homeless girl x male reader

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It was a dark cold night and I was living on the streets just like the rest of my life, ever since I was a kid I was abandoned by my parents, I don't really know why but all I remember was that they asked me if I wanted to go play at the park, I said yes and they covered my eyes because they said it was going to be a surprise park, they took me there and uncovered my eyes and I started playing around but while I was playing around they left without me noticing, and I saw them leave in the car before they disappeared, I ran towards there direction but me being like 5 years old I couldn't reach them and iv been struggling to survive ever since

As I was walking to my home that was made out of cardboard and curtains I found a big and fluffy blanket that was thrown out, I was happy in finding it since it was gonna be another cold night, I was about to grab it until I heard crying and next to it was a girl with her hands on her eyes, she was about 5 years old and had an old brown coat and a old dirty purple scarf

"Hey, are you OK? " she looked at me and got scared, she started running but fell down, I quickly ran to her and helped her up she was still crying, she was about to run again but stumbled down and grabbed her foot

"it's OK, I just wanna help" I said as I got close to her as she was still crying "there there, everything's gonna be alright" I said cleaning her tear away, she looked at me and started calming down "let's go to my house, I'm pretty sure your cold" she nodded slowly and I grabbed her on my back, I went to get the blanket as well for the cold night

After making it to my so called house, I sat the girl on my so called bed witch was just a cardboard on the floor "so what's your name little buddy" I ask nicely to not scare her

"...abi" she said shyly

"Well abi my name is (Y/N), are you hungry?" She slowly nodded "well let's see I have..." I said as I walked to my bucket of water where I keep my food refrigerated nd all I had was an almost empty mayonnaise jar and a small milk box, I got the milk and checked if it was still good, which it was

"Here you go abi" she got the milk and started drinking it, she finished it and gave me the empty box, putting it side a grabbed the blanket and fixed it so it can be like a bed on top of my bed for abi

"OK abi it's time to sleep" I grabbed abi and layed her down, it took a while but she went to sleep, and I layed down on the ground trying to get comfortable, I looked at my side and saw abi sleeping peacefully, it made me happy and I managed to sleep

2 months later

"Mr . Franklin! ?" I said walking inside a little shop

"Over here (Y/N)" I saw Mr . Franklin walking inside with a big box in his hands

"Oh, let me help you with that" I grabbed the box and and placed it on the counter

"Thanks (Y/N), I'm not as strong as I used to when I was your age"

"No problem, how's abi?"

"She's alright, she's helping my wife make cookies"

"That's nice, by the way, I finished cleaning outside of the store"

"Well it looks nicer then other days, thanks here's your payment for helping me"

"Your welcome Mr. Frank, we'll I'll be going to get abi now, see ya again Mr. Frank"

"Any time (Y/N)"

I walked out of the store and walked to Mr. Franks house to pick up abi, so far abi's been happy being with me and even calls me her big brother, it feels nice to have someone consider me as family

As I got closer to where abi is I saw a woman who looked really agitated, she saw me and ran towards me

"Hey excuse me, have you seen my daughter she looks like this" she showed me a picture that looked like abi but slightly younger

"Um... no I haven't miss, I'm sure she'll appear"

"Well if you find her please contact me, she's been lost for months now" she then left asking another person the same thing

I was left worried, I found abi's mom but I don't want her to leave, she's like my family... but she has her own family as well, and they do care for her, unlike mine

I got to the house and knocked the door, then an old lady opens the door

"Oh why hello (Y/N), are you here for abi"

"Yes" I said slightly sad

"What's the matter dear, why are you all sad" ms. Franklin asked

"Oh it's... not anything important, just remembering something back is all" then we heard small for steps coming our way

"Big brother" abi ran quickly and hugged my leg "look, I made cookies with Ms. Franklin" she said grabbing a cookie shaped like a horse from a little bag she had

"That's great abi, but now it's time to go so say thanks to Ms. Franklin"

"Thank you ms.franklin"

"Any time sweet heart, take care now"

And we left to my home with abi grabbing my hand, since it's getting dark I don't want her to get lost, but as we walked I saw a flier of abi missing and the memory of her mother came back to me

She had a very worried expression and looks like she hasn't slept for weeks, she must be really worried for abi and I said I never saw her to her

" (Y/N), why are you sad" abi asked curiously

"Oh well, abi... do you miss your mom she then had a sad look and she was about to cry

"Mommy" she started to cry and I carried her, she also misses her mom and I'm keeping the separated, we'll looks like there's only one thing I can do now

"Shh shh, don't worry abi, I'll take you to her"

"Really? "

"Mm hm, come on let's go" I carried her and looked at the flier for the address

Time later

After a while we almost made it to her house, abi started to recognize her neighborhood, and when she found her house she got excited

" (Y/N) look, my house is over there" she said jumping off

"Hey wait for me"

Once we both made it to her front door I was gonna knock, but I was hesitant since it might be the last time I see abi, but in the end

*knock knock*

After a while the lady who I saw time ago opened the door, she looked like she was crying a lot more again

"Yes what can I..."

"Mommy!" Abi screamed, the lady looked down and saw abi, en expression changed from sad to relief and she hugged abi

"Abigil, your OK, I was so worried" she said as she started crying again

"Look mommy I made a cookie" she said showing her the cookie she made

"That's so nice abi, I'm so glad your safe"

"Its ok mommy, (Y/N) took care of me" she hugged abi again and the sight made a tear come out of my eye, the woman then noticed I was still here and looked at me

"Thank you for bringing abi home, how can I repay you?" She asked really happy

"it's nothing miss, as long as abi is with her mother I'm happy " I started walking back to my house until

"Big brother wait" I turned around and saw abi running to me

"Why are you going away?" She asked grabbing my leg "I don't want you to leave"

"But I have to go home now abi, you are at your home now so you don't need me anymore" I said slightly sad rubbing abi's head

"Then I go with you, so we can..."

"No abi" I said making abi have a sad face and about to cry, I kneeled down to her so I can explain

"Abi, you have everything you need here, your house, your mom, your family, I can't give you any of that because I don't have it, but you do, so it's better for you to stay here ok"

I gave abi one last hug and started walking back to my house, and I heard abi crying out my name but it's for the best, even tho I'm lonely again

Time skip

Well, I'm back home, just as cold as I remembered, since I was to sad to do anything I decided to go to sleep

Laying on the floor I looked at where abi used to sleep

"it was nice to have company while it lasted" i said before going to sleep

Abi's POV

After (Y/N) left, mommy gave me a shower and made dinner, but I wanted (Y/N) to be with me now, mommy then took me to bed and tucked me in

"OK sweetie, time to go to sleep now"


"What is it dear"

"Can (Y/N) live with us"

"I'm sorry abi, but your father wouldn't like it, besides he also has his own family"

"No he doesn't, he lives outside and he doesn't have a mommy or daddy"

"Oh my, I wish I could abi but I can't, but now you have to sleep so close your eyes now, goodnight"

Mommy left and I was in my room alone now, I remember (Y/N) always sleeping next to me but now he's one and I want him to be here

I wish he does live with me, that way we can be a family together

"Good night (Y/N)" I said out the Window

And before going to sleep I heard mommy say something about keeping (Y/N), maybe he will live with me, I miss him so much now that when he comes back I going to give him the biggest hug ever forever

The end

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