5. Monstrous

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Dylan🔝: he's about to become even more of a main character in here. be ready to shockered!

"Why are you forcing me to come along?"

I glare at Dylan as he holds on tight to his bedroom doorknob, refusing to let go.

"Because! I need you to be my support. Or per se, my witness. This is necessary and if you don't come I don't know if this'll work out. I've been hiding this for too long and now this is the perfect time to reveal the news. The guy is only here for 90 days before his visa is up." I explain, Dylan letting go suddenly as he narrows his eyes at me.

"What are you talking about? Who's here for 90 days? What did you do?" He asked, making me smirk.

"I did something. Stop looking at me like I did something wrong. Especially since Arthur and I are looking into the surrogacy thing, this is even better. This is just the icing on the cake."

He looks away from me, seeming not to believe me but I was certain that this would work. Considering I found...him, I have yet to tell anyone. Until now.

"Who's here? This isn't some '90 Day Fiancé' shit right?"

"Hell no! Far from it. It's some '90 Day Getting to Know Your Father' shit." I hint, and Dylan raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

Because I did something amazing.

The guy happens to be waiting for me at the airport and it took lots of convincing to make him come here. It was even harder to find him, until you found his name. Then he was all over the screen because this guy seems to be well known where he is right now.

Since Dylan happens to be the only one I can trust to keep his mouth shut, he's the perfect person to bring with me. Just in case if this guy tries to run off or do something dramatic.

Now in the car and having gotten to Dylan's curiosity, I begin to drive to LAX. Seeing him still look uncertain but open for whatever. The perks to having good friends like him.

"You're not telling me who this guy is? Do I have to guess or something?" He asked, and I shrug because I doubt he'd be able to guess.

"I mean you can if you want. I doubt you'll get it."

"Rude. But still, aren't you supposed to be doing this surrogacy thing with Arthur?"

"Yep. That's why I needed to find this guy. It's perfection."

Dylan begins to narrow his eyes at me, folding his arms and I saw him begin to go deep in thought. Knowing he seems to be clever like that and finds things out too easily. But I don't think I have that much away.

"Did you find Arthur's father?"


"Yes, actually I did. Found him about a few months ago. It took way too long to convince him to come here. But this is perfect timing because this is around the time we're looking into surrogacy. Going to have my first baby and everything."

Dylan smiles, but I suddenly see his hand smack me upside the head. Making me try hard not to smack him back since I was driving.

"Are you stupid? Do you know what bad timing you have?"

"I thought this was perfect!"

"No! Isn't that bad because a dad figure he never had will appear out of nowhere. Won't that conflict with how he treats his children?"

I look away, beginning to wonder why I never thought of that. But I don't think Arthur would get conflicted over something like that. I mean...he does get emotional when he talks about it...

"Didn't he tell you he didn't care or something? Imagine how that'll feel for a man to appear out of nowhere claiming that he's your father. Especially when you're twenty six."

"Stop stressing me out! You're making me regret even having him come here! I was just so excited...it seemed right at the time."

Dylan shrugged, looking away as if he knew he was right. Even though he kind of was. Sometimes, I hate having him as a best friend because he's smarter than me.

"Well, I guess it's kind of a good thing. I see where you are coming from, but it's all up to how Arthur will react."

I nod, smirking as we began to get closer to the airport.

"In France he was...interesting. Hopefully since he knows where his son is he'll be cool. Never met the guy but I've messaged him and he's kind of full of himself and...rude."

"Like you?" Dylan mocked, making me sneer as he laughs.

"Whatever. Like I said, he's here and it'll bring us closer to him meeting Arthur. Isn't that exciting?!"

I tried hiding the fact that I was now nervous. I didn't know what to think anymore. Hopefully, this works out in my favor...please!


"I don't see him. You sure he didn't lie to you?" Dylan asked, and I shrug as I begin to become frustrated.

His father right now is giving me a bad impression of him even more. He told me he was coming at this time, yet he's twenty minutes late. This is fucked up, for sure.

"I don't know anymore. I'm sure he said this area to get him. He was on the Air France airline, so I'm sure this is the spot...or...?"

I cuss under my breath, wishing that I didn't have to deal with someone like this. This is pissing me off because I can't find him, at all.

"This is retarded. I think the guy lied to you. Do you even know his name?"

"Raphael Martin." I say, making Dylan fold his arms.

"His name sounds ridiculous. I'm so pissed right now that I just want to make fun of that stupid name."

"How rude!"

I look as I saw a tall black man come up behind Dylan, looking down at him in mock anger. Seeing Dylan turn around suddenly and look up at Raphael and he smirked down at him.

"Oh shit." He cussed, stepping back as Raphael smiled.

"Looks like you didn't know I was right near you. How rude! Are you that impatient?" He asked, hearing the strong French accent and confirming that he was related to Arthur, for sure.

"So you're Arthur's father?"

"Yep. Are you shocked that I'm this attractive for being forty two?" He questioned, smirking as he was still looking at Dylan and has yet to even acknowledge I was here yet.

I clear my throat, making Raphael look at me with annoyance. But Dylan looked away from him and I was surprised to see him with pink cheeks.

"Hey, old man, don't make my friends uncomfortable." I hiss, folding my arms." I don't care if your sixteen years older and happen to be Arthur's father, don't make my friend-."

"Woah! Why are you making such big leaps and assumptions mon garçon?" ( my boy? ) He asked, frowning as he looked down at Dylan and back to me." I don't think he's uncomfortable. Maybe it's a...what's your name?"

Dylan looked up at him, rubbing the back of his neck and sighed.


"Ahh. In my country we would say Dillion. Means 'comme un lion'. Is there a power hidden deep inside you that I'm missing? Because I don't see it." ( like a lion ) He murmured, Dylan frowning since we both know French. Considering he just insulted Dylan I am surprised he's acting like it's nothing.

"That's rude..."

Is all he says. That's it.

"Did I hurt your precious feelings. I'm sorry Dylan. Do you accept my apology?"

"He accepts nothing! Who do you think you are walking up in here and-."

"Shush. I don't want to hear the same old thing. I didn't come here to argue with you. I just want to see my son."

I feel my fists ball up, seeing him yawn as he smiled. Almost like he was mocking me because I wanted to sock him the face. But to hell with that! I couldn't do shit!

"What took you so long?" I hear Dylan ask, Raphael's expression softening as he looked down at him.

"I had to stop to get something to eat. I was hungry. I like pizza so...I got Pizza Hut."

"Really? What kind?"

"Supreme. What's your favorite?"

"Cheese but sometimes I crave Hawaiian."

"I must try that one day-."

"What the hell is wrong with you two?!" I cry, seeing them look at me like I was crazy. But these two were fucking talking about pizza even when Raphael was late as fuck." Besides, who takes that long to eat pizza? I can eat mine in eight minutes, a whole one!"

Raphael rolled his eyes, resting his hand on Dylan's shoulder as he leaned forward.

"I'm sorry. But it took five minutes to get off the plane, so that means ten minutes to feed my hunger before I die of starvation. I found pizza, and I ate it. Then, I had to get my suitcases, took five. So there. Patience is key."

I just stare at him, my eye twitching as he smiled at me all kind-like.

How can a selfish bitch of a man be Arthur's father. It doesn't even seem possible. I can see the resemblance in the physical appearance...that's it.

"Well, wheres your car? I don't want to burn to death out here!" He cried, looking away from us as he sighed." Le petit ours peut-il me montrer à la voiture?" ( May the little cub show me to the car? ) He asked, smirking at Dylan who was all red-faced.

I sneered, shoving him to the side as I walked forward. Dylan right next to me as Raphael was behind us and staring at the scenery.

"He's got me all flustered. What's his problem?" Dylan asked, folding his arms as he shook his head." I completely blanked back there. I'm surprised I didn't make a complete utter fool of myself."

"You kinda did. Asking him what kind of pizza he ate - who gives a fuck! That doesn't mean since he had the best supreme pizza in the world that he gets to be late!"

"I never said it was the best. It was moderately appeasing."

I bite my tongue, seeing Dylan chuckling as Raphael was rushing up beside him and smiling down at him. Wondering what was his deal and why Dylan was acting weird out of nowhere. Raphael is already weird.

"So, petit ourson, I want to know something about you. Inform me, entice me, make me courtiser for you in my dreams and mindset." ( little cub, woo )

Dylan was blushing again, having me walk around them as I squeezed between them. Raphael going around me and standing beside Dylan again. But I just went between them again. He went next to Dylan again and this time had his suitcase blocking me from getting between.

Making me sneer as Dylan was biting his lip while with pink cheeks. Raphael smirking as once we got to the car he sat in the back and Dylan sat in the back too. Unusual considering he doesn't like sitting in the back.

Just around a bunch of freaks. Not sure what's with Dylan right now... But it looks to familiar...


While I drove back it was just silent. No, that's a lie.

All I heard was Raphael - which I think he was - flirt with Dylan. Not sure if he's just...like this, but it had Dylan all hot and red. It bothered me and reminded me too much of Arthur and I.

But this is Arthur's dad! Father! Man that gave Arthur's mother his sperm to make him! Then here he is right behind me! Commuting this adultery?!

I get it they didn't have sex, but this unusual flirting feels the same!

"Dylan, Raphael, shut your traps and let's talk about how we'll do this with Arthur." I interrupt, seeing in the overhead mirror that Raphael was mocking me and Dylan had his lips in a straight line to stop him from laughing.

"Okay, but Arthur is my son. So I think I should do this my way-."

"No. So far, you're way is trash." I say, hearing him snort.

"Who are you to call my way trash? What if I think your way is trash rich boy?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Rich boy, rich boy! Garçon riche, garçon riche!" ( rich boy, rich boy! ) He exclaimed like a child, Dylan laughing as he mocked me and I couldn't even fight them because I was driving.

"You're lucky I even looked for you or you wouldn't know your son has been dying to see you!" I scream, Raphael stopping immediately as he looked at me with sadness.



"Well..." I hear him begin to chuckle, making me confused out of my mind." Sorry that my life doesn't revolve around everyone's feelings I hurt along the way."

I sneer, wishing to swerve this car into a ditch and Dylan and I jump out safe and unbruised.

"Are you really that selfish and such a..."

"Wanna finish that sentence? I don't mind."

I bang my fist on the horn, it honking loudly as he laughed and I couldn't do anything. It pissed me off that Arthur's father was...like this!

It had me all pissed until we got to the house. Seeing Arthur happening to be leaning against his car and the twins waiting.

"Is that my son?" He asked, and I rolled me eyes.

I had no idea he'd be here this early. I knew they went somewhere and such, but I didn't know it'd be early like this.

Stopping the car I turn to Raphael, glaring at him.

"Don't get out the car until I give you the all clear." I hiss, getting out as I walk to Arthur. Hugging him as he smiled and felt him rub my back comfortably.

"Where'd you go? I saw your car so I thought I'd just wait." He said, making me pull away as I smile.

"I brought you something."

"You did?"

I look as Dylan walks around the car and I see Arthur frown.

"That's my gift?"

"No. It's worse. Raphael!" I shout, seeing him get out the car. A smirk on his face as he walked towards us until he stood right in front of Arthur. Shoving me back and Arthur looked at him with disapproval.

But it soon disappeared when he saw the resemblance, seeing him become pale. I stepped back and Raphael laughed, patting Arthur's shoulder.

"Pourquoi n'est-ce pas une belle réunion? Je ne pense pas que tu rencontres ton père comme ça... non? Ou est-ce que je manque quelque chose?" ( Why isn't this a lovely meeting? I don't think you meet your father like this...right? Or am I missing something? ) He questioned mockingly, Arthur narrowing his eyes at him and it let me see that they were the same height.

It was kind of interesting to look at the two of them in front of one another. Is this what Arthur will look like when he's older or...?

"Il sait le français non? Ou êtes-vous à court de mots? Suis-je ce beau?" ( He knows French right? Or are you at a loss for words? Am I that handsome? ) He teased, chuckling as Arthur's face twisted into a hundred emotions. It almost seemed unreal.

But the realist was when it stopped on disgust.

"C'est mon père?" ( This is my father? ) He asked in a deep tone, Raphael nodding.

"Oui. Duh!" ( Yes. Duh! ) He shouted, waving his hands around in his face like he was stupid." Qu'est-ce que tu penses?" ( What do you think? )

But Arthur shook his head, looking down at his kids and back at his father. Sneering as he stared him down in the very eye, finding myself getting oddly turned on.

"Qu'est-ce que je pense?" ( What do I think? ) He repeated, closing his eyes as once they opened they had the darkness that I saw when we were in high school. A chill going down my spine and even saw Raphael flinching a bit... Almost a decade ago and if I remember correctly...

"Come on big guy, you scared of big, bad wolf William here?" Dylan asked, and all of a sudden it was like a switch flipped on.

Because his eyes darkened, looking at Dylan and then at me.  I suddenly felt a tiny sliver of fear and a chill go up my spin. Scaring me that I was suddenly getting this way from a glare. A frightening glare.

But he smiled, it going away.

This was the glare. For sure.

"Bonjour...? Tu vas répondre-?" ( Hello...? You gonna answer-? )

"Monstrueux." ( Monstrous ) He interrupted harshly." Totalement et complètement, monstrous." ( Totally and utterly, )

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