- chapter 6 -

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[name]'s POV


I growled under my breath. I tried to bite his fingers but I forgot I had the surgical mask on.

"I for one am loving your feisty side, but try and keep it in the low. Got it?" Jack said as he pulled his hood over his head.

"Let's go. And no talking unless it's an emergency." He said as he started walking towards the house.

He noticed the door was locked, which was no surprise. He looked around the backyard and found a hatch on the side of the house but It had a lock on. The backyard was a dump and had all sorts of junk scattered around, a bolt cutter being one of those. I took it and used it to cut the lock off.

Jack gave me a thumbs up as he slowly walked down the stairs. The door wasn't locked, it didn't even have a doorknob. We went in and looked around. The basement was dark but some street light came in through the few small windows. Jack leaned in and whispered in my ear

"you excited?" He asked

It almost sounded more like a statement than a question but I just lightly pushed him away. He lightly chuckled then waved at me to follow him. He managed to find the stairs to the first floor and held my hand as we went up.

"Jose! Te dije que quería que los jodidos platos fueran lavados cuando volviera!" Yelled a deep voice

"Los lavare mas tarde! ¡Estoy ocupado!" Another much lighter voice said.

I turned to Jack and gave him a "What now" face. He pressed his pointer finger onto his lips as if in saying to stay quiet.he lightly moved me aside and took hold of the door knob. He gently turned it and peaked through the small opening. He let me see once he was done memorizing the scene.

I could see the the edge of a counter, a small plastic table, foldable chairs around it, a dirty white fridge. The man from before sat on one of the foldable chairs drinking a bottle of beer and reading a few papers, his back facing us. He then turned on a tv that was out of view. A soccer game was being broadcast and the volume was relatively high.

Jack looked and then turned to me. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Okay. Stay here. When I knock on the plastic table three times, you can come out." He whispered as he took hold of a rope and tape that were hanging on the wall, crawled up the last stair and slowly opened the door. Surprisingly but luckily, it didn't squeak or make any sort of sound.

I stopped staring, afraid something might go wrong and everything would come tumbling down on me. I started thinking of why I agreed to do this.

"Que putos-" the man exclaimed.

Why am I here?

Rustling could be heard and a bit of grunting.

This is wrong. Why am I doing this?


I should just turn away and leave.


What's the point of this if I already know I'm going to hate it?



Third Person POV


[name] slowly walked up the last stair and into the first floor. She saw the man being restrained with the rope Jack had taken and his mouth was taped shut. The man looked at [name] with pleading eyes. He was a bit freaked out by her appearance, but he was desperate for help.

The tv was still playing in the background so Jack casually walked up to [name] and whispered in her ear.

"Take care of the guy for a minute. I'm gonna go get the other one."

[name] shakily nodded her head. Jack grinned and started heading up the stairs that were behind the fridge. [name] reluctantly walked towards the man and sat down on a chair next to him.

He yelled out muffled pleads, begging for [name] to set him free. But [name] just stared at him. She felt confused. Normally if someone asked for help in a time of need, she would help as much as possible. But she felt different right now. It's as if all type of human emotions that delt with pity and remorse just vanished. She felt nothing towards this man. She didn't want to see his face anymore so she decided to turn him around and face the far back wall.

Like before, rustling could be heard coming from upstairs. Someone then started running with the other chasing after them. [name] unconsciously but quickly took hold of the pan resting on the nearby stove, held it tight and hid on the corner of the stairs where anyone coming down wouldn't see her. Loud stomps could be heard coming down the stairs. She gripped the pan and prepared herself.

Her knuckles started turning white at how tightly she gripped the pan handle. As the stomps became louder and closer, her grip tightened. Once she knew they were close enough to be unable to stop, she swung the pan at them, using all of her strength. Her eyes were shut tight out of reflex.

She slowly opened them after hearing a loud thud. It was Jack. His mask had been broken from the blow to the head he took, which also knocked him out. [name] panted as she saw his body lay on the ground unconscious.

"Back off!" The young boy said as he pointed a handgun at [name].

His shoulders were shaky but his hold on the gun was not. Realizing the situation she was in, [name] backed away as she moved her surgical mask.

"I-I was just passing by. I saw a man break into your basement. I'm s-so sorry." [name] said shakily.

"So...you're not with this guy?..." the teen asked

"N-no. I was just walking home- I promise." She lied

"...okay. Jesus that asshole scared the fuck out of me." The teen said as he lowered the gun.

[name] was surprised at how quickly she gained his trust. He even turned his back on her when he saw the old man and headed towards him.

"Shit. Papa esta bien?" He spoke to the man worriedly.

Before he got too close to the man, a pan hit the back of his head, knocking him out cold. [name] hyperventilated as she realized what she just did. She could practically hear her ticket out of this problem rip to shreds.

"Jesus Christ what did I just do?!"


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