Everyone's got a story to tell (Ashley's Story) chpt 6

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I could feel someone looking at me. Its one of those things I know about. But the thing about this stare was it wasn’t like the others from today. It was different. More dense or deep in a way, like the person was studying me, but when I turned around no one was there. That’s weird I thought, I am always right about that sort of thing. See, I’m kind of different in a way besides the way I dress. I kind of have these abilities, its nothing special really. I can just tell certain things and I’m able to do certain things. I don’t talk about it much, and I have never told anyone. That sort of thing doesn’t really need to get out in the open, or else they might lock me up thinking I’m crazy or something. Sop, most the time I ignore my these abilities, but this time the stare I felt was so different I couldn’t help but look. But, low and behold I was wrong for once in my life. 

I kept on walking instead of investigating, thinking I was just being paranoid cause its my first day at school. English class was as boring as ever, and so were the others. The day seemed to just fly by so far, and before I knew it, it was lunch. After getting my food I looked around from table to table, till eyes landed on a bunch of kids out on the grass part of the courtyard sitting down on the ground and eating. They were wearing skinny jeans, and band tee shirts. Some people had piercings, and dyed hair too. I smiled to myself, and thought finally, maybe I will be able to talk to someone here with some of the same interests. I walk over to them, careful not to spill my food. When they looked up, and saw me a few of them smiled, and a few just stared.  “Um, hi. I’m Ashley. Can I sit here with you guys?” “Why don’t you just find Brandon to go sit with?” one boy with dark brown hair, who was wearing gray skinnys and a bullet for my valentine shirt, asked me. “hey Jake! That’s rude!” A red headed girl, who was wearing black skinnys, and a neon green light blue top told him, while smacking him on the head. She then turned to me. “Sorry, he’s Brandon’s brother, and girls tend to leave him for Brandon so don’t mind him, he really wasn‘t trying to be mean, it was just his first reaction. I’m Jen by the way.” “Nice to meet you. I’m Ashley.” “Oh, we know who you are.” a boy with blonde, and dark blue, choppy cut hair told me.  “huh?” I asked. “Oh! Right! Things get around pretty fast here, don’t they?” “Yea, they do.” Jen told me.  “I’m Matt by the way.” the blonde haired boy told me with a shy little smile. I thought it was a tad different for a boy who dresses like this, to be shy. But, hey. Who am I to judge.  “Nice to meet you.” I told him, sitting down next to him, and Jen.  “Hey.” A voiced called.  I turned around and noticed it was Jake who had talked. He was looking at the ground.  “Yes?” I asked him. “Sorry about being so rude before. It just Brandon can really get on my nerves sometimes.” he told me, still looking at the ground. I just smiled at him and said, “its alright. I don’t have a older brother, but I can still imagine that it would get on my nerves sometimes too.” he looked up at me, and are eyes connected. He smiled for the first time. “Well then, lets eat. Lunch is almost over yea know.” Jen told us. We finished eating, and by the end of lunch all are numbers were in each others phones. I said goodbye to them all, before leaving when I felt someone staring at me again. This time it wasn’t as deep. I looked back and matt was looking at me, walking my way. I smiled and waited for him to get closer. “What class you have?” I ask him. “bio.” he told me, as we started walking again. “you?” I looked down at my schedule. “same.” I told him. He just looked over and smiled.  “well now I wont get lost and have to ask for directions I told me.” “yea, that seems like it would get old after a while. don’t worry you will get use to the school after a couple weeks.” “I hope so.” “Oh, and another thing. There’s one more of ud by the way.” “What do you mean?” I asked. “in are group. A kid named Raven. He really isn’t close to any of us at all, but were the only kids he talks to, so were lucky. He really is a nice kid, but most people try to stay away from him. They say he is to different, even more than us. There is something kind of weird about him. He is kind of mysterious in a way, always keeping to himself like that. Once, and while he won’t show up, like today, and no one really knows why. And what is even stranger is that he is the principles son, but I have never seen them interact like they were truly family before, but then again who am I to think this way? The rest of us figure he will tell us everything when he is ready. I just wanted to let you know.” “Oh.” was all I could manage. To tell the truth, I didn’t really no what else to say. Someone like that, sounds like they would be kind of lonely all the time. I know how that feels. I was always the kid that know one would go near at my old school. I didn’t blame them, I mean with all the legions’ down there in my old town they probably thought if they talked to me they would have been cursed or something, because It seems my family name was around for awhile. That was another reason why I was glad to get out of that town. Although moving here doesn’t seem like it would be any better, it still seems like I have made some new friends. Hopefully I will be able to meet Raven soon. I would love to get to know him. Maybe there’s a good reason why he keeps to himself like I use to back in my old town. If I got close to anyone and they found out anything truly about me, they would have gotten hurt, I wonder. I wonder if its true for Raven here. Hmmm. “Well here we are.” Matt told me, breaking my thoughts and having us stop in front of a door, and holding it open for me.  “Thanks.” I told him walking into the room. I didn’t talk for the rest of class, and once and a while my mind would wonder back to the shadow figure from this morning. I wondered if I would ever see him again. I was in the middle of spacing out, looking at the window when the bell rang. Finally, I thought to myself. I gathered my things and walked out of the room, Matt besides me.  “well you’ve been quite. Is something on your mind?”  “eh, not really. Just tired.” I told him. He just smiled and said alright. It is so easy to get people to believe me. I could be crying my eyes out, on the ground and still give a reassuring smile, and make people believe that I am fine. Sometimes I wish someone would just see through my fake smile, but till that day comes I guess I’ll just have to make everyone believe I’m alright. The rest of the day went smoothly as ever. A few more of my friends were in my other classes to which was nice. I loved my new friends. There everything I could have wished for. There so nice, and known of them no about my family history, which makes it great. I plan to keep it that way. I started my way home, and was about to put in my head phones to listen to some Marilyn Manson, when I herd a familiar voice calling my name. I turned around to see Brandon, waving at me, and running to catch up.

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