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The neko boys were ecstatic, needless to say. They got to go on a road trip with their mistress! And even though they would have to spend the majority of their time as cats, it was a small price to pay.

It was Wednesday, so naturally Wesley was extra happy today. Which was a great feat considering this boy hardly ever stopped being happy.

He followed (Y/n) around the house, staying out the way but always wanting to be in the same room as her. If she walked past him, she made it a habit to touch him and give him affection in some sort of way. Like head pats or a pat on the shoulder or knee.

Right now, she was doing laundry, folding clothes and stacking them neatly on the couch. Sami was doing it at first but she got on to him, telling him to take a break and go enjoy a nice bath or something. So now he was in the kitchen cooking, which was somehow his idea of taking a break.

Wesley sat in his recliner, his nose stuffed in the book she had bought him. His glasses slipped to the tip of his nose and he pushed him them up. If he was being honest, he had read this book already. But it was special so he felt like reading it again.

The human finishes folding the last of the clothes and picks them up, carrying them to her room to sort them out. They were old clothes of hers and her brothers. Her plan was the give the boys some of her brothers clothes, since hers wouldn't fit some of the taller ones, and give the shorter boys her clothes since they would fit them better. They were mostly just old t shirts and comfy sweatpants, but it was better than nothing.

Wesley quietly trailed after her, walking a little bit slower so he could focus on his book and not tripping into anything or run into a wall. Inside her room, he plops down on the bed and closes his book, his feet swinging back and forth in the air.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Sorting clothes to give to you guys."

"You don't have to that, you know.." he blushes at how sweet and kind she was.

"Nah, I want to. Besides, you guys are my responsibility now right? I have to take care of you."

"Uwaahhh (Y/n)!" He launches himself at her, rubbing his cheek against hers. "You're such a good person!"

She blushes and supports his weight, laughing awkwardly. "Thanks, Wes."

He turns bright red at the nickname. Wesley always got embarrassed over the smallest things, always so easy to make blush. "Y-y-you- you're w-welcome," he stutters out, getting off of her and sitting back down on the bed.

"Cute." She pats his head and continues dividing the clothes. All together, it had looked like a lot, but when you think about it.. clothes for seven people all together would seem like a lot, even if it was only one or two outfits.

But, she tells herself, it was better than nothing at all.

Wesley trails after her as she hands out the clothes, one hand on the back of her shirt so he doesn't get left behind. Whenever she stopped, he would wrap his arms around her stomach and nuzzles into her back, enjoying the warmth that radiated off of her like a heater. But he made sure not to hold on too tight, he didn't want to hurt her. Which he would never be able to do in the first. He wasn't exactly he strongest and he wouldn't even dream of hurting a fly.

After all of that was done, featuring a pouting Thatcher that he didn't get to wear your clothes, you head into the kitchen and help Sami cook. But, to his amusement and your dismay, it was already cooked and ready.

One by one, the boys tumble in for dinner, the food disappearing by the second. It was an all out war for seconds, and left laughter and happy conversations behind.

The next morning, they would be making the trip to her parents house.

The day had gone by pretty quickly, and before anyone knew it, it was time for bed. Two of them fought for the shower first since it always got the hot water, not noticing that while they were arguing, Max had just slipped past them and closed the door.

Once they realized this, they both slumped back into the living room, where their human was watching tv.

'They' being Thatcher and Fox.

The human looks up and raises an eyebrow at their sad demeanor. They slump to the ground, their knees making a soft thump as they hit the carpet. With a dramatic sigh, they fold over and put their faces in her lap, one on each leg.

Fox's hair drooped along with his mood and Thatcher wraps his arms around your leg. Looking up at you with puppy dog eyes, he sniffles dramatically. "Max stole the shower."

Fox nods in agreement and juts his lower lip out. "It's not fair."

Hiding a smile at their antics, (Y/n) pets the top of both of their heads. "Don't worry, you'll both get your turn soon. In the meanwhile, you can stay in here with me and chill. Sound good?"

They both nod but don't show any signs of leaving. Fox was quite comfortable and Thatcher was enjoying the feel of your thigh, in the least pervy way possible.

Wesley sighed from his spot in the recliner but brushed it off, knowing he'd get his time later on. It was his day of the week, after all.

Eventually, all the boys got their showers, including the human. Fox and Thatcher actually ended up fighting over who would go last, of all things. (Y/n) found out it was because they wanted to be the one to stay with her the longest.

The human had gotten in to a routine of putting the neko boys to sleep. A forehead kiss that elicited an embarrassed tsundere mumble from Max. A smile from Tate. More attempts from Thatcher to try to get her to stay with him instead. Struggling to put Fox to sleep and him only complying if she stayed until he did. Fighting with Sami about taking a break and forcing him to go to bed instead of cleaning more. And telling Spencer a bed time story while he hugged his teddy bear, which he named Bear, as he fell asleep.

The human lets out a sigh as she makes it into her room. All of the boys were asleep. Well, the majority of them.

Wesley was sitting on the bed, smiling and blushing at the thought of being able to spend the night with her.

The human walks over and gets comfortable, looking at Wesley. "Ummm you can sleep anywhere you want, I don't care."

Too embarrassed to ask for what he really wanted, he just settles down at the foot of the bed and tries to go to sleep.

(Y/n) rolled on her side and almost immediately fell asleep, exhausted from her day (that was totally busy and wasn't just spent folding and dividing clothes).

After a couple of minutes, Wesley crawls up toward her and ducks his head, pushing up under her arm so that it was around him and settling into her warmth. She shifts ever so slightly and pulls him closer.

Purring, he curls up and pressing his back against her, the heaviness of sleep already weighing down his eyes.


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