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"Nashi what's wrong!" Daiki came towards me.

"I saw my a child" I replied.

I knew my father Time traveled but judging by this village underground it must have been an awfully long time.

All of us began walking around. The village was pretty big. When I began walking around I saw many things like dragon scales and claws.

I guess it was true that dragons did attack this place.

Wait...but that other flash back, back when I was on the island. It had Gods and things like that.

Both of the villages were the same. So that means I'm standing in the remains of the village that was in that flash back.

Those Gods had stepped on this very ground.

For some reason I felt like I've done something that no one else has done. Oh wait!

I did!!

I looked over at Teresa as she began collecting the dragon parts.

"IM GOING TO BE SO RICH!!!!" I sighed and ignored her.

Daiki stood close to me. The village seemed never ending. This was the place my father was born in.

It felt weird for me being here. I wonder if my father even knows what his parents looked like. I knew Zeref knew and told my father but my father never knew how much he was loved.

I sighed. Maybe I can tell me father about it when this is all over.

I placed my hand on my chin. This is cool in all but this must has to do with Hikari and Kuro

But what. I don't even know a single thing about them. They don't even know!

What do they have to do with Gods-

Wait Kuro... his wings are black. Could he be that one Demi-god that survived when all the other ones killed themselves.

Wait? But then how does Hikari play into this. Kuro doesn't even look like that, but then again looks can be deceiving.

My brain started to hurt with all the processing. Dang it dad! Why did I have to get your head! If I had mom's I would be able to think better.

Then I thought! Wait! If Luke were here he could understand

"Teresa can you please take me back to the surface I need to get someone who can analyze this."

"Man..but we just got started."

"I bet we will find something interesting!" I say with a determined face.

I know Luke would believe me. I feel bad for not telling him..

We are twins..we promised we'd do everything together.

We work better as a team!

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