1. My Birthday Gift is A-?

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William 🔝

"All I wanted for my birthday was a new car or maybe a few new pairs of shoes." I shake my head as I look at the thing they call a 'gift'. "But no. You brought me a human for my birthday present."

My parents smile, resulting in this person to smile too. Probably because he has no idea what we are saying and has the expression of what a child makes when they learn how babies are made. Dumbfounded.

"You needed a brother. Right?" My father asks, patting this guys shoulder as he flinches at the touch. Even though he's a giant and looks like he has more muscle than me.

"Yes, but I meant you two lock yourselves in a room and you get in my moms hatchback!" I explain, and my mom gasps at my words. Father chuckles, shaking his head.

"Not at our age. Too old."

"You're never too old to have sex. Tell that to Mick Jagger." I snort, and they shake their heads.

"No way. Not that we have time to arrange that, but you need a sibling. And so for your birthday, we brought you one-."

"No, you bought one-."

"Wrong answer! He's more like a..." My mom looked up at the guy as he examined the house as if it was a castle." Exchange-student-who-will-be-your-brother."

I roll my eyes, standing up from my seat. Realizing this dude was taller than me and it pissed me off.

"What a mouthful." I hiss, and she grins.

This is what happens when you have parents that think their money can get them anywhere. I mean, it has, but they think buying things will give people happiness.

It does. But I like things I will use and enjoy. Like a car, yacht, maybe a house, or something! They took it too far with a living, breathing human being. Almost like-.

"A dog." I spat, the guy cocking his head and my parents glare at me. "What is this? You bring him here like he's a dog! You forgot the cage, the pads, and the kibble. But one things for sure, I'm not cleaning his shit!"

"William Alexander Moretti Jr!" Father growled, and I sighed. The guy looking frantically between my mom and father.

My mom pats his arm, mumbling something to him as he has to bend his back forward for her. Whatever she whispered in his ear he came back up smiling the weirdest smile I've ever seen.

It was too bright. Like whenever people are selling things in the mall and some of them smile like freaks, thinking smiling like that will make people want to come to them. No thanks. That's what he looks like. Just...where's the overly-expensive fidget spinners and knock-off Yeezys?

"Name is Arthur Louie Martin and from France. Hello." He nodded. His accent thick as hell and annoying me.

I looked to my mom, a stupid smile on her face that was saying 'This is all gonna be peaches and cream and perfect!' No the hell it is not! The peaches are rotten, the cream is spoiled, and there's no such thing as perfect... Except me.

"Do you know English?" I emphasize my last word, his head cocking, then he quickly nodded.

"I know, I know, English. Little." He pinched his fingers to show that tiny space that was saying he knew nothing. He knows a penny thick worth of English.

"We were hoping you would-."

"Never." I interrupt, shaking my head.

I am the captain of my football team and I have lots of things going for me. The college recruiters are coming soon and I know that I'm on their list.

I don't have time to be babysitting and teaching this guy English. He should've come prepared.

"Well you have too! Because Arthur will be going to your school and we arranged for him to be in all your classes-."

"I have advanced classes, he wouldn't make it!"

"He went to a nice private school in France and happens to have grown up in a nice environment. Don't you have advanced French classes for language? You and him can speak and have so much fun! Talking about girls and such!" My mom gushed, and I glared at this guy. His eyes avoiding mine as he continued to examine the place.

"I don't want him in all my classes. I don't even want him in school. School is my place; I do not want him ruining it."

"You'll be fine! Now," my dad passed this guy his suitcases, looking at me,"show him the room next to yours. Because that will be his room."

"Dad!" I cry. Making the guy jump, my mom narrowing her eyes at me as her hand went flat, lowering down. Telling me to lower my voice.

"No, I won't lower my voice! You brought me a dumb human for a birthday present and you think I'll accept it with open arms!"

"Son I'm not having this conversation with you. Take Arthur to his room. Now."

I watched as they both rushed off, knowing if they didn't walk away I'd still be protesting.

Isn't it reasonable that I would get upset? Who wouldn't get upset with having a random guy who doesn't know English thrusted into their life like it's nothing?

I don't ask for a lot of things...but one thing I'd ask for is for him to go.


I look, seeing the guy holding his suitcase handles in his hands. Waiting on me as he looked down on me almost. Or it was the height difference. Not much difference.

I'm 6'1 and it looks to me as if he's 6'6. His giant ass is pissing me off.

"Find 'room' yourself. I'm not your maid." I walk away from him, hearing his feet shuffle behind me in a hurry.

Hearing him mumble "room" over and over again. It was like hearing a parrot learn how to say a word and they say it over and over again, overusing it.

I got to the stairs, walking up them knowing that this weirdo was following me. Thinking I was probably going to show him 'room'. But I'm not, clearly.

Walking through the hall I get to my room walking in and plopping on my bed. But when I hear his feet walk into my room I sneer.

"What are you doing!?" I yell, making him jump. Standing up and grabbing his stuff, throwing it out my room. He scrambles to it, saying words in French that I completely understood.

"Je veux juste savoir où est ma chambre!" ( I just want to know where my room is! ) He cries, and I fold my arms as he frantically sets his suitcases back up.

"Vous ne serez pas en mesure de dire quelque chose parce que je connais aussi le français."
( You won't be able to get away with saying anything because I know French too. ) I hiss, the guy looking at me with astonishment.

"Tu fais? S'il vous plaît, monsieur, puis-je savoir où se trouve ma chambre?" ( You do? Please, sir, may I know where my room is? )

"Nope." I finish, and I know that's one word he really understands.

But he cocks his head, and I roll my eyes. I'm sick of him cocking his head like a damn dog. Where's the floppy ears and the saliva? I want to see it.

"'Nope' est un mot compliqué pour le mot non?" ( is 'nope' a fancy word for the word no? ) He asks, and I snort at the question.

"Je dirais plutôt la manière la plus rude - pour moi au moins." ( I'd rather say, the ruder way - for me at least. ) I tell him, not trying to be nice or give it to him kindly.

I can tell that he senses that by my words. His expression changing from confused to crestfallen.

"Sleep wherever is available. Now get out." I shove him out my room, and he looks at me with helping eyes as I slam the door - sighing in relief.

My parents think since they brought home a dumb human that I'm supposed to automatically help. Um, that's not how it works.

Yeah he's a human and a natural human instinct - maybe - is to help others in need. Not me! He's obviously not poor after I heard my moms words and he looks well-off. So why is here?

To be my brother? But yet he's an Exchange Student? It's some stupid shit I can't handle and when we go to school I will drop him as fast as people drop their phones. But I won't be reaching for him frantically, I'll let him crack.

I need to tell someone about this. I grab my phone, calling my friend Dylan, needing someone to vent to.

"What's up?" He answered, and I groaned in anger as I heard him laugh." What happened? What did your parents do this time?"

"They really screwed up this time Dylan." I shook my head, plopping on my bed in exaggeration to how I'm feeling." You know how for my birthday I wanted a new car?"

"Yeah. Not like you don't have four already - but yeah. Why?"

"They didn't bring me something I can ride or something. This damn thing could probably ride me if it wanted!"

"Is it an animal?"

I shook my head again, kicking a pillow onto the floor and imagining that guys head.

"Not exactly. It's a human. They went to France - didn't even bring me a watch, but brought me a human because they wanted me to have a brother."

Dylan started laughing hysterically, hurting my ear as I had to put him on speaker. His stupid laugh echoing through my room.

Sounding like a witch and a hyena cry had a baby.

Suddenly my door flew open, seeing this guy with a worried expression on his face. He looked around and when he saw me looking at him like he was stupid he cocked his damn head again.

"Noise?" He rushed to the side of my bed and I grabbed my phone.

"Get out! Who do you think you are?"

"Noise?" He pointed at my phone and I knew he had to be kidding me. My mom said he had a nice life so why is he acting like he's never seen a phone before?

"It's a phone you idiot! Nobody told you to barge into my room to see what you thought you heard. Get out, right now, sortez!" ( get out! ) I shout, and he nods, walking out my room and not closing the damn door.

"He sounds like...something." Dylan mumbles, and I go to my door as I slam it.

"Tell me about it. He's ridiculous-."

"But he sounds cool." I almost choke on my tongue." I'm just judging on his voice, but the girls at our school would go crazy over a French guy. That accent annoys me a little, but they'll be swooning."

"I doubt it! They're too distracted on us to notice him."

"Not if your parents make him walk in with you at school. Then the girls will definitely come for him to get closer to-."

"Me." I smirk, loving how this all ended on me.

"Yeah, that. But don't forget, he might not know English but your actions and emotions and the way you look at him are key factors. He's not dumb enough to know when someone dislikes him. Clearly in your case, you hate him. Just remember, it may come back at you."

"Doubt it!" I sung, smirking as I remember the words he said about how the girls will come to him to come closer to me. Because he's stupid and will bring them here.

"Seriously though. I've read stories on how people treated those that were less fortunate than them and those people rose to the top-."

"Then I'll just shove back to the bottom! Easy."

Dylan sighed, and I didn't know why he was defending him. He doesn't know the guy and this guy is annoying as hell.

For the rest of that night we talked about this guy. Dylan kept persisting that I need to be nicer and I said no.

I told him how I was told to teach him English and Dylan was saying how I could make more friends. Yeah, like I don't have enough of them.

I'm trying to think on what would anyone else do if a guy was just put into your life suddenly. I know for a fact they probably wouldn't be smiling and hugging him and shit.

I hate new people. They're weird and I don't know where they've been. Like this guy. He's a damn tall ass giant and his exterior gives off the impression of a gangster that people would refer here.

But the inside is as soft as a damn feather... I hate feathers.

By the time we were done degrading him without him knowing, we got off. Making me realize it was midnight and I was surprised that I wasn't called down for dinner.

I opened my door, looking as the hall lights were on. I went to the door next to me that I was supposed to put that guy in. Opening it, seeing that it was empty.

I cussed, knowing he probably got lost in this house trying find a place to sleep. There's six lofts in this place through out the house and it's not like he couldn't sleep on a couch.

I walked around to the nearest loft, seeing that this one just had a huge wall screen and was almost a place where my friends go to play games or just to watch stuff.

His ass wasn't here so I started opening up doors. But he wasn't in any of them in this section of the house - my section.

I walked back, shaking my head in annoyance at the fact that I feel like I'm looking for a lost dog. I can't clap my hands and whistle - wait.

I whistle, the noise echoing through the hall, but nothing happened. I walked down, going to my room and it was the same as before. I walked in and got my phone, turning on the flashlight to a low dim.

Walking out, going near the corner as I turned, smacking into something that was hard and tense.

"Oof!" I shoved back whatever it was, putting the light back up towards it to see biceps in my face. I put the flashlight up, seeing the guy.

"What the hell are you doing?! It's midnight!"

He cocked his stupid head.

"Que diable fais-tu, il est minuit tu es bête!"
( what the hell are you doing, it's midnight you dumbass! ) I whisper yell, and he looks startled at my actions.

I don't know what he's used to, but here there's no soft voices and eating French bread and cheese all the time. This is America, we eat fast food for a living and hate taxes.

"Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai fait de mal, mais ce n'est pas une façon de parler à quelqu'un."
( I don't know what I did wrong, but that's no way to talk to somebody. ) He states firmly, and I roll my eyes.

I walk away, hearing him walking behind me as I get to his door. Opening it as I point inside.

"Room." I say, and he suddenly loses the frown and smiles.

"'Room'?!" He gets excited suddenly, rushing inside as his towel from around his waist falls to the ground. I sneer, watching his naked ass flopping onto the bed and hearing him say French things in excitement.

I kick the towel near the bed, realizing how big the rooms in this house are. Having their own bathroom so where the hell did he take a shower at?

"You." I look, seeing walking towards me and still not having the decency to put the towel back on. Yeah, we're both guys and all but I don't want to stare at his naked body. Not to mention his dick is scaring me.

He grabs my hands, looking at me softly and making me uncomfortable. Smiling teeth that were bright in this dark ass room.

What would I say to my dad if he saw us like this?! I'm not gay! Not sure about him though.

"Merci beaucoup!" ( thank you very much! ) He nods his head at our hands, letting go.

So that's how people say thanks in France? That's too much.

"Put your towel on." I hiss, pointing at the towel and making a motion to wrap around his waist.

"Oh!" He acts like he forgot he didn't have one on, rushing to the towel as he put it back on.

I looked away, walking to the door as I looked back towards him. His eyes looking black in this dark room. The big window reflecting the moons light as the blinds weren't closed.

Showing this guys brown skin that looked slightly dark blue and I looked away.

"Merci beaucoup!" He whispered.

"Shut up." I slammed his door shut, going to my room in a hurry. Closing the door and going on my bed as I grabbed my iPad. Going to look at pictures of my girlfriend and I.

Looking at her I sighed, nodding.

"So that's why I feel this way." I murmur, looking at her as I knew I was only feeling this way because I was thinking of her. Obviously.


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