yandere sister ruby x brother male reader x yandere sister yang

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RWBY and Ruby and Yang  is own by Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum

I do not own this image

Author p.o.v
You are a half blood siblings of ruby and a blood sibling of yang that you are a student in beacon with cool attitude just like yang and happy like ruby as you are determined and kind towards others but what you don't know that your sisters are crazy in love with you that they will kill any girl that will try to take you away from them.

You are in your sisters dorm as you are one man team that you share the dorm with them

Y/n: man i kinda bored for now

Yang: well what you expect i mean you think we have training all day?

Y/n: no i was thinking that i could go out

Ruby: well we already told you if you go out ozpin will be mad that he think you might skip class

Y/n: hmm well maybe its a risk i could take

You said while changing your clothes as ruby and yang look at your body as they blush

Ruby: hmm~ look at him sis

Yang: yeah i want his hot body~

Ruby: but if he goes out he will see some girls and that they will flirt with him and take him away from us

Yang: well then i guess we have to force him not to go out

Ruby: i don't know yang i mean you know how y/n is if he couldn't listen to us

Yang: oh don't worry we will let him go out then we will have to kill any girls that see him

Ruby: oh i agreed

As they keep talking you slowly walk out of the room

Y/n: man that is close one i mean ruby and yang are a bit of clingy to me i mean just too clingy

You keep walking until you bump onto some people

Y/n: oh i am sorry

???: next time watch it

???: just be careful

You look up to see your sisters other team mates it was weiss and blake

Y/n: hey ice queen

Weiss: shut it

Blake: what are you doing here?

Y/n: well i am going out for a while

Weiss: oh did ruby and yang knows?

Y/n: ahm i am not sure they are busy talking and i left so i won't get to their discussion or arguement

Blake: so you want us to keep a secret from them?

Y/n: yeah please don't tell them ok

Weiss: fine

Blake: sure now go i sense they are coming

You nodded and went outside as ruby and yang walk towards their other team mates

Ruby: hey weiss,blake

Yang: have you seen our brother?

Blake: he went to one of the classes to find professor port

Yang: hmm are you sure?

Blake: positive

Ruby: weiss where is our brother

Weiss: well he went to one of the classes to find professor port like blake said

Ruby: hmm alright

Yang: thanks for the heads up

They went to the classes to find you as blake and weiss sighs of relief

Blake: hope they won't find him

Weiss: yeah he went out and they are crazy looking for him

As both of them turn and see ruby and yang with yandere faces

Ruby: ah ah you lied~

Yang: the punishment is death!

Ruby and yang killed their team mates with their weqpons and hide their bodies

Yang: now that's done let's get our brother back

Ruby: yeah!

They went to find you as you walked around vale

Y/n: man its so good going out i mean its been a while i went out

You walk some more and see some people waving at you as you waved back and notice some girls winking at you

Y/n: well some girls liking me

As you walk you did'nt notice that ruby and yang see everything

Ruby: how dare those girls wink at him!

Yang: calm down ruby we will end them and take our brother

Ruby: i like it!

They went towards to kill the girls as you heard screams from behind

Y/n: what the?

You walked towards the screams and eyes widden seeing your sisters are covered in blood that they killed some girls

Y/n: ruby...yang?

Ruby: ahh look yang looks like brother have seen what we did

Yang: hmm we told you brother that you shouldn't go out

Y/n: why did you both do this?

Yang: because we love you more than a brother

Ruby: yes do you love us~

Y/n: no.... you girls kill them!

You started to run but fail as ruby knock you out

Ruby: you should have aceept our love

Yang: now let's take him back home~

Ruby: yay!

they take you back home and keep you forever as you never to be seen again.

Author note
Hey waddup guys its me here i hope you all enjoy this chapter more than i do and also this request is from a username i forgot i am sorry i hope you enjoy so yeah i think that's it for today  and i will see you guys later peace out

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