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Wednesday, June 13. 12 hours ago.

After that "stalking" night, Kaiya and I don't have the will to leave the house anymore. The past stories of the boys wrecked us. We are too depressed to go out. Kaiya will try to spend most of her time with Yoon. They need to catch up on the last two years they missed. For me, I don't want to go out because if I do, someone must come with me, and it will be none other than Joon. I didn't give him an answer that night. He asked me why I don't love him back and I just went straight home followed by him. It was a silent walk. It's been two months.

We've been stuck forever in this house and we have nothing to do. It is 9am right now and we are just hanging our head upside down on the sofa while playing on our phone. Hoon is getting ready for a delivery, Jay went grocery again, Yoon is planning something and Joon is probably in his room and doesn't want anyone to disturb him.

Nilla: Kaiya, it's a boring day.

Kaiya: I know Jesus! We should do something.

Nilla: Like what? We can't even leave the house, woman!

Kaiya: I know I know, but don't you want to visit Seoul?

I change position immediately and sit instead of lying down.

Nilla: OMG! Should we go shopping? We literally always wear the same three outfits! (I complaint and to be honest, I have the right to complaint).

Kaiya: YASSS OMG!!! It's been so long! Remember those time when we skipped gym classes to go shopping and did more exercise than when we were in class?

Nilla: BOI! We did more exercise than our whole high school gym classes reunited together.

Kaiya: So, should we go? (She raises an eyebrow).

Nilla: We should! (I wiggle mines back).

We give each other a high five and run to our room to get change. I'm wearing legging with a blue sweater and high ankle shoes while Kaiya is wearing a denim jean, a basic white shirt and an oversized plaid jacket that she tied around her waist. Once we are done, we go downstairs, but there are noises. Someone opens the entrance door and walk in. It is Jay. He goes straight to the kitchen, but it is related to the living room and we can't go out without being seeing. Jay is a master at seeing everything that moves even if the back of his head is facing us. Even when he sleeps, he knows! Dammit! We can go out by the rooftop, but I don't want to share Joon's secret and we are probably going to die while jumping.

Kaiya: Isn't there a backdoor?

Nilla: Oh right! It's in Hoon's room though. Is he here?

Kaiya: Doesn't he have a deliver to make? To the city? His plane is here so I'm guessing he still didn't leave.

Nilla: You know what I'm thinking?

Kaiya: I know what you are thinking!

We go downstairs and tiptoe until we reach Hoon's room. We turn the door knob and, with the creak, see no one. We enter his room and search for the backdoor. It was hard at first, but we finally found it. It is behind his pile of old clothes. Disgusting! They really don't want us to leave, but unfortunately for them, we are not that disgusted [insert shrug emoji here]. We write a note on a post-it and put it in the back of the door, close it and run through the garage before finally seeing the natural light.

Kaiya: Oh look! (She points at Hoon's schedule). It says he's going to Seoul!

Nilla: I guess we should get in then! What a coincidence!

We get in his helicopter. It was easy because he never leaves it locked since nobody comes here. We decide to hide in the pile of boxes that he needs to delivery. Who knows what it's inside. Few minutes later, we hear the door opens and closes and the plane starts to fly. After what seems to be a two-hour long ride, the plane landed on a port. We can see the city from there. It is a ten minutes walk. Once we arrive, we decide to go shopping for new clothes since we have already eaten in the plane. Yes, we brought food with us, so we won't waste our money. We need to keep that cash because they confiscated all our credit cards. We grabbed 50$ each before leaving our room.

Seoul is a big city and there is a lot of people. It's a new language and we don't know how to read it or even communicate with the people, so we went to a nearby mall. Thankfully, there are a lot of shops that are our style and the boards also have English written on them. We enter a clothing store and spend almost three hours inside because we keep looking at clothes and can't decide which one to take with us to the changing room since we can only bring a maximum of seven pieces. Everything is so pretty that we want to buy them all. After deciding, and we still didn't see the sales section, we go inside the changing room. There isn't a lot of people since it is week day, so everyone is either working or at school. Once we are done changing, we go out and talk about which clothes are the best to buy while not forgetting about the price tags. We take at least twenty minutes to decide. We go into the sales section, but there isn't anything to buy. Truthfully, it is because we don't have enough money lol. We go to pay for our clothes with a lot of hesitation.

Nilla: Wow! I don't have much left!

Kaiya: Well you bought two shorts and two shirts and a jacket while I only bought one shirt.

Nilla: It was cheap okay!?

Our arms and legs are tired already. We decide to go in the food court section and sit down for a little. Upon seeing all those foods, we become hungry. We buy two sandwiches, one for each, and eat it in place after fighting for over an hour to plan the next destination. It has always been like this. We plan things while we are already out.


The sun is setting, and we go to a market where we can buy a lot of street foods and then take a spot at the Han river. It is 9pm now. Children are playing around, others are working out and couples are being lovey-dovey. There are activities for all age that's why there are a lot of people. It was even hard to find a spot. We sit down on a hill with grass and start to eat the food we bought with the money we have left.

Kaiya: Ahhh... I should have come here with Yoon.

Nilla: Excuse you, but I'll be a good boyfriend too!

Kaiya: Gosh! You're always offended!

Nilla: It's in my nature.

Gun shots.

Someone has fired a gun. People are running around completely lost. They are trying to find each other and run away as fast as possible before they get hurt. Parents are searching for their child, grab them and leaving the scene. We see a man getting nearer us and we look at each other with terror. He has a gun in his hands. Can it be them? The ones who left the letter after killing our dad? Did they already find us? Impossible. We made sure that they would never trace us back. We left everything behind. I realize that's the reason why they never let us leave the house. Because it is unknown from civilization. And here we are, open to the world.

I remark that they aren't shooting at people, but in the sky. They just want to scare people, so they leave. It'll make it easier for them to kidnap us. The man is getting closer and closer. He has a bandana wrap around his mouth. I give a sign for Kaiya to run. The panicked crowd is gigantic. People don't care where they are going as long as they come out alive. We must pass that crowd to reach Hoon's plane before he goes back home without us. We can't pass by the entrance. There are too many people and we can get separate. I find another exit and decide to sprint to it hoping Kaiya is following closely.

"Nilla!" Someone is calling me. It is Kaiya's voice, but I can't find her. I search everywhere. She might have been pushed in the crowd. I go in to try to find her. Gunshots after gunshots, it is too hard to search for someone when everyone is just pushing around. I hope she is safe and that she called Yoon or someone else for help. I hope she did. I don't care about if they know we sneaked out because either way, we are dead. "Kaiya! Where the heck are you?!" I shouted. I finally find her. I am walking toward her until a masked man makes eyes contact with me and is charging at me. I start running. He grabs me before anything could happen.

Kaiya POV.

Nilla decided it was best if we exit on the other side where it was less crowded. She started walking, but there was another wave of people running to the main exit. I got lost inside and couldn't do anything. They were pushing and I couldn't walk toward her. "Nilla!" I screamed, hoping that she'll hear me. She turned around and I was waving my hands for her to see, but she failed. I could see her looking left and right to find me. She finally found me and walked toward me. Suddenly, her expression changed, and she stopped on her track. She was looking on her right side. I tried to see what's happening and there is a masked man running in her direction. Before I could see what happened next, someone pulled me out of the crowd. The stranger is wearing the same mask as the one who Nilla saw. I turn my head one last time to see where she is, but she is nowhere to be seen. I start to panic. I am alone with a stranger who might kill me. I start to fight him like how Yoon taught me. The only thing I can see is his eyes. They are eyes I've seen before. "Stop hitting me! It's me! Hoon!" the stranger said clearly pissed off at my fighting skills. "Come with me!" He whispered loud enough for me to hear and we both walk into a secured place. It was under a bridge, it looks like a tunnel. Two other men were waiting there. One of them start running toward us and I start to panic again. "What if Hoon is a traitor? Maybe he was hiding his identity and only act when he gets the opportunity?" I thought. I was ready to fight all of them if it means that I could go back and find Nilla. A voice spoke and interrupt the plan I was mentally planning.

"YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED! WHY DID YOU EVEN WENT OUT?!" the man said angrily. I know this voice. It's Yoon. I am so relief to see him that tears are dropping down my face. He hugs me tightly.

"I'm sorry if I screamed at you. I was worried to death. If Hoon didn't come back earlier, we would have never come in time to save you." he said while releasing me from his arms. I just nod, not knowing what to say. "Yeah! We're lucky you aren't hurt anywhere." the other man, Jay, said while tapping my shoulders.

At that time, another man arrives breathless while removing his mask. It's Joon. He must have been running a lot. When my eyes are fixated on the new man, Yoon turns around and walks straight to him with heavy steps.

Yoon: Where is she?

Joon lows down his head.


His voice was so loud that everyone was startled by it. They never saw him that mad before.

Joon: I-I'I'm sorry.

He is stuttering. He is shaking. He can't form a full sentence. He was clearly crying before coming here.

Joon: I-I-I saw her standing there and t-t-tried to give her a sign, but she wouldn't move. I-I-I can see that she was scared. Sh-Sh-She thought we were the enemy."

He was swimming in his own tears.

Yoon: Well, did you walk to her? (He replied expressionless).

"They got her."

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