Part II - Leaving Home

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Imogen had packed her final bag, said her final goodbyes, and was on her final flight to college.  She put her headphones in and looked out the window.  "That couldn't have been Fiona." She whispered to herself.  Thin clouds swirled around the plane, creating a fog like mist for Imogen to stare out into to.  She could make out faces of people she knew in the clouds.  Eli, Becky, Claire, and... Fiona.  The clouds aliened perfectly to make Fiona's face, a face Imogen had missed, even while she was with Jack.  She started to remember her, and how she let her go.  Soon enough, the plane landed, and Imogen parted with her thoughts.  Imogen grabbed her bags and departed her plane, as she rushed through the airport trying to find her baggage claim.  Through all of her confusion, Imogen passed the baggage claim.  She turned around to find it, and found something else interesting.  "Fiona!" Imogen shouted, waving at the figure which looked surprisingly like her ex-girlfriend.  The figure disappeared into the crowd, as Imogen began to chase after her.  After reaching the baggage claim, Imogen gave up on trying to chase her down.  "That had to have been Fiona." Imogen told herself, grabbing her suitcase from the claim.  Imogen walked out of the airport, and started heading off for college.

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