Chapter Twenty-Three: The Coronation

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15th of July 1531 - London, England

Making her way into Westminster Abbey, Anne held her head high dressed in her coronation robes of ermine trimmed purple velvet with a coronet of gold on her head; she had spent the night in the Tower of London as was custom. 

It had been a month since she had married Henry and Anne was most certain that she was in fact with child; she could hardly believe how fast things seemed to be progressing it seemed like that night in France had been lucky in more ways than one. 

The procession route in which Anne was carried towards the Abbey for her coronation was filled with pageants and displays in celebration of her crowning as Queen of England; each seeming grander than the last. 

It pleased her that the people cheered as she passed, having feared that alone that they might not be as welcoming to her since she was not in the company of Henry for this trip through London. 

Anne walked barefoot under a canopy of cloth of gold carried by the barons of the Cinque Ports and her train was borne by the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk and the Duchess of Bedford. 

She had wished to honour the woman that had become her closest ally in her time at court, Anne did not know what she would have done without Clarice at her side; she did not trust many of her ladies especially knowing that Henry might one day take one of them as his mistress. 

As Anne processed behind the sceptre of gold, the dove-topped rod of ivory and the Lord Great Chamberlain (the Earl of Oxford), who bore the crown of St Edward, she was followed by the bishops of London and Winchester, ladies and gentlewomen all dressed. 

This was something that she had never imagined and she knew that somewhere hidden in the Abbey was Henry, he was watching secretly hidden behind a lattice screen in a special stand. 

When she reached the gold-draped chair of St Edward made her way to the high altar and prostrating herself for the Archbishop to pray over her.

With every step that she took, Anne prayed that God would be kind to her and bless her with the son that Henry so desired; there was no ignoring the theme that seemed to greet her at every step of her journey. 

It was expected of her to birth Henry a son, a healthy son that would bring about a golden age and she could not imagine just what would happen if she could not give him a son; as much as she loved Henry, she was not a fool. 

Katherine had failed in giving him a living son, she had been cast aside and would spend her life banished to the countryside known as the Dowager Princess of Wales but what would become of her. 

Getting to her feet, the Archbishop moved to anoint her before she was allowed to take a seat on St Edward's chair while orations were said. 

The Archbishop then crowned her with the crown of St Edward, a crown usually reserved for crowning the reigning monarch, and placed the sceptre in her right hand and the rod in her left hand. 

Anne never felt more powerful and she looked around the room taking in all that stood before her, they all bowed down to their new Queen and she prayed that the child in her belly would be a son and one day he would be seated in such a position. 

The Te Deum was sung and the Archbishop helped Anne exchange the heavy crown for a custom-made lighter version that Henry had commissioned just for her. 

It had been a gift along with the Queen's Crown jewels, he had wanted everything to be perfect for this day and nothing was too good for Anne; it had surprised Anne how determined he was to make her seen as his only Queen. 

After the Mass, Anne took the Sacrament and then gave the traditional offering in St Edward's Shrine; she was aware that everyone's eyes were on her and that there were some that would like to see her mess up. 

Despite the fact that Katherine had been found guilty of her crimes and proven to be a liar about her relationship with the late Prince Arthur; there were some that were not happy to see her finally become Henry's wife. 

They would have preferred to see some other woman rise to the position but it was her that had become Queen of England and nothing would change that now.


The music was cheerful as the banquet in celebration of Anne's crowning as the Queen of England took place, seated on the throne that was usually set aside for the King; she looked every inch a Queen surrounded by her ladies. 

The King was watching from above his eyes taking in every inch of her court and the nobles that had gathered to celebrate his Queen's coronation; today was her day and no one would ruin it for her. 

His eyes taking note of those who had not shown up or the coronation nor the banquet; a frown upon his face knowing that he would question them on their decision not to attend. 

Beside him was Master Cromwell who stood silently as the King watched over the festivities ensuring that his Queen had everything that her heart desired on such a glorious day. 

Anne's smile and laugh was infectious and Clarice was most relieved that she had been relieved of her duties for the day; there were other ladies that could attend to the Queen at this time. 

Clarice couldn't help but think of how much of a success today had been; it appeared that Anne's charity work had served her well so far and had done much to warm the people to their new Queen. 

Moving away from the throne and towards where the rest of the Boleyn family were seated, Clarice prayed that everything would be well; she found herself a little nervous about her next action. 

"Wife," George greeted when she took a seat beside him, a warm smile on his face as he sipped on his wine; today had been splendid and nothing had dampened the mood of the celebration there had been no sign of discontent in the crowning of Anne. 

Even the naysayers had been silent and George couldn't help but notice the glances that Thomas Wyatt had to offer his sister who seemed to be glowing; he would have to keep an eye on the wayward poet who could easily cause trouble should he so wish. 

It was no secret between him and Anne that Mister Wyatt had been rather taken with her; he had wrote poems to her and had tried to seduce her on many occasions. 

Despite her rebuffs, Wyatt had not been swayed from his desire for her and Anne had feared the worse especially upon hearing some of the poems that he had allowed others to read.

"I have something to share with you," Clarice revealed quietly, her eyes flickering around wondering who was taking note of them; she was sure most eyes would be on Anne since she was the woman of the moment. 

George tilted his head taking her in as she leant close and whispered the words that she had been holding onto; she had been searching for the right moment to share such news with him. 

"You are certain?" George asked staring at her in awe, his heart beat wildly in his chest and he could not take his eyes of the beautiful creature before him; her words igniting something inside of him that he had never thought possible. 

Today had been perfect but now he had no words to describe it especially given the news that Clarice had shared with him; he felt like he could fly. 

"I wanted to wait until I was sure to tell you but a midwife confirmed by suspicions, we shall have a child in the new year," Clarice revealed with a smile, it had been Anne that had helped her discretely see the midwife and who Clarice had relied upon when she had suspected that she was with child especially here at court. 

George didn't hesitate to draw her lose, his lips eagerly finding hers and he held her close for a moment not caring who saw; he was going to be a father. 

"Here's to the Boleyns," Thomas Boleyn announced stepping closer having heard their conversation, he raised a glass in celebration and nodded to Clarice; a pregnancy within the first months of her marriage to his son was a sure sign. 

One day George would be the Duke of Bedford and Wiltshire, he would need heirs and Thomas knew that with Anne now firmly seated on the throne that nothing could stop them now. 

"The Boleyns," George agreed raising a glass and turning to his sister, a smile set upon his face that he doubted would ever leave; finally, everything felt right with the world. 

Anne raised her glass in return and the sentiments seemed to be echoed around the room; there was no ignoring the fact that not only had Anne risen but her family had done so as well. 

"England's new Queen," Ippolito echoed, today was the start of a something new in England and nothing could tear them down. 

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