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Claire's pov

I ran into my bedroom and quietly closed the door before taking a seat at my desk. My heart was pounding and my chest was heaving from breathing so hard. I picked up my pencil and slid my math book and a piece of paper in front of me. I need to make it look like I've been up here the whole time, doing my homework like a good girl. First, I need to calm myself down so it's not so obvious I just sprinted up here.

I tried to slow my breathing and heart rate but I just couldn't get over what I heard on my snooping mission. How could my dad and uncle even suggest something so horrible as Aunt Lexie getting rid of her baby, my cousin, their niece or nephew? It's not possible. There's no way I could've heard what I think I heard. There's just no way. Nah ah. It can't be true, it just can't. My dad and uncle would never try to get rid of a child, let alone a baby who's not even born yet and part of this family to boot. It just doesn't make sense.

Meanwhile downstairs

Tony's pov

The three of us rushed out of the study to see who or what made the noise we each just heard. It definitely sounded to me like a person gasping. The hallway was empty, however, not a soul in sight. I was about to go find Lorenzo to question him on the staff's assignments for the day, when my little brother stopped me.

"Tony, wait," he said, bending down to retrieve something off the floor. "Look at this." He held his hand out to show me his find. "Look familiar?"

Seeing the silver earring post, I immediately turned to my sister. She opened her mouth, about to say something but suddenly stopped herself.

"Lexie, is it yours?" I asked pointedly.

Lexie's pov

I know damn well that earring backing isn't mine, which is exactly what I was about to tell my brother. I can tell it's not real silver just by looking at it, that's how I know it doesn't belong to me. It's made of nickel and I'm allergic to nickel. It either belongs to one of the servants or Claire. I have a sinking feeling it's my niece's. The servants clean this hallway everyday, making sure it's spotless.

"Alexandra?" Tony repeated, getting agitated I was taking so long to respond.

Putting on my game face, I replied, "So that's where I lost it? I've been looking for this post for three days now." I plucked it out of the palm of EJ's hand. "I better put this in my jewelry box before I forget and lose it again." I know I'm not an actress but hopefully my performance was satisfactory.

"Three days?" Tony questioned. When I nodded in affirmation, he stated his thoughts out loud, "I'll have Lorenzo speak to the cleaning staff. If these floors haven't been swept and cleaned in three days that's completely unacceptable and someone's going to lose their job."

"Is that really necessary, Brother? I'm sure it was just a minor oversight. I mean these posts are really tiny."

"Your little brother had no trouble spotting it and I'll thank you not to question my directives regarding the staff again. Sono chiaro, Sorellina (Am I clear, Little sister)?"

"Sì, Fratello, non volevo mancare di rispetto (Yes, Brother, I didn't mean to be disrespectful)." The last thing I want right now is to piss off Tony and have him question this situation any further.

Tony gave me a look indicating his displeasure before stating, "We're obviously going to have to move this discussion to a more secure location, or table it for the time being."

"I vote we table it, Brother, as I have an appointment to get to," EJ suggested, after briefly checking his phone.

"Alexandra?" Tony questioned my position on his two proposed suggestions.

"Oh, uh, that's fine with me," I replied, in reference to EJ's proposal. I'm a bit distracted as my mind is racing trying to piece together how much my niece heard, if that was in fact her eavesdropping on our private conversation.

"Very well, it's decided then. We'll table this discussion for a later time." Tony adjusted his suit jacket after closing the door to the study. "Right now I need to have a word with Lorenzo," he stated sternly, before stomping off in the direction of the kitchen.

"I'm going to put this away before I forget," I said, starting to head upstairs.

"Hold up, little sister. You're not going anywhere just yet," EJ ordered, grabbing me by the arm mid-stride.

"Let go of me," I hissed quietly, not wanting to catch Tony's attention. I swatted futilely at EJ's arm but he easily maintained his strong grip.

"We both know damn well that earring isn't yours, Sis, so unless you want me to call our big brother back over here to discuss why you felt the need to lie to him, I suggest you cooperate with me."

Trying not to appear as flustered as I felt right now, I continued to protest in my sad attempt to outwit my brother.

"What are you talking about? Of course it's my earring post," I stated, with as much false bravado as I could muster.

"Need I remind you, Alexandra, I'm a lawyer. I can detect deceit a mile away and my livelihood depends on being a better liar than my opponent."

I scoffed and pulled my arm away.

Turning to leave again, I huffed, "I honestly don't know what any of that has to do with me, and I don't care. I'm going upstairs now and you're not going to stop me."

"I know that earring post isn't yours, because you're allergic to nickel," he replied haughtily, as he did indeed stop me in my tracks.

"How do you..." I started to ask, but he cut me off.

"And I also know the only reason you'd have to lie is to protect someone."

I turned to face my brother now, knowing I can't avoid this conversation with him.

"Someone you have a personal connection with, someone you care deeply about," he taunted.

"What's your point, Elliot James?" I questioned flippantly, annoyed by my little brother's smug attitude.

Gripping my chin, he replied coldly, "My point is that we both know it was our bratty little niece sitting outside this door, eavesdropping on our conversation." Looking me dead in the eye, he continued, "And we both know our big brother is going to beat her ass when he finds out. Most likely with Great-grandfather's strap, as this isn't the first time she's committed this offense."

"EJ, please," I implored him to have mercy. "Don't tell Anthony it was Claire. I'm sure she's upset enough having heard the two of you speak about getting rid of this baby." I slapped his hand away and rubbed my stomach protectively. "She doesn't need to be punished right now. She needs to be able to talk openly and honestly about what she heard. I'm sure she's very hurt, confused, and upset right now. Can't you understand that?"

"I actually agree with you, Sis. That's the only reason I didn't call you out as a liar in front of our older brother. I think she needs someone to talk to about what she heard. I can try to set up an appointment for a session with Dr. Biasi."

"A stranger?" I scoffed in protest. "Are you serious? Actually a better question would be, are you crazy? How can you even suggest airing our dirty laundry in front of someone outside the family?"

"She only works for connected families, Sis. I am serious and I'm not crazy. Gabriella is an excellent therapist and she's worked with us before. She knows when to keep her mouth shut. Don't worry, Lexie, she can be trusted."

"If she's so keen on keeping her mouth shut, I'm surprised you have any interest in seeing her, Fratellino (Little brother)," I replied with a smirk, unable to stop myself from teasing him, despite the seriousness of this situation.

"Ha ha, Sorella (Sister). In the words of our bratty niece, you're hilarious," EJ mocked, in a pretty spot-on impression of Claire, if I do say so myself. "Can we get back to the matter at hand now, if you're able to drag your mind out of the gutter, Alexandra?" he asked facetiously.

"Of course, Brother," I replied, with a grin. I do enjoy these rare moments of good-natured ribbing with my siblings. It almost makes us seem like a normal family. "Now where were we?"

"I was disagreeing with you about disciplining our pest of a niece. She does deserve to be punished for eavesdropping, just not with Great-grandfather's strap and not right now." EJ took a step back. Sighing, he shook his head and ran his hand down his face. "The question is, what do we do now?"

"I don't know, EJ. I just know Claire must be devastated and I really want to help her, and I don't think spanking her is going to be helpful."

"That's where you're wrong, Sis. We need to nip this bad habit of listening in on other people's private conversations in the bud. She could be putting herself in danger if she hears business related matters intended for adult family members and despite the fact she's super annoying, I don't want to see her killed."

"Alright fine," I reluctantly agreed with my baby brother.


"But," I said, stopping him before he could continue. "I will speak to her first and then and only then, depending on how our conversation goes, you may be allowed to address her bad habit of eavesdropping. Va bene (Ok), little brother?"

"I have a better idea." EJ and I both froze upon hearing the distinct authoritative voice of our older brother echoing down the hall.

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