Everyone's got a story to tell (Ashley's Story) chpt 2

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Through the screams of the music I could hear someone. Thinking about it like it was nothing I kept on walking. The voice didn’t stop, and I could hear it growing louder. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. There stood a boy about an inch taller than I, with a big goofy smile spread across his face. He had chestnut brown hair and blue eyes that seemed to glisten in the sun. I took out my headphones and quickly put my ipod o pause. “hey” he said.

I looked behind me, know one was there. He just laughed. A simple “hi” escaped my lips, and nothing more. I thought I sounded kind of bitter, but he just continued to smile at me. His smile was sweet and warm. The rest of him didn’t look to bad either. All and all he was pretty cute, for a beach guy. I felt weird standing next to him. With his tan skin next to my pale whiteness. I did get sun, but I just never seemed to tan. I always burned instead. I kind of hated it, but at the same time I didn’t mind not being tan…until people stood next to me with that kind of color. Only seconds ticked by before he extended a hand out to me. “I’m Brandon. I’ve never seen you around here before. You visiting?” 

“uh..no. my family just moved in down the street.”

“Oh. Nice. So, I guess I’ll be seeing you a lot then.” he smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

“yea I guess so. So um..where do you go to school?”

“Foxwood. You?”

“well from now on, same.”

“sweet. And your going into….” he started before I cut him off.

“9th you?”

“10th” his replies were short and to the point. I don’t know if I liked that about him or hated it yet. Well have to see. I noticed then he keep his eyes forward when he walked, and never even glanced at me when he answered. We walked for a little bit in silence. 

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