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Once the cab stops, I get out and pay the driver. I turn around and start walking towards the crime scene. In the park (a different one), was a body. He was covered cuts from head to toe. His eyes were gouged out with 'x' on the eyelids. It was gruesome to see but I was used to it. As I looked at the body, Sherlock and John caught up to me and tried to get my attention. I ignored them, but I couldn't concentrate.
"Could you please stop talking. I'm trying to concentrate." I said. They shut thier mouths and watched me. That's when everything clicked for this person. This is, or was, my old friend. The one from the picture. This is David.
"Something wrong?" Asked Sherlock.

"Remember the picture of that man from the first crime scene?" I asked. They nodded. "Well... this is that man." They went wide eyed. "The cause of death is the same as the first victim. Where is the picture?" I asked. Lestrade walked up to me with a bag. He looked edgy. Inside the bag was a picture of a woman. A very familiar looking woman. It was Mrs. Hudson. I dropped the picture and took a few steps back.
"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" John asks. I just stand there. I can't speak. I don't trust myself to speak. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look back to see Sherlock looking at me worriedly. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I can't let someone else be hurt. Not because of my idiotic brother.
Before I knew what I was doing, I was running. I ran towards Baker Street. I opened the front door to find Mrs. Hudson talking to a man. They faced me when I burst in. The man turned around to look at me. I saw recognition in his eyes, and I knew who he was. He had short, scraggly, blond hair. His blue eyes never wavered when they met mine. I knew he had one contact in and the other out. He always did. Not because he needed them, but because one of his eyes are green, not blue. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Ah. Hello sis. How have you been?" He asked.
"Hello brother. I think it's time you upped your game." I said taking out hand cuffs and stepping towards him. He chuckled and pushed me aside. Before I could react, he was out the door and inside a cab. I watched him ride away. I had a chance. A chance to catch him. To put him in his place. But I let it slip out of my grasp. I needed to protect these people. I wont let him hurt anyone else. Not today, and not ever. I'm NOT reliving that.

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