Part IV - Fiona Confirmed

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Imogen just flew in to visit a few days ago, and she headed off to the Dot to grab something to eat.  As she approached the building she saw none other than her ex-girlfriend sitting at a table reading.  Imogen missed Jack, but she didn't have time to worry about girls, especially ones who now lived a good length away.  Imogen walked into the Dot, trying not to grab the attention of Jack.  She sat down at the bar, and without looking at the waiter she said, "I'll take a donut."  Then she heard the waiter ask, "What kind?"  Imogen looked up, for she recognized that voice.  Standing behind the bar was Fiona Coyne.  "Fiona?" Imogen asked. 

 "Hi Imogen, it's been a while." Fiona replied.

 "No it hasn't you've been stalking me!" Imogen argued.

 "Well, I miss you, a lot." Fiona sighed.

 "I thought you were out traveling the world and stuff." Imogen said.

 "I was, but everywhere I went all I could think was, wouldn't Imogen love this?  I realized the world means nothing to me, but you mean the world to me." Fiona told her, staring into Imogen's eyes.

 "So, I mean nothing to you?" Imogen asked.

 "You know what I meant." Fiona said, as the two girls broke out into laughter.

 "Hey, I'm still waiting for my donut!" Imogen snapped through her laughter.

 "Okay, since when do you love donuts?" Fiona asked, grabbing a donut for Imogen and setting it on the counter in front of her.

 "She's liked donuts for a while." Jack said, standing up from her table and walking over to Imogen and Fiona.

 "Oh...  Hi Jack." Imogen remarked awkwardly.

 "Who's this?" Fiona asked pointing to Jack.

 "This is Jack, my ex-girlfriend." Imogen explained.

 "And who's this?" Jack asked pointing to Fiona.

 "This is Fiona, my other ex-girlfriend." Imogen said, biting into her donut awkwardly.

 "So, are you two getting back together?" Jack asked.

 "I'm hoping so..." Fiona was cut off my Jack.

 "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Jack yelled, sucker punching Fiona.  Fiona's nose began to bleed, and the Dot went quiet.  Eli burst out of the back room.

 "What's going on here?" He yelled.

 "I'm just eating a donut." Imogen said continuing to eat her donut.

 "Listen Jack, Imogen loves me more so back off!" Fiona yelled, leaping over the counter, and pinning Jack to the ground.

 "Break it up!" Eli shouted, trying to pull Fiona off of Jack.

 "Stay out of this Eli!" Jack shouted.

 "I'm Assistant Manager of this establishment, I need to keep things in order!" Eli shouted, still trying to get Fiona off of Jack.  Eli finally pulled Fiona off, and Jack stormed out of the Dot and onto the street.  Jack started marching off when VOOM!

 "OH MY GOD!" Imogen shouted, tears streaming down her face.  Jack was dead.

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