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Matti Williams

The freshman house was crazy right now. Sorority sisters were obliterated on the front lawn due to being plastered since before the game even started. I walked into the party with Griffin getting slaps and pats on the backs from the fraternity brothers that had overly dilated pupils, needless to say, someone was having a good time.

The music was blaring and the vibrations were rattling the walls of the house, in the kitchen and dining room held two sets of beer pong tables. One of the pong tables was occupied though with Blake destroying Kristy Beerman, a freshman cheerleader.

Nice rack, nice smile, no brain.

Blake picks them good.

"Griff, I'm going to get the beer, do you want one?" I said. "Nah man I'm good with the Loko I have," He said while gesturing down to one of the deadliest substances known to college students.

"You'll be regretting that one tomorrow." I laughed.

"Yeah well, at least I won't be the one having the beer shits tomorrow." I nodded my head at him. What a dumbass.

Heading into the kitchen I noticed two things. One, half of the freshman football team were drooling over the cheerleading squad, and then two, the tiny brunette that I hit with the door earlier in the corner with Natalie Regan.

They also happened to be standing right next to my beer.

"Excuse me, ladies," I say while moving around them to get to the cooler. "Oh hey, Matti! Good game today." I smiled at Nat. "Thank you. Wouldn't have been able to do it without your boyfriend." I winked at her.

"Hey, short stuff. Are you in a better mood now?" I looked down at the very pretty, tiny brunette.

"I was never in a bad mood first of all." She said back to me.

I smiled, "And your name is?"

"Not interested," She laughed. "Oh well in that case, Hello 'Not Interested', I'm Matti Williams. It's nice to meet you." I crossed my shoulders and leaned against the countertop to look down at her.

"What she meant to say was her name is-" Natalie started to talk but was stopped by Griffin coming up behind her and kissing her cheek.

"You look beautiful," Griff said.


"Have a good night you two." I walked away. "Awe Williams you're leaving because I'm kissing her on the cheek? Don't worry baby you'll always be my number nine!" Griff stated while all three of them laughed.

"Her name is Naomi by the way." Natalie finished her sentence from earlier.

Naomi huh? Very fitting.

"Well in that case I have a celebration party to attend. Don't we Griff? I'll catch up with you guys later." I started walking away but turned around, "Goodbye Naomi." I smirked at her as she rolled her eyes.

"You could've said sorry earlier." The tiny brunette spoke, I chuckled.

"Yeah, I could've," I started. "But why would I say something that I don't mean? As I said, watch where you're going, short stuff." I smirked at her as her jaw dropped. Was I an ass for speaking like that to her? Maybe. But that is the Matti mentality baby. If you're an ass to them, they will always come back.

They always come back.

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