.

"Where's Ace?" Dad asked.

In the same moment, each and every one of us came up with an excuse.

"He's working," Elric said

"He went out." I said

"He's with a girl." Rehan laughed

"He is at the gym." Kai added

Mom started laughing and dad then took the hose from Elric. "Alright. Which one of you didn't lie?"

I looked at Rehan but he stayed with a blank expression. Ah, he was such a loyal baby. If it was me I'd stab everyone in the back.

Dad smiled. " Alright. If that's how it's going to be."

He started spraying everyone with the hose.

I screamed running to get my phone and Kai shoved the book under the table trying to hide.

Rehan stayed where he was getting splashed all over, while Elric was still dry.

Dad glance at him and then while Elric thought he was gonna be safe dad brought the hose up and splashed Elric all over.

I laughed so hard, but as I tried to run away I slipped on the wet grass, falling on my ass. Everyone broke into a burst of even bigger laughter.

Dad turned his hose towards me again. I shut my eyes so water can't get in. The splash was so cold.

"Heeeelp." I screamed and Kai just grabbed my arm from underneath the table and tried to pull me.

I was slipping through his fingers and I was barely hanging on. The water was getting in my mouth and eyes.

"Hang on!" Kai was risking his life over here to drag me under the table.

Dad was laughing so hard he was no longer controlling the hose anymore and Rehan was getting splashed again, only he was making water angels in the pool of water he was laying in.

Kai used this opportunity to save me and drag me under the table where we were safe under the table covers.

"Thanks." I coughed out water and Kai just waved his hand. "Don't mention it."

"I hope my phone is alive." I pushed my wet hair back trying to get up.

After the little hose party was over, we all sat down around the garden table to eat the watermelon.

"Now, I ask seriously. Where is Ace?" Dad placed the rest of the watermelon pieces on the table.

"He is with my friend." I cleared my throat.

The sun was already drying all my clothes.

"What friend?" Mom's attention was on me.

"Umm Sole." I answered innocently.

Mom gasped. "The pretty painter. He actually charmed her?"

Dad smiled proudly. "He gets it from me."

Mom scoffed. "Obviously it's from me. I'm the one who got Dr. Handsome as my husband."

Mom always liked joking around that while she was more of brains than face, she was skilled enough to get the hottest doctor in the hospital also known as Dr. Handsome, whom I knew as dad.

Dad was about to take a bite of the watermelon and brought it down with an insulted look on his face. "Excuse me? I worked my ass off to pursue you. You didn't want to have anything to do with my handsome face."

I laughed and tried to change the topic. "But he is gonna stay there for few days."

"What about the competition?" Kai asked.

Oh right. I looked at Elric. He was suddenly worried.

"Why don't you call Sole over? She can stay here for few days." Mom said. "I want to meet her."

"Me too." Rehan added.

"Really?" I got up excited. "I'll call her."

I ran inside.

I pulled out my phone and ran inside to make the call. Ace was probably at the house, so I called the home phone there.

"Hello?" Ace answered.

"Care to share some news?" I teased.

He chuckled over the phone. "We'll gossip in person. I'm cooking lunch right now."

"You cooking lunch?" I laughed.

"Well helping.." He cleared his throat.

"Is it Francy?." I heard Sole's voice.

"Awwww...You got together." I squealed over the phone. "Quickly pass her on."

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it." I pleaded.

He handed her the phone and I could hear her.."She asked for me .. hi?"

"Sole, it's Francy."

"Hi Francy" She answered with slight enthusiasm.

"Quick question. How would you like to come over here for few days? I'd love to have you over. You can come back with Ace. Would that be a problem?"

"I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me." She answered.

"Yesss." I screamed happily and Ace got on the phone.

"What just happened?"

"I invited Sole to come over here for few days so get home and bring her over."

"That is the best idea you ever had."  He said something to Sole and then focused back on the phone. "By the way don't tell mom and dad . They'll make a big deal out of it."


"You told them?" He reprimanded me. "Francy."

"You were gone 2 days and Elric is here. They got suspicious so we all made up different lies and we got caught lying. Sorry."

"Fine. I'll prepare mentally."

"When are you coming home?

"We'll come home tomorrow. I'll call you again cause I'm busy now. Bye."

 I smiled in amusement."Alright. Byeee."

I got back outside and saw Elric laughing with the rest of my family. He looked so happy and exactly as if he belonged here.

I pressed my hands together and closed my eyes. If you're up there god, please let me marry him one day.



We were all impatiently waiting in the living room. It was around 11 am and my parents, my brothers, Remi Elric and I were all waiting for Sole and Ace to arrive.

They called this morning to tell us, they'll head out earlier so we were all up and getting preparation's done as soon as possible.

Dad and Elric went to buy food. Kai and Rehan were cleaning the house, while mom and I were fixing up the guest room.

The front door suddenly open and I was the first one to get up and run over.

"Sole!" I screamed as I saw her and tossed myself over her for a hug.

She looked so cute, wearing a long blue skirt and a white plain shirt on top. There was a fashionable summer hat on top of her head.

"I missed you." She tapped my back gently.

Remi showed up right behind me and hugged Sole with equal enthusiasm. Ace walked in carrying Sole's luggage and few wrapped paintings under his arm.

I helped him carry them inside.

"Gifts." Ace explained.

"For the inlaws?" I laughed and he shook his head.

"Laugh all you want. You're going down that road first."

"I beg to differ." I smiled and glanced at Remi. "Kai never takes second place in anything. He's going first."

"Touche." Ace chuckled.

Mom and Dad were smitten with Sole.

Even though Sole was very passive and almost unenthusiastic about anything she was always polite and with a straight posture in front of elders.

She then went to greet Elric and Kai.

Rehan approached her and shook her hand. "I'm Rehan."

Sole took his hand and glanced down at it. "I like your bracelet."

"Which one?" Rehan asked.

Rehan loved wearing bohemian jewelry like handmade bracelets and necklaces.

"This one." Sole pointed at one with blue stones.

"That one is called Oceanic Wonderer." He touched the stones. "It's a macrame wrap bracelet with blue agate and jasper."

"It's pretty." She had a huge grin on her face and touched the little stones.

Mom tugged me on the side as soon she saw her smiling. "She's too beautiful. Like a doll."

"I know." I whispered.

"Imagine my grandchildren." Her eyes glistened in excitement.

"Woah there." I waved a hand in front of her face. "Let's not scare of the guest. She's just a guest. You know nothing."

"Alright, alright." She raised her hands defeated. "But don't let my mom see her. She's a sucker for pretty faces. She took one look at your father and told me if I don't marry him, she'd write me off the will."

Yep. Sounded like grandma.

"Got it." I saluted her and then went to join in the fun.

Breakfast was served not long after. We gathered around the dining room table and shared memories while eating.

"Francy used to love drawing as a kid." Dad bragged. "She used to color on all the walls, the floors the bathroom piles. It was exhausting to clean it, but she was just too cute I couldn't stop her."

"I still keep so many of her drawings." Mom said.

"I've never seen any." Remi said.

"If you have any respect for me, my friend, you probably don't want to see them," I told her. While I was very crafty with jewelry and other DIY things, drawing was not my strong suit.

"Is there anything you want to do after high school?" Sole asked me.

"I want to go to art school. I want to be a glassblower." I answered proudly.

Mom and dad were silent.

"Glassblower?" Dad asked.

A year ago I wouldn't have dared to say a word about it, but lately, I was so confident thanks to the people around me supporting me and I was proud of all my accomplishments this summer.

"Yes." I turned towards dad. "I have tons of ideas about after art school but my main interest is glassblowing."

"That's amazing." There was a big grin on dad's face. "Have you considered which school?"

I was suddenly so excited I could burst with happiness. I did not expect this heartfelt reaction and the emotions coming over me.

Elric gave me a supportive hand squeeze under the table.

"I have few. I'll tell you both later." I smiled.

Dad nodded in agreement and focused back on his food.

After breakfast, I showed Sole around the house and we sat down in the garden for some coffee.

"Can I see those old drawings now?" Sole asked

"Yes please," Remi begged.

"They're probably stuck somewhere with the rest of the old things," I complained. I really did not want to show them my scribbles.

"Please.." Sole begged too.

"Okay. Fine." I sighed and got up. "I'll go and find them. If my coffee gets watery from the ice, I'll blame both of you."

I went past the living room where the guys were all gaming in front of the TV. Even Kai and Rehan.

Without distracting them I ran to mom and dad's room where they kept the family albums.

After going over everything and still couldn't find them I figured they might have brought them in the attic.

Ugh, I really hated going over old stuff there. There were always some spiderwebs over the old boxes.

But for the sake of Sole and Remi, I walked up to the attic and headed towards the corner with the boxes.

It was so hot and stuffy in this part of the room.

I covered my mouth and with the other hand I tugged out one heavy box.

After going through few, I finally found one that seemed it could contain my childhood drawings.

I took out the papers and as I brushed through them, one of the paper stacks slid out from the pile and as I lifted it, another small piece of paper fell out of it.

Confused I picked it up and took a look at it. There was a bunch of stuff numbered with handwriting I couldn't recognize. There was a red stain and a partial fingerprint on the red stain.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that looked like dried blood.

I finally glanced at the papers and it said adoption papers. With my name on it.

I clenched the document in my hand and instantly turned it over.

Did I want to know? Oh god, what do I do? Why is this here?

I glanced at the rest of the things. Kai's Rehan's and Ace's adoption papers weren't here. Why was only mine here?

A little rush of anxiety went through me. I can't handle this. I can't think.. What do I do?

I rushed back downstairs skipping the last few steps of stairs breathless.

Ace turned around confused. "You okay?"

I stood there frozen. "I... I.."

Cold swear slid down my neck. I felt a bit nauseated too.

Elric paused the game and they all turned towards me.

"I.." I looked at all of them. "I need to call a family meeting. Right now! "

Lucy's p.o.v

Remi, Sole and I sat in the living room in complete silence. They were gone for a good half an hour.

Kai, Rehan Ace and Francy had locked themselves in the attic and we had no idea what had happened.

Francy looked very pale. Worry went over me. What could have happened?

"I don't get it. One minute she went to go and search for her old drawings, the next minute she calls a family meeting." Remi sighed. "Family meetings are rarely done this abruptly and especially when there are people over."

She looked at me. "How much do you know?"

I sunk back into the couch. "I only know about the family law and the family court with its history. But nothing else."

"It must be serious." Remi rubbed her palms nervous.

"Whatever it is, I'm glad they have each other to talk about it." Sole said and gave us a comforting smile. "They watch out for each other so even if it's something serious, they will handle it together."


Francy's p.o.v

We were sitting in a circle with the document in the middle of it. We were staring at it for quite some time now.

It was hot in the attic, but the tips of my fingers were cold.

"Are you sure none of ours were there?" Kai asked.

"Yes. Only this was there."

"And this paper fell out of it?" Rehan asked holding the paper with numbered things.


"Do you want to open the documentes and find out about your biological parents?" Kai finally asked.

I laid down on the floor dramatically. "I don't know. I want to know but also don't want to know. I'm excited, but also scared. Nothing good will come out of reading this." I rose up. " Plus it won't change the fact that mom and dad are my mom and dad and you are my brothers."

"Of course." Ace came over and hugged me. "That fact stays. Always. But curiosity can sometimes get the best of us. Sometimes what's best for us is knowing about it even if it's hard. So let's go talk to mom and dad." He rushed me trying to get up.

I tugged him down. "Ace.. do you know something about this?"

He looked away.

"Ace?" I circled around him so he can face me. "What do you know?"

He covered his mouth and then let out a shaky breath. "I know something, but I shouldn't be the one to tell you. You really should read it yourself or talk to mom and dad."

I covered my eyes. "But...But I feel so stupid asking mom and dad about this. What if they get sad? Insulted? Angry? I mean this was hidden away here? Maybe it's something horrible? Is it something horrible?"

"I.." Ace hugged me and comforted me. "It's not what you might expect. Like I said I can't be the one telling you this. I only found out by accident and I swore to mom and dad I'd never tell you. I'm so sorry."

I rubbed his back. "It's okay. If it's a promise you don't have to tell me."

"Let's just ask. We'll be there with you." Rehan crawled over and took my hands in his. " We will hold your hand like this the whole time if we need to."

"What if it's something  I regret hearing and wanna stop listening?" I suddenly felt scared.

Kai suddenly got up and then kneeled in front of me. "If it's anything hurtful and you don't want to hear it anymore we will drop it until you're ready. But if you don't want to hear anything at all, then no one will ever open this topic again. I'll make sure of it. I'll write it down in

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