Part VI - Christmas Gifts

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Through the rush of being home for the holidays, Imogen nearly forgot about what happened last time she visited.  The whole Jack being run over, and her flipping out at Fiona were all blurred in her memory.  All she cared about was being home for the holidays.  She sat by the tree, watching as her dog tore up a toy she had gotten her for Christmas.  The doorbell rang.  Imogen was quite alarmed at first, but stood up and went to answer it.  "Who could be visiting on Christmas?" She thought to herself.  She opened the door, and was faced with a very merry Fiona Coyne.  She was dressed up like Santa Clause, and even had a fake beard.  She had a huge sack that looked full slung over her back.

 "HO HO HO!" She exclaimed, "Merry Christmas little girl!"

 "Wow...  You look ridiculous." Imogen said, as she started to laugh.

 "You see this bag?" Fiona asked.

 "Yeah.  What did you fill it with, balloons?" Imogen asked.

 "Nope, they're filled with presents, all for Imogen Moreno." Fiona replied.

 "All of them?" She asked, slightly concerned.

 "Listen Imogen, I love you more than anything in the world.  If you're still mad fine, but nothing you say or do will ever make me let go of my feelings for you.   That's why I got you all of these, to show you that I care about you, a lot." Fiona explained, handing Imogen the sack.

 "What are all of these?" Imogen asked.

 "I never saw a good portion of the world, so I remembered all of the countries you wanted to see, and over the last few months I visited every single one and tried to find something you'd like." Fiona answered.

 "There's dozens in here!  You went through all of that trouble for me?" Imogen asked.

 "I'd do anything for you!" Fiona exclaimed, as she through her arms around Imogen.

 "Why'd you only hug me?" Imogen asked, pushing Fiona away and giving her the, kiss me now, look.  And Fiona responded to that look with a, you got it, look.  And that's exactly what happened.  It had been too long since Imogen had last kissed a girl, even longer than when she last kissed Fiona.  As Fiona pulled away Imogen said,

 "I thinks that's the best gift you could get me." 

 "Trust me Imogen, I can give you much better." Fiona flirtatiously replied.

After that Christmas Fiona moved near Imogen's campus, and they spent every second possible together.  Fimogen started again, and stayed that way.  Not saying Jimogen is a bad ship, but Fiomgen went forever.

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