Everyone's got a story to tell (Ashley's Story) chpt 8

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“Don’t break don’t break my heart and I wont break your heart shaped glasses. Little girl little girl you should close your eyes that blue is getting me high” blasted threw the house when I herd a knock on the door. “I’m coming!” I shouted. Quickly turning off my music I slip on my converse and head for the door downstairs. When I open it, I see and very well dressed Brandon standing before me. He had on jean shorts and a red polo shirt on. Not that I’m into the whole polo shirt and preppy look, but if it worked for him then that was good to me. I mean, who am I to judge? I’ve been judged all my life and for once I’m liking the fact someone isn’t and there likening me for me. I smile at him in approval and he sees. 

“like what you see?” he asks me. 

“Sure.” I reply back with a wink, before grabbing my cell phone and walking out of the house towards his car. It was red and shiny, and probably cost a lot. I wondered were all these people got there money from. Brandon runs up next to me, and opens the door. I smile and thank him, while climbing into the car, while he went to the other side. 

We drove down the rode at a fast speed, but I wasn’t complaining. I didn’t want to seem like a scared cat, even though I was a little scared inside. His smile still wasn’t as warm as it was when I first saw him, and something about that bugged me. I didn’t know why but I new that I was going to have to just relax from now on, and just have fun or I knew I was going to end up ruining this night out. We arrived at a beach thirty minutes latter. Kids were already dancing, and sitting around a huge bon fire. This must be a privet beach I thought to myself. It must be because the music is very loud, and kids are drinking so there is no doubt that if it wasn’t than, the cops would have shown up already. Brandon caught me staring and smiled to himself.

“Nice isn’t it?” he asked me. I nodded in response. 

“My dad wanted us to live near the beach when I was little, so when we moved he had some extra money and bought this part of it.”

I looked at him and smiled. He looked down at me and nodded. “well, shall we?” he asked me, holding out his hand for me to take. I looked at it for a second and thought what’s the harm, and grabbed it. 

As we walk closer to the beach the music gets louder. The beat of the base is amazing. Before I know it I’m swaying my hips to the music and taping my foot. Music has such a strong effect on me. Brandon looks over at me, and smiles. Man, he smiles a lot. I wonder what’s making him smile. Until I realize its me. I stop dancing and turn a light shade of pink. He frowns slightly. 

“what’s up?” I ask him confused.

“you stopped dancing.” he tell me. That only makes me go pink a little more. He takes me hand in his and I feel a burning sensation on my neck, and I feeling like someone is watching me. These feelings and signs have never been this strong before. I gasp in a breath, from the sudden feeling and turn around to look behind me. When I turn around I see nothing, and the feelings go away. 

“What happened?” Brandon asks me, annoyed. Why is he annoyed with me? Did I do something wrong?

“Nothing, just nothing.” I tell him, not wanting him to get more annoyed. 

“alright then.” he grabs a hold of my hand. “lets dance.”

Before I got a chance to speak he pulled me near the other people and started to dance. I danced along with him, forgoing everything as I moved to the music. The night was fun, but hardly over with. I was talking to a few girls when I noticed Brandon with a few guys. I was starting to get tired and I wanted to go home. I walked over to him, and taped his shoulder. He turned around the smell of alcohol on his breath. Memories flash back to me, but I keep them in the back of my mind. 

“Lets go home.” I tell him. 

“I want to show you something first. Please let me.” he pleads, not even slurring. Maybe it was the others drinking, not him. I nod my head not being able to speak for some reason. He takes my hand and leads me down the beach away from all the others. When we can no longer see the smoke from the camp fire he stops. I looks up at the moon across the beach, looking over the ocean. I look at him with a huge smile on my face.  “I love it.” but my smile quickly turns away when I see Brandon carefully. His eyes look darker. His body seems stiff. Others wouldn’t be able to tell that theses small details have changed. But me, I suddenly become afraid and start to race down the beach as fast as my feet could carry me. Brandon, on the other hand, was faster. Faster than I’ve ever seen another person go. It was like he was near me in two seconds when I got at lest a half of minute head start while he was processing everything. I try to let out a scream but it never comes. A hand grabs hold of my wrists and the other is places on my mouth. Tears are treating to escape my stinging eyes and I look into his cold ones. I knew there was something off about him. Oh, why didn’t I listen to my senses and stay away? Just because I wanted to be normal. Just because i wanted it not to be true. The tears were still not making tracks down my cheeks as I wonder what he is going to do. It took a lot to make me cry. And even in this situation I couldn’t let myself show weakness. As he had me pined to the ground I feel helpless. I am normally strong but he is stronger. Seconds later I find my tank top lying next to me, and I can feel the sand on my back. I’m lying here in nothing by a lacy bra and shorts that I now wish were longer. I kick and bite, but its no use. I can feel his stare burning into me, but was odd was that I felt another one…right on my head. In a instant the weight of Brandon was off of me. I didn’t know what was happening.

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