Rick/Daryl - Take That Spot Sucktember Day 8 - Kiss

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"You're not her father," Rick snarled as Daryl carried Judith to the bed. Daryl had been spending a lot of time with Judith since she was born. It was a concern of Rick's, after Shane tried to kill him to have his wife and son he wasn't willing to deal with Daryl trying to take over as his kids father.

Daryl placed the child in the crib and went to leave the room trying to avoid confrontation. Rick grabbed his wrist roughly.

"Fine!" Daryl yelled, pulling his wrist free from Rick's hand. "Watch your daughter yourself, I'll go. I wasn't trying to take over as her father, if anything I was trying to take her mothers spot, because all I have ever wanted since the first time I saw you was for you to love me the way you loved Lori. No, I wanted you to love me better than you loved her. Watch her on your own then, I needed her but if you're willing to tear me away from her clearly I was wrong about you Rick Grimes."

Rick froze, the small sleeping toddler didn't seem to budge with the yelling which concerned him slightly with their predicament to living in the apocalypse but his bigger concern was the words that just left Daryl's mouth.

"Daryl wait."

"You made it pretty clear you don't want me around her."

"That isn't.. Daryl I thought you were trying to push me out.. Like Shane."

"You thought I was going to treat you like Shane? Well then we really aren't right for one another are we?"

"I didn't know you felt that way. I... I didn't even think about it.. I'm sorry."

Daryl was unsure how to proceed. He just told Rick he had a crush on him, and essentially told him he wanted to be in his ex wife's spot. "I was serious about what I said, but if you don't want me to be by your side the way she was I won't be..."

Rick looked Daryl up and down, he didn't know if words would work this time so he grabbed Daryl which he initially fought off but soon he was pressed against the wall. Rick's lips against his, Daryl's blue eyes were wide open until he eventually felt at ease. This wasn't a trick, wasn't a ploy. Rick was actually kissing him. Rick smiled kissing him roughly, he had wanted to do this since he stopped thinking about Lori, but the idea of Daryl wanting to push him out like Shane had wouldn't stop nagging at him.

Daryl was a natural born leader, when you got past his hard shell you couldn't help but love him.

Rick ran his fingers through Daryl's growing locks, soon Daryl was off the ground pressed up against the wall with Rick's other hand and arm cupping his ass. "If you want that spot it's yours... I'm sorry... I.. I didn't think about you having the same feelings for me as I did for you." Rick muttered into his lips.

Daryl's eyes were wide once more. "You actually like me?"

"Of course I do, I just was worried, after everything I have been through it didn't feel real. Daryl.. Daryl I want you to take the spot of her mother if you're willing to. I won't hold you back though okay? I promise."

Daryl blushed hard and then kissed him back. "I want it," he whispered softly as Rick peppered his skin with kisses of apology.

"I'm sorry Daryl, I shouldn't have had such an outburst. That was my bad, it wasn't meant to come across that way. I just after Shane.."

"I would never hurt you, I love you. Even if you're an idiot sometimes."

Rick smirked and kissed him once more. Even if he had come across the wrong way, at least he knew the truth now.

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