Chapter 14: An Unexpected Hero

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Lux Bonteri
12 ABY
Imperial Medical Research Laboratory

Dr. Pestis was right on schedule. He walked in to Lux's room in the evening with a small chip in his hands. Lux knew what it was for. He wasn't ready to give up his memories just yet.

"I need you to sit down on the operating table. This procedure won't be painful if you cooperate."

Lux shook his head. "I know what you want to do, Doctor, and I won't let you."

Dr. Pestis laughed. "You don't get a choice, Bonteri. I can do whatever I want to you." He reached inside of his cloak and reveled a syringe with what what Lux was sure was an anesthetic.

Without thought, Lux took it from his hands and tried to stab the doctor with the needle on the end. He lunged for his arm, but the doctor dodged out of the way. Lux thew some punches at him, struggling to pin him down. Luckily, the doctor wasn't much of a fighter. He tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground. Lux siezed the opportunity and stabbed the needle into his arm. Dr. Pestis's eyes closed, and Lux knew it was done.

The door slid open, and two stormtroopers came running in. "You're coming with us." They grabbed Lux's arms and slid some binders over his wrists before he had the chance to retaliate.

Well, this sure is another fine mess I've gotten myself into, Lux thought to himself. When had they brought in stormtroopers? In all his time at the lab, he had never seen a single trooper on the premises. Odd.

He lost track of where the troopers were taking him. First a left turn, then a right, then maybe another right? He had no idea. Where was he being taken?

The troopers suddenly stopped. He heard a noise coming from down the hall, though he couldn't see who it was. It sounded like people arguing, but he couldn't tell who they were.

"No, you are not allowed to blast anyone. This is a stealth mission!"

"I came all this way for you to tell me I can't blast some buckets?"

"Yes! Do you want the whole lab to know we're here?"

"You know I'd prefer a straight fight to all of this sneaking around. Relax, milady."

There were two blasts, and both of the troopers guarding him crumpled to the ground. Princess Leia and General Solo came running around the corner. For a second, it looked almost as if Han was running from the Princess.

"Senator Bonteri, we're here to get you out." Leia punched Han playfully on the shoulder before continuing. "Chewie is waiting for us in the Falcon. Do you know where Kal is?"

"Yes, though I'm not exactly sure where we are. The trick is going to be finding Ahsoka."

Han sighed. "So it's true, then? General Tano lives?"

Lux nodded. "I was skeptical at first too, but after what I learned, I think it might actually be her. Kal is being held one of the rooms just past the vault door. I can get us there, I think. Once we find him, he can lead us to Ahsoka."

Han slid his blaster back into it's holster. "Do you know what the security's like? There was a cruiser sending tons of troops transports to the surface."

"That's not good. I think I know why they're here; I'll explain later. This way."


Finding Kal was easy. Once the trio got past the vault door, he came to them. He dropped out of the vents again and stood up in front of them. "Hey, Dad. Hey, Dad's friends."

Lux shook his head. "Kal, this is Princess Leia Organa and General Han Solo. They're here to get us out."

"Whoa, wait a second. What about the memories? We can't leave without them!"

"We have to, Kal. The doctor is going to kill us off one by one if we stay. The doctors on Naboo can have a look at her when we get there, okay? If they don't figure it out, we'll come back. Deal?"

Kal rolled his eyes. Lux knew that he didn't like to compromise, but sometimes it was necessary. At least they were taking Ahsoka with them and not leaving her here. "Deal."

"Where's Mom?

"Down the hall, take the first left, keep going until you get to the back. With any luck, the nurse will be in there." He started running in the opposite direction.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lux called after him.

"There's chemical mixing room around the corner with all sorts of formulas and tools we may need. We have no idea what Dr. Psycho has done to us, so it's better to be safe than sorry. I'll be back in a jiffy." He ran off, and Han decided to go with him in case he needed extra hands.

Lux followed Kal's directions and reached Ahsoka's chamber. Leia opted to wait outside in the event a patrol happened to pass by. He stepped inside the room, his eyes darting from object to object. It was unlike anything he's ever seen before. In the middle of the room, there was a bacta tank filled with a bubbly green liquid. He recognized it immediately as the same chemical that had been injected into Kal. Ahsoka floated in the middle, not looking well at all.

He thrust an old fob stick into an opening on the side and began downloading the data stored in the tank. There was an explosion out side the door, and he knew time was running out.

"Come on, come on, come on!" He kicked the tank to try to make the download faster, but the only thing he accomplished was stubbing his toe. He swore as he pulled the fob out of the slot and stuck it back in his pocket. The information he had would have to be enough.

Lux pushed the release button, and a machine lifted Ahsoka out of the tank. Her hands flew to her stomach as she doubled over in pain, screaming. Of course she just had to go into labor when he was trying to rescue her.

There was another explosion, shaking the room. Leia and the others came running in, followed closely by Yersinia and a squad of troopers. "Chewie, we need a pickup!"

Lux dodged the blaster fire and braced Ahsoka as they walked towards the wall. She was breathing hard with sweat dripping from her face.

"It's gonna be okay, Kitty." He turned his head and kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Take deep breaths. We're almost to the ship."

Han threw a thermal detonator at the wall. Seconds later, it exploded, leaving a large hole for their escape. The Falcon was on the other side, the boarding ramp extended. "Everyone out!" He yelled.

Lux didn't need to be told twice. Bracing Ahsoka, he moved as quickly as he could towards the opening. They made it on to the ship first, the others covering them. Once inside, Lux helped Ahsoka sit in a booth by a Dejarik board.

Han and Leia came running in behind them, heading immediately to the cockpit. Kal jumped on board last as Chewie pulled in the ramp and took off.

"Dad, deal with our guest please!" He yelled from down the hall. What did he mean, guest?

The ship lurched to the left, sending him across the room. He glanced at the scanners and gulped. An Imperial Star Destroyer was on their tail, with more TIE Fighters than he could count in pursuit.

Ahsoka screamed again, and Lux turned around. She was laying on the floor on a towel, Yersinia sitting beside her.

"Get away from her!" Lux snarled. Apparently Yersinia was their "guest".

She threw her bag down on the floor next to them and rifled through it. "Bonteri, if you want her to live, let me do this. There's been a complication with her pregnancy, and you're going to need my help if you want her to survive."

Lux didn't have a choice. He'd never delivered a baby before. The last time she had been pregnant, there wasn't a problem. He would probably kill her just trying to help. He never imagined letting Yersinia work on anyone in his family, but someone qualified had to in order to save Ahsoka. "Fine. But afterwards I'm throwing you out the airlock, got it?" She nodded and got straight to her work.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.

This chapter was tense. Lux and Kal made their escape fairly successfully. We got to see Han and Leia kick some booty, which was pretty awesome. Ahsoka's about to have a baby, and Lux is very reluctantly letting Yersinia deliver it. Is that a mistake? Only the next chapter will tell ;)

Speaking of which, this chapter originally included the next part from Ahsoka's point of view, but it was really long. I thought it would be better to split them up so I can focus more on the emotional aspect of giving birth rather than acknowledging that it happened. It also gives me more room to explain what's going on with Ahsoka and why she's about to die. It may have something to do with the aftermath of Order 66, but what do I know?

I'll try to have it up by Wednesday afternoon. I'm a counselor for Girl Scout day camp this week, so I'm in charge of 15 or so eight-year-old girls all day every day this week. It's supposed to 90 degrees all week with an added bonus of a crap ton of humidity and possibly even thunderstorms. This is going to be one heck of an experience, wouldn't you say?

Assuming I don't get eaten alive or something, I'll see you in the next update. May the force be with you!

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