New clue

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"Hello, Nashi" I hear from the other side of the phone.

He waves to me, "I thought you wouldn't pick up."

"I have nothing else to do, and I knew you'd call me. This is strange...."

"Welcome to the modern day...ok now let's get to business....I need to find out about You, Hikari, Mavis/Zeref, And now those ruins."


"I don't even know where to start, I feel like all of this is connected."

"I understand.."

"Do you know anything."

"I'm unable to tell you everything.." Wait..."unable"???

"I'm looking for's not just any's ultimate power, as in God's power."

"Can I help! But I need clues."

"I guess you" Then in front of me a map appears.

I step because I was shocked.. I mean if a freaking map popped up, you'd be scared too.

"By Kuro!"

"Bye." We both hung up. I run over to Zera.



"I have clues now" I say excitingly.

"Hmm I guess coming here was useless." She laughed,

"I guess, but I need to go now." I grab Daiki and we tried to follow the map.

We went on our boat and waved Zera good bye

My body hung over on the side trying not to barf.

My face was completely green. Why do Dragon slayers have motion sickness.

Daiki handed over a patch.

"D-Daiki! My angel! My savior!!!" I prayed to him.

"What am I going to do with you." He sighed.

Once I put on the patch I was able to feel the ocean breeze.

It was nice and crisp. Beautiful weather for sailing.

The ocean was a deep rich blue and I could see all the many fish swimming. Occasionally some dolphins would jump up.

"So what happens when we find out what we are looking for?"

"I don't know...but we will when we find it." I laugh.

Soon enough we reached our destination. We looked at the map then back out.


I was pretty ticked. Is that kid trying to mess with me. If he is I'm so going to give him a piece of me!

"Nashi calm down! It could be underwater."

"Oh! I didn't think of that!" My time completely changes.

We sat in our boat for a couple of hours. We didn't know what to do. We had zero equipment and now way to get down.

"Nashi...what are we going to do.."

I sighed. "I really don't know. We can't go back now!"

We had come this far. We can't just tune back now!

"What if we held our breath!"

"Are you insane! What if it's deep down their! We would drown!" Daiki yelled.

True, he has a point.

After a couple of minutes of sitting their and doing nothing I noticed something in the distances

Is that a boat???

It slowly started getting bigger as it approached us.

Out stepped a tall brunette women. She was wearing adventure clothing and had a nap.

"What are you guys doing out in the middle of the ocean?"

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