Chapter Six

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"Okay class here are your results from the documents you gave me last week." Miss Bianca said passing the math documents to the students.

"Good job Nicolas." She told him when she passed his and Kai peered over to see his results.

"What did you get?" He asked and Nic turned to him with a smirk.

"What do you think?" He said and showed him the paper for Kai to see he had a perfect score.

"Nerd." Kai muttered and Nicolas chuckled, grabbing Kai's document to see he had a B.

"You should have worked with me." Nic said.

"You know I wanted to! I couldn't because-"

"Kai! We got a B, isn't that great!" A voice screeched and they both turned their heads to the grinning girl.

"Oh-um yeah I guess." Kai chuckled and then glanced at Nic who was looking at Mary with an annoyed expression.

"Why don't we hang out to celebrate! Dinner tonight?" She asked with a hopeful smile and Kai internally groaned.

"He can't." Nic said and grabbed Kai's hand under the table to control his growing annoyance.

"And why not?" Mary asked turning to face Nicolas who was giving her a bored look.

"He's having dinner with me." Nicolas answered and she gave him a glare and the fact that he was just giving her a bored stare only made her anger rise.

"Umm." Kai said breaking the tense atmosphere in the air, and giving Mary a sorry but not sorry smile.

"Sorry Mary but like Nic said I already have plans."

"Fine maybe another time." She huffed and turned around.

"There won't be another time right?" Nicolas asked turning to face Kai who smiled at him.

"There won't." He answered squeezing Nic's hand who smiled at the reassurance.

There was a knock on the door that broke their moment and they glanced at the front of the class where the principal entered with an unfamiliar boy following him.

He had dirty blond hair and even from the back Kai could see his bright blue eyes that were brimming under the classroom's light. Kai was shocked to see the boy's eyes lock on Nicolas and when he turned to look at Nicolas he saw him widely smiling at the boy.

"Sorry to disturb your class Miss Bianca, but you have a new student that'll be joining your class. This is Rex and I hope everyone will treat him well." The principal said turning to the students in the classroom to give them a small smile and then left leaving Rex who was still smiling back at Nicolas and the teacher at the front.

"Hello Rex why don't you tell us something about you before sitting down?" Miss Bianca asked kindly making him turn to look at her instead of Nicolas which made Kai feel less restless.

But he could still feel the squeezing in his chest at seeing Nicolas smile widely at someone who wasn't him. Not that Nicolas only smiled at Kai but still.

There was something that he didn't like about the boy and he didn't know why he was feeling like that.

"Sure." Rex answered with an easy smile. "My name's Rex and I just moved from New York with my dad a couple days back."

New York?

Kai realized that they had probably met on Nicolas's trip.

But how?

And what did they do?

Did they watch movies and cuddle like Nicolas did with him? Or did they tour the city and have fun together?

Kai's heart clenched at the though and he had to rub his chest to make himself feel better. Nicolas hadn't even notice which made Kai even sadder.

"Okay thank you Rex. You can sit next to Mary." She said which made Kai internally groan.

Why did he have to sit right in front of Nic?

Rex nodded and walked over to the back and sat next to the petite girl. She shot him a flirty smile and he gave her a small smile before turning to look at Nicolas with a smirk.

"Fancy seeing you here."

"What are you doing here man?" Nicolas chuckled and Kai squeezed his hand under the table to get his attention but Nicolas only squeezed back not knowing Kai wanted to ask him something.

"My dad relocated here so here I am." Rex shrugged before glancing at Kai with a wide smile.

"You must be Kai!" Rex exclaimed and Kai's eyebrows shot up.

"You know me?" He asked trying to hide the distaste he felt towards the boy in his tone.

"Of course. Nicolas talked about you all the time when he came to New York." Rex said with a smirk and Nicolas shot him a warning look that Kai didn't notice, he was too busy focusing on the part that they had spent time together.

"You guys spent a lot of time together?" Kai asked with a small frown and Rex smiled at it.

"My dad and his mom are business partners so he sent me to entertain him. At first he was a real grump and only smiled when he was texting a certain someone that I later found out was you, his best friend. Anyways long story short he slowly started talking with me and we became friends. Oh! And I was the one who took that picture he posted on his social media."

"You took his picture?" Kai asked and Rex nodded with the smile that was starting to annoy Kai.

Why was he always smiling?

Kai was always the one to take Nicolas's picture and convince him to share it and now knowing that someone else did what he usually did bothered him.

But why?

Kai was so confused at himself. He knew that Rex was a good person by his easy going personality and the fact that he was friends with Nicolas.

Nicolas disliked rude and obnoxious people.

But there was still something that was making Kai not like Rex. It wasn't anything he did, really.

It was just...

Kai knew it was because of how close he was with Nicolas despite only knowing him for those two weeks.

But why was that making him so uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?"

Kai broke out of his rather painful thoughts and looked at Nicolas who was looking at him with a concerned gaze.

"I'm fine." Kai smiled but it wasn't like his usual smile which made Nicolas frown.

"Are you sure? You zoned out and you looked.. well sad." Nicolas said which made Kai blush in embarrassment.

"It's nothing Nic. I'm okay." He said.


"Dude! Stop pestering him he said he's fine." Rex cut Nicolas off which made him shot him a glare.

"Nic." Kai said grabbing his attention once again. Kai looked at Nicolas with a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand. Nicolas stared back at him, momentarily letting his hand go to instead interlocked their fingers together, making his grip tighter and turning Kai's cheek rosy.

"Okay." Nic finally said, letting go of the matter and Rex just stared at those two with raised eyebrows and a hidden smirk.


Kai was getting ready to go to Nicolas house, debating between a blue shirt or a black one. He was going to make Nicolas dinner tonight since he wanted to try a new recipe and who else but to make his best friend be the first to try it?

He was extremely exited for it and couldn't wait till Nicolas came to pick him up.

He finally settled on the blue t-shirt and was about to change into it when his cellphone rang. He glanced at it and saw him and Nicolas's picture from when they were kids and he brightened up, picking up his phone.

"Are you here? I'm sorry I just gotta put on my shirt and I'll be there!" Kai exclaimed picking up his phone.

"Kai." Nicolas voice sounded sad and guilty which made Kai's smile drop from his face. "I'm really sorry Kai but we have to reschedule. I'm really really sorry. I promise to make it up to you."

"But why?" Kai asked sadly letting the shirt drop on his bed.

"It's Rex he needs-"

And the line went dead.


He was ditching him for Rex?

Kai felt his hands tremble as he dialled Nicolas's number again only for it to go straight to voicemail. He tried three more times before texting him and dropping his phone on the bed and sliding down to the floor.

Kai's eyes brimmed with tears and he knew it was stupid. He felt so pathetic for crying over something so.. so small. But he couldn't help himself. The whole day he had to witness Rex and Nicolas talking like they were best friends.

And then when he finally got to have Nicolas to himself he couldn't because Rex needed something.

Kai also needed Nicolas.

Kai was Nicolas's best friend.

Not Rex or anyone else.

Nic was his.

Kai sniffed and harshly wiped his eyes making them hurt.

If Nic didn't want to hang out with him then fine! He wouldn't wallow here like a pathetic little boy. Kai figured he would go make his recipe for his mom to try instead but when he got up from the floor he heard his phone buzz. Thinking it was Nicolas, he hurriedly grabbed it only to be disappointed when he saw Mary's Instagram user appear on his phone.

Mary: Are you sure you're not free to have dinner with me?

Kai sighed in annoyance and was about to refuse her, but then he decided why not? If Nicolas was going to ditch him then he would go hang out with Mary. Kai knew it was stupid of him but he knew Nic wouldn't like it because he dislikes Mary just as much as Kai does.

Kai: Actually I'm free. Meet me at ROSEY'S in half an hour.

He ignored her excited response and grabbed the blue shirt from the bed, putting it on. He made sure to not look like he was crying before heading out and started walking to the small restaurant.

When he arrived he sat at a table and waited till his company arrived. A couple of minutes of him mindlessly scrolling through cooking accounts like Tasty on Instagram Mary had arrived.

Like last time she wore a dress only this time a little bit more modest. It was a short sleeved royal blue dress that weirdly matched Kai's shirt.

"You look pretty." Kai said honestly because he wasn't going to not compliment her when she had clearly dressed up.

"Thank you!" Mary beamed and sat down from across him.

"So what happened to your plans with Nicolas?" Mary asked with a small smirk when they had finished ordering.

"He had to reschedule." Kai answered stiffly and Mary started laughing.

"You should have canceled on him first and agreed to this date since the beginning."


"Mary this is not a date. I already told you I don't see you that way." Kai sternly said not wanting to lead on the girl.

But then again he should have never agreed to come in the first place. But he did. Only to piss off Nicolas.

"That can change." Mary said with a shrug and Kai wanted to argue but before he could the waiter came with their food.

While eating Kai couldn't stop thinking about Rex and Nic. What were they doing? Why did Nicolas abandon their plans for Rex? What did Rex need? Did Nicolas simply get tired of Kai's company and wished to hang around someone else?

Kai was afraid.

He was afraid Nicolas would leave him. Seeing Nicolas interact with Rex made him think that he was easily replaceable. Nicolas could easily find another best friend.

Nic would never do that, his conscience told him but he couldn't help but let his fears get the best of him.

"Kai! You're not even listening to me!"


"I've been trying to get your attention for the past fifteen minutes and you've been completely ignoring me!" she screeched and people around them glanced at them making Kai wince at the attention.

"Sorry." Kai said much more softly. Mary huffed and crossed her arms across her chest in anger.

"What were you thinking about anyways?" She asked with raised eyebrows and Kai answered honestly without really thinking about it, "Nicolas."

"Why are you thinking about him when a girl like me is sitting right across from you!" she shouted an Kai hushed her.

"Stop making so much noise!" He whispered and she scoffed loudly.

"Wait." She suddenly said with wide accusing eyes directed at Kai. "Don't tell me you and Nicolas are in some kind of secret relationship! Are you gay?!"

"W-what no! I'm not in a relationship with Nicolas." Kai said but the tip of his ears flushed at the thought and his heart started beating a tad bit faster.

"You better not be! I'm not going to let that happen!" She said with narrowed eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Kai was beyond confused. he was still thinking about the fact that Mary thought he was in a secret relationship with Nic. His best friend.

"I'm leaving now because you're clearly distracted and not giving me the attention I deserve. But that doesn't mean I'm giving up on you." Mary stated and 'gracefully' stood up from her seat, grabbing her bag and leaving Kai to pay the bill.

What is wrong with this girl? Kai asked himself before shrugging and paying the bill. He regretted agreeing to come to this ridiculous dinner but what's done is done.

He walked home sluggishly and when he arrived he went to take a long hot shower. When he came out of the shower he finally glanced at his phone after hours and saw he had five miscalled and a handful of text messages from Nicolas.

He was tempted to read them but his anger got the best of him and he decided to leave it and do his homework instead. When he was done with his homework it was quite late and he decided it was time to go to sleep. He shut off his lights and crawled into his bed with a heavy heart.

Hi guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. A little drama is happening here. Also Kai may have been overreacting a little bit but he's just scared of loosing his best friend. What do you guys think of Rex?

Please don't forget to vote and comment, it's really appreciated!╹◡╹)♡

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