best friend x jealous male reader

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It was another fine day in high school, and i was just entering the building, and as i was making my way to my locker I was thinking on what to do with my best friend Charlotte today 'Maybe I can invite her out to the new cafe shop' i thought as i made it to my locker, I stored my stuff and got the things I'll be needing today and headed to find Charlotte first before school starts

"...oh sure, the problem is right here" i heard someone say from around the corner, and once i made it there I saw someone talking to Charlotte, then he said a joke that made Charlotte laugh and something inside me was burning up, and i quickly went to see what was going on

"... so I was also wondering that-" the guy said before I interrupted

"Hey Charlotte" i said nicely

"Hi (Y/N)" Charlotte said

"Hello" the other guy said but I ignored him

"So Charlotte i wanted to talk to you, but in private... meaning that this guy has to go" i said pointing at the guy behind me

"Oh really, well I'll leave then" the guy said

"Wait, you don't have to go now, I can-" Charlotte said

"Yes he does, in fact your taking way to long so well be leaving" i said as i grabbed Charlottes hand and took her away from him as quickly as possible

"(Y/N)... (Y/N)" Charlotte said while we kept walking "(Y/N)!" She yelled releasing her hand from my grip "What's the matter with you!" She said angry

"What do you mean, I was just trying to help you"

"Help me!? This is the 36th time you dragged me away from someone this month!"


"But what!?"

"... i just wanted to ask you out to the new cafe shop that just opened" i said looking down silently and it made Charlottes expression soften

"Was that it?... you know you don't have to drag me away from people for that then"

"Fine... so, would you like to go" i asked Charlotte and she looked away with a mad expression

"Not now, I'm still mad at you for what your doing, why do you even do that anyways?"

"I...i don't really know" i said as my face turned red

" *sigh* look how about we go tomorrow then" after hearing that my face lighted up with a smile

"Sure, I'll invite the coffee"

"Ok, now I have to go to class now, I'll see you later" and she left with me staring at her until she was out of sight

"Sure..." 'if only I wasn't so scared to tell you how I feel' i thought in my head as i left the other way to my class

Time later

Once the bell ringed I headed out of my class now that school was over, and before I went to my locker I wanted to see Charlotte first, so I headed to where her locker is

'Maybe Charlotte isn't that mad at me anymore, so maybe we can hang out little while' i thought in my head, and when I finally made it to the hallway Charlottes locker is at i found her, but she was with the guy from this morning as they walked together, making me angry ' what's he doing now!?' I thought

"So, what's so special about me?" Charlotte asked the guy

"Hmm... I'd say your eyes" she looked at him with a blush, making my anger grow "there so clear, like crystals"

"Th-thank you" she said with a sly smile, and i couldn't stand it anymore so a ran towards them

"HEY" i shouted


"Leave her alone, can't you see your bothering her" i said out loud

"(Y/N) please..." Charlotte said in an embarrassed tone

"relax dude, I'm just helping Charlotte out with her-"

"I DONT CARE! I WANT YOU AS FAR AWAY FROM HER AS POSSIBLE" i said grabbing his shirt collar about to punch him before

"(Y/N)!!!" Charlotte yelled making me stop and see her "WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!?" She yelled making me let go of the guy and face her

"I-i just saw that-"


"Um... I'm"


"...I ... well, it's just.... well" i tried to explain, but I was still afraid

"Ok stop" she said in an irritated voice "i don't want to hear about you now nor I want to see you" she said in a cold voice


"EVER!" she then walked past me and helped the guy up

"I'm sorry Mike, I didn't wanted this to happen" she said to the guy as they left

"But... Charlotte!" I yelled but Charlotte only looked at me with a hatefull look as she was walking away "im Sorry" i said as Charlotte left my sight 'please don't leave me...' i thought in my head as i felt a tear escape

The next day

After the incident with Charlotte, I decided to write down an explanation letter to Charlotte so she can see I was sorry, since it was the only way for me to also explain to her how I feel, so I spent all of school trying to think of a good letter for her, and after school I went to the coffee shop i invited Charlotte yesterday to write it down

'...and what I really want to say is that...' i thought as i wrote down the letter on a piece of paper, I have spent like at least two hours writing this down so hopefully she forgives me

The i heard the front bell ring, and when I saw who entered the cafe, I saw Charlotte, in the most beautiful dress i have ever seen her in, as well as her hair being fixed in a way that I really liked

"Charlotte? Dose she still want to hang out" Was what I said in awe, and after a while I decided to go to her and just explain what happened to me, no matter how dose it come out, but as i was gonna put my first step down, I saw the guy from yesterday come in as well

"Well, where here" the guy said

"Thanks for inviting me here Mike" she said to him

"No problem" he said and I was feeling mad again, and i wanted to brake his lights out in this place, so I got up and I was about to walk to them until

"Hey Mike, I'm going to the bathroom real quick, I'll be back" and before she left she kissed his cheek, and as she kissed him I felt like time had stopped, seeing my best friend kiss some one else made me feel like if something inside me was breaking, and all of may rage disappeared being replaced with depression

When Charlotte let go of the kiss, she left to the bathroom, and i didnt feel like being here anymore, so I walked towards the door catching the guys attention

"...oh hey, (Y/N) right?" He said to me, and i just turned to him, looking down with my hair blocking my eyes and with an aura that yelled hatred in it "I-i'm sorry for coming here, if you want I can take-"

I reached to my backpack and opened it, and it made the guy gasp in fear, but before he yelled for his life i got a small box out wrapped up

"Its no problem, here, this is something I know Charlotte will like" i said I as i hold the box up so the guy can grab it, and once he got it i made my way out the door before hearing my name

"(Y/N)?" I heard Charlotte said making me drop a few tears as i stared at her with the corner of my eye

"... I'm sorry" i said in a monotone voice and ran away dropping the letter I had written for Charlotte

"(Y/N) wait!" I heard Charlotte yell, but just kept running away

Charlottes POV

"Well, it sure was odd to see (Y/N) here, right" Mike said to me as i saw (Y/N) leave sad

"No, it wasn't, he actually invited me here first, and i didn't expect him to be here after my outburst at him yesterday" i said in a sad tone as i started to feel regret for yelling that I didn't want to see him again

Mike then went and picked up the piece of paper (Y/N) had dropped and gave it to me with a small present as well

"Here, I believe he made these for you" i got the paper and saw it was a letter from him, and i started reading "... and what I really want to say is that, I love you, so I'm sorry for my jealousy, but I can't help it" was what he letter said as i read it out loud "Mike, I'm sorry for leaving, but I have to apologies to (Y/N) for yelling at him"

"it's ok Charlotte, if he's that important to you, then it's won't get in your way" he said not offended

"Thanks for understanding" i said as i gave him a hug "I'll see you tomorrow" and I ran after (Y/N) leaving the cafe

Time later

After a while of running i made it to (Y/N)s apartment hoping that he's here, and i made it to his door knocking it, but no one came to answer

"(Y/N)! Please open up! I just want to talk with you!" I said, but still no answer "I'll wait here all day if I have to!" I yelled sitting down in the hallway, but then I had the idea to unlock his door with a pin, so I did that and after a while I heard a click

"(Y/N) I'm gonna enter" i said as i opened the door "(Y/N)?" I said inside, but I saw no one in, but all of his stuff was here Exept his backpack and a few things, and after searching for him inside i found another note

'Mr.bricks, I'm great full for you lending me the apartment, but I needed to move out to another place fast, so here's this month's rent, and Keep my stuff if you want, thank you and Farwell' was what the letter said, and i felt sad after reading it

"No, this can't be, I never wanted you to leave" i said feeling tears form " (Y/N) please come back, I'm sorry" i said as i layed in his bed crying

2 years later

"Well, here I go" i said a bit sad as i entered the school, because today will be the second time I will start the new school year without (Y/N), and just seeing the school brings back the memory of me yelling at (Y/N) that I didn't want to see him again

I entered and went through the whole locker process, and now that I found my new locker I put my stuff inside and left with my face down, and without noticing I bumped into someone "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to do that" i said apologizing

"it's ok, we all go through this at... wait a minute" the guy said making me face him, and i was shocked in surprise "Charlotte?"

"(Y/N)!" I said and out of nowhere I launched myself at him giving him a hug "your back!" I shouted happily

"Yes, I'm back, it's been so long right?" He said as we got up with me not letting go of the hug "Um Charlotte?"


"You can let go now"

"... OK" I let go of the hug and faced him "so when did you came back"

"About a month ago, I really missed home so I came back"

"Well I'm super glad your-" i said before being interrupted by Mike

"Hey Charlotte, guess who locker is next to... wait (Y/N)" I was starting to panic by what might happen and Mike also looked scared but

"Hello there, Mike right?" (Y/N) asked without sounding mean surprise us both

"Um... yeah" Mike said

"Good to see you man, thanks for taking care of Charlotte for me" (Y/N) said extending his hand for a hand shake to which Mike accepted

"Sure, no problem, but if you want I can leave you two alone"

"Oh no, don't worry, it's ok" (Y/N) said with no hate and we both grew curious at his new attitude

"So, where have you been (Y/N)" I asked

"Well I've been at-" he said before someone coverd his eyes

"Guess who~" a girl said

"Wait, Gisele?!" The girl then let go of his eyes and hugged him from behind "what are you doing here"

"Well i heard you where coming here, so I moved here to be with you" the girl said happily ad something inside me ticked

"Well that's so thoughtfull"

"Hey (Y/N), who is she" i asked with an slightly angered tone

"Oh, meet Gisele, she's my friend from the other high school I went to"

"Yep, that's me" the girl said snuggling (Y/N)s chest, and the more time she was hugging him, the more angry i got and i puffed my cheeks

"So anyways I gotta go get my locker now" (Y/N) said

"Me too, and you can also give me a tour of the place" the girl said now Grabbing (Y/N)s arm

"Sure, I'll see you to later" (Y/N) sad as he and the girl left

"Looks like (Y/N) was's able to over on" Mike said as he saw my angered face "Um, you ok Charlotte?"

"... yes, why?" I said angered

"Cuz you seem jealous" he said

"... just a little" i said feeling like wanting to slap the girl for being so close to (Y/N)

The end

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