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We arrived at the government colony about an hour and 15 minutes later, after passing through 3 colonies that were all shockingly different than the last, in order to be as close to the court in the government colony as possible. I knew when we arrived I would be given a pointless trial, they're a waste of time and no one ever gets to go back home from a successful trial, they always vote for you to be exiled and it's more like entertainment for the government.

I was locked in an all grey room until the time of my trial. I didn't know the time of the trial because there were no clocks visible in this room. I guessed that its been getting later because the sound of groups of people walking past my room has died down, and that I was getting more tired by the minute.

I was soon picked up and taken to the court, a snowy white room, so bright you had to squint when you first walked in. They placed me in a matching white chair, wondering how many people had been sat in this chair knowing they were to be exiled. The trial began.

"I hereby begin the proceedings of the colonies court, in the case against Acis Ivoa. Charged for an assisted escape of her brother who was to be exiled this morning," announced the judge. He looked down on me from his post, "I understand you've been living with your mother and brother for the past 15 years of your life?"

"Yes", I answered.

"But it seems your brother has fallen into the same shoes of another family member, you decided to tinker with the case of helping your brother, Dane, make it away before this morning when he was going to be exiled. Do you have knowledge of where he's gone?"

"No, but I-", he cut me off.

"So he left to save himself, but leave you behind serving you the consequences on a silver platter? Were you not aware of the situation he led you into while helping him escape?"

"No. I didn't-"

"Was it true that you were in the room when the exilers sent by the heads of government themselves found you?"


"No? Then where were you located?"

"I was outside his room, in the hallway. But I didn-"

"So you were blocking the door to your brothers room, perhaps to give him more time to escape, or you were trying to cover up that you were in that room assisting him before hand? And you refused to cooperate with the government people when asked to move out of the way?"

"Well, yes but I was-". The judge hit the grovel on its stool. It was time for the jury of bystanders to vote.

The judge motioned "All in favor of expulsion." Everyone in the room raised their hands creating an ocean of skin in front of the white walls. I scanned the room hoping to see at least one person who had listened and disagreed with the rest. My rage turned cold- to fear and isolation. All these people were from the government, it wasn't worth wasting hope on them.

"Those in favor of eliminating conviction of Miss. Ivoa." As expected, I scanned the crowd and looked at their faces, most smiling or smirking like they were actually enjoying this scene. This one guy who met my eyes with his grey ones smirked and then turned towards the door as I moved my eyes to the person standing next to him.

The judge hit the grovel and I was taken back to a room behind the powder white room that was painted all blue. The government woman who came to my house this morning was waiting there. She notified that I would be exiled tomorrow morning. We sat in this room for as I counted exactly two minutes until I spoke.

"Can I say goodbye to her?" She didn't answer immediately and all that was heard was a clock- a clock. I stole a glance at it but only saw a hand on the 5 until I turned my attention back to the woman who answered standing up,


"Why?" I asked in clenched teeth, standing up myself. No answer. I stood up shaking my hands and grabbed the nearest object, a book. I threw it at her as hard as I could, it hitting her hand for my lack of aim, falling to the floor with a thump signaling the weight of the book. She froze, turned around to the guard in the back of the room whom had taken a few steps away from his original post.

"Take her to her cell". She motioned her hand like swatting a fly away. That was all I was to her, a pathetic, defenseless fly.

The guard grabbed my forearms tight. Tight enough to hurt and pulled me along the empty corridors. He opened one door in the sea of doors which led me to the gray room. Why were all the rooms one color? It's almost like they were color coding them.

Time is moving like this sweet black syrup we had at home that we used when cooking, it took forever to come out of the bottle, and I remember one time when we used it I had to hold the bottle straight up and down for so long to get the thick liquid out of the bottom, that I thought my arm was going to fall off.

The clock less room was becoming an asylum for me and I need an extreme change of scenery. I'm sure tomorrow I'll be wishing I was back in this gray room though. Since it's just been me and my thoughts in this room for what I'm guessing to be a few hours, I've been thinking a lot of things over. I've also been estimating about how long I'll survive outside the colonies. They Exile you with nothing but the clothes on your back, and the shoes on your feet if you're lucky enough to have them, and the bread and water they give you for meals. I have absolutely no survival skills except for telling some poisonous government plants from good government plants. And that won't help because I'm being exiled to a government free place, an unexplored terrain.

The next day came fast. I was woken by the sound of keys open the metal door. I stood up, my back sore from sleeping on an uncomfortable position against the gray walls on the cold concrete grey floor. I stood up in time to see the same Guard from yesterday pulling a ring of colored keys out of the lock. He again grabbed my forearms too tight. there was no point in trying to fight him. I have very little muscle and strength compared to this government guard who he probably had trained a lot of his life in hand-to-hand combat.

He led me to a whole bunch of empty hallways until we reached a metal door and I saw the government colony for the second time in my life. It consisted of many large buildings and monuments depicting the wealth of the colony. I turn my head to the ground to avoid the scattered broadcasting cameras and got into a government-owned van with the symbols of the government Colony printed on the sides. A way to make the victim even more humiliated. you drive to your exhilation and a tint-less window van with the government symbol showing everyone who you are as if you're supposed to be proud of it.

I still cannot believe Dane put me through this. This should be him, or no one at all.

It took about an hour to get to the end of the colonies, the government colony is in the center of all of them. The van was trailing behind two government cars, and when they all stopped the woman I threw the book at stepped out and walked towards the van I was in. A mix of pity and enjoyment plastered her face. She took the boundment of my wrist that was put on during the ride in the van and trudged me toward the wall made of some sort of unbreakable government enhanced Stone. I started to panic, my breath got faster and heavier as if I just ran colony to colony. Which I could never do.

I wasn't ready for this. I never was, I never will be. The woman clicked something in the wall which popped out of keyboard. She entered a number passcode in which unlocked some sort of mechanical swab. t flicked her finger, which then I realized to be a skin sampler. She put her finger on a scanner as well. A mechanical crank sound came and part of the wall pushed out and slid to the side revealing of black Iron Gate. Bars are thick as the woman who I'm guessing to be the head of guards, neck. She turned from the door to glance at me, and then faced the broadcasting cameras,

"Acis Ivoa, daughter of Novalese Ivoa, sister of Dane Ivoa. convicted of and assisted to be exiled Escape, for now until the end of the colonies has been exiled from the safety of the colony walls and sacrificed to the outside world. This is an act of the government to protect those from criminals like the one standing before us. The jury and government colony have spoken and voted. This decision is final"

I'm not ready. I don't want to leave. I pictured my mom's face the last time I saw her. I don't want to die. I'm not ready. She grabbed my bound hands and drove me towards the hole in the wall. No, I don't want to. This should be Dane, not me. I did nothing wrong. It shouldn't be me. She pulled my boundments Harder until we were at the gate. she took out two keys on separate chains, using one for the keyhole that appeared above the keypad. She pushed it in as soon as it turned it clicked and the gate creaked open from the weight of the bars. Two guards stepped outside the thick walls with weapons in hand and looked around. They came back inside and before I could react she pushed me through. No. She slammed the gate. No, I don't want to go. I put my hands on the bars and she cut the boundments off my wrists.

"No!" I screamed. "I didn't do anything wrong!". She turned away towards the keypad and pressed four buttons again.

"I didn't do anything wrong!". The wall started closing.

"I didn't do anything!" I screamed as loud as I could, tears falling from my eyes.. The wall was closed. The last thing I saw was the woman's smirk. I wish I could wipe that smirk off her face. I wish she knew I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't do anything. This shouldn't be me. This should be Dane, not me.

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