Chapter 9

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“Aren’t you going to invite me in? It is awfully rude of you to leave me outside.”

I stood there frozen in shock. “Where’s Damon?”

He narrowed his eyes at me. “Never you mind. Move out the way.” He pushed past me and slammed the door behind him. “I’ve been watching you for a few days now. Your precious Damon should never have left you.” He smirked at me and inched closer.

I opened my mouth to scream but he cut me off.

“There’s no point in screaming, no one is around to hear you.”

“There are staff here! Someone brings me food every night!” I insisted.

He smirked. I had a bad feeling about this.

“Ah you see, his… Butler, isn’t around anymore. He was… Removed. Your food was being presented to you by one of my servants. The very same who has been watching you the past few days. You have made no move to leave. Why is that? Do not tell me you like it here with Damon. That he is treating you well.” He laughed at me.

I backed away slowly and walked into the bottom of the stairs and fell over. I stared up into his eyes, adrenaline coursing through my body. Without hesitation I turned and ran.

I turned back once to see him chasing after me, a grin on his face.

“There is no point running, Evain. I am faster than you and you have nowhere to go. Besides, I quite like the chase.”

I tripped and nearly fell, but I grabbed the railing and regained my balance. If I could just get to either one of our rooms…

I headed towards mine and got in just slamming the door in his face. It wouldn’t stop him for long but it at least gave me a couple of minutes to think of a plan.

I could hear laughing on the other side of the door. “Oh Evain, I could wait here all night.”

I was out of breath and terrified. What could I do? Where could I go?!

“Evain I only want to talk.”

I sat on my bed looking round my room. I had no weapons, just books and my personal items.

“Why? What do you want?” I called out, nearly in tears.

“Let me in and I’ll tell you.” He replied in a sinister tone. It reminded me of a child’s story I was told years ago. A goat left her kids at home when she went out, and a wolf was trying to get in and eat them. He tried various disguises and succeeded, but it was all in vain, as it worked out well for the goat in the end. It wouldn’t for me.

“Tell me from there, I don’t trust you.”

“I already told you I can wait all night, it is purely your loss. When I grow tired, someone will take my place, and you have to come out eventually.” I could practically envision the smile on his face as he said that.

A flash of light followed by thunder made me jump. Another storm? As much as I loved them, it was scary tonight. I wasn’t safe anymore.

I stayed where I was, barely breathing.

“Evain!” He knocked on the door loudly. “You’re making things very difficult.”

Tears welled up in my eyes and my throat burned. I would not cry. I would not let him reduce me to tears! I was trying so hard to keep calm that I didn’t realise I was digging my nails into my skin. I let go, wincing at the pain and marks that it left.

“Evain, I will not ask again.”

I didn’t move. Clearly it was the wrong thing to do. I heard silence, and then a loud crash as the door was knocked off its hinges. I scrambled as far back as I could on the bed, my back pressed against the wall. My eyes wide in fear.

Ivan strolled in, ignoring the mess he had created. He leant against the wall and just stared at me. He was shorter than Damon and very lean. His eyes were grey and he had dark hair that fell to his shoulders in waves. If I didn’t know his dark intentions, he would be quite attractive.

“Now, it could have been easier than that. If you had only complied.”

I folded my arms across my chest, half covering myself from him and half hiding fear.

“What do you want with me?”

“I have a proposition.” He strolled over to my bed and sat down.

I brought my knees up in front of my chest and held onto them, still pushing against the wall.

He tilted his head to the side, seemingly amused with my features. “Oh you look so much like her.”


He laughed. “No one. So as I was saying, my proposition. Your Damon is… a little tied up at the moment, leaving you alone and vulnerable. What a fool he is. I would never have left you.”

I gulped. “What do you mean by tied up? Where did he go?”

“I am surprised he didn’t tell you. I suppose you still do not know of Ailyn? Or how about his dear brother? But then, why would he tell you anything? You are merely a snack.” His snide comments hurt, but he had a point. Was I just here for his amusement?

I decided to not mention that I was reading his journal. “What’s your proposition?” I forced myself to ask.

“Ah yes.” He ran his eyes over my body and smirked. “Join me.”

“I.. What?”

“Join me. Become my dark princess. You will have freedom, riches and land. You won’t be bound to one house with someone who keeps secrets. Join me.”

I stared at him, speechless.

“And you’ve been sharing blood already, judging by the glow on your skin.” He looked me over making me shiver. “You hardly have a better offer.”

I somehow found my voice. “Staying here is a better offer. Why do you want me?!”

“I know that you know, he can’t stop biting you. Your blood. It is wanted by many, why stay here and be a risk, when you could be with me and only me? I would protect you and never leave.” He extended a hand towards me and I flinched.

I just stared at his hand. “No.” I whispered.

The room got colder and he grabbed my shoulders. “Listen to me Evain, you don’t really have a choice. Damon isn’t here to protect you from me so do not push me.” He gripped tighter causing me to cry out in pain.

“I don’t want to go with you!” I shouted.

He let go of my shoulders and I felt a sharp blow on my cheek as I went flying off the bed. My head bashed against the hard floor and I felt something warm running down my face. I was surprised I was still conscious.

“Did you not understand?!” He leant over me and pulled me up. “Stand up and talk to me!”

I struggled to find my footing and then had to hold onto the bed post to stop myself falling over. My jaw ached and my head was pounding.

He laughed darkly. “Looks like precious Damon’s been taking a bit too much. Look at you, you’re weak. But my… You smell good.” He sniffed deeply and ran a finger up the side of my head catching some of the blood. He put it to his lips and tasted it. His eyes burned with a hunger I had seen too often in Damon’s eyes. Damon managed to stop, would Ivan?

“Relax, what good would you be if I killed you? I merely want a taste.” He leant in and ran his tongue up the side of my face. My body tensed up and I resisted the urge to back away from him and wipe my face. He pressed his body against mine and rubbed himself against me.

I pushed against him and he froze, still pressed up against me. I couldn’t see his face so I didn’t know what would happen to me. I stood there anxiously.

“You will regret that.” He bit down onto my neck and I screamed. I knew I wouldn’t be conscious for long.

He let go and looked at my face. “Oh no, you’re staying with me.” He moved to the other side of my neck and bit me again. Pain was coming from both sides of my neck and my head, leaving me feeling dizzy.

Again he pulled away. “I’m not done yet. I told you you’d regret it.” He picked up my wrist and bit that too. Then my other wrist. By now pain was coming from various parts of me and I felt on the verge of passing out.

He pushed me away from him roughly and I stumbled back, collapsing in a heap on the floor. He walked to the door of my room. “Pack what little you wish to bring with you. We’re leaving tomorrow night. Oh, and I know you’re reading his journals, you might want to find out about Ailyn before you meet her.” He slammed the door and locked it.

I managed to crawl to the shower and sat there in my clothes as the hot water spilled over me. The blood filled the floor of the shower and swirled down the drain leaving marks on my wrist. I didn’t dare look at my face. Damon… Where are you?

I sat there for about half an hour or an hour… I don’t know, I lost track of time. I thought I imagined it. His voice.


What? Damon?

Evain? Are you there?

Why can’t he hear me? He could always hear what I thought.

If you can hear me, I’m sorry I left you. I expect Ivan has caught up with you now. You need to get away from him as soon as possible. Do not trust him.

But could I trust you?

Get away from him? I was weak, bleeding and he had locked the door. What chance did I have? Where could I even go?

Then it dawned on me. Damon’s entry in the journal… The mansion he visited, it had a maze, one similar to here… I gasped. It was the same place. That means there was a house on the other side of that maze! But the door was locked, how would I get out?

Damon had stopped trying to contact me; it was worrying me that I couldn’t get through to him. Just what had happened?!

I got to my feet and looked in the mirror. I looked pale and tired. There was a trail of dried blood down the side of my head and down both sides of my neck. I grabbed a small towel, wet it and started dabbing at the cuts on my body. When I had finished I walked over to the window overlooking the maze. I wasn’t too high up, I could see a way to get down, but it might hurt a little.

4am. I decided I would wait until dawn to make a move, at least then I wouldn’t have to deal with Ivan.

I lay down on the bed but found I couldn’t get to sleep. I sighed and retrieved the journal from under my pillow. Might as well find out what he’s been keeping from me.

‘Ailyn ran her hands over me whilst she was at my neck. It felt as if she were drinking from me. I wanted to dismiss the idea, but what else could she be doing? I found my hands making their way around her, clinging onto her and pulling her closer to me. It was as if it were doing it on its own accord. I had never felt so much pleasure before in my life.

Moments later, she pulled away from me and licked her lips. I stared at her, breathless and full of passion. If I weren’t entranced by her, I would have had her by now.

“I do not know what stops you.” Her eyes glittered as she enticed me.

I slid my hand round her waist again and pulled her to me. Her hair flowed out, brushing her waist and the bed as she leant her head back to meet my gaze. I ran my eyes over her body, her dress was tight and her breasts were bursting out, yearning to be free from the dress.

My other hand moved to the back of her head and brought her face closer to mine. I pressed my lips against hers and they parted at my touch. I took my opportunity and deepened the kiss. Her mouth was hot against mine and passion grew inside me. I felt her hands curl up in my hair holding my head so I would not stop. I felt delirious, a slave to my own desire. I had one intention right then, nothing else crossed my mind. To even get close to her skin I had to get past layers and layers of clothes, who would think to wear so many?

I broke off the kiss and trailed kisses down her neck. The touch of my lips upon her skin caused her to gasp. I held her tighter in response. My control was slipping.

It ended too quickly.

A rustle downstairs.

Peoples voices.

We backed away, neither knowing what to do, where to go.

She held a flush upon her skin, her hair messy and clothes rumpled. If we were seen by any of the staff, who knew what would happen.

It was decided that I would manoeuvre out of the window then knock on the door. The staff would invite me in, and then I would occupy them whilst Ailyn composed herself and made her way out.

It was successful, but having to entertain staff displeased me. It was even more displeasing that we were interrupted.

She hid round the corner awaiting my arrival, a devilish smile on her face.

She clasped my hand and we ran off laughing.’

He really loved her. Yet would not even mention her now. It almost hurt to continue reading, but I needed to find out more.

I flicked forward a few pages; they all seemed to be filled of journeys to the cottage when the staff were away. Romance and passion filled the pages. Desire and lust. I had no time to read all their intimate moments, I had to unravel the mystery surrounding Ailyn.

‘17th May 1900

Tonight she confided in me. A great confession that she had been hiding. She was a vampire. At first I had laughed at her, but when her face remained serious, I realised she was telling the truth. All the times she had bitten me, she was after my blood.

She begged me to stay with her.

Though I feared what she confessed, I could not leave her.

Tears flowed down her face, pain visible in her startling eyes.

I had to rush to her side, reassure her and hold her. Kisses spilled from my lips out of habit, but she stopped me.

She whispered words to me I will never forget. “Join me.”

Full of curiosity, I questioned her.

Become a vampire, remain with her, and never die bar a fatal stab to the heart.

Full of love, I agreed.

Tomorrow night I meet her and it shall all begin there.

18th May 1900

I arrived at the cottage an hour earlier than requested. A light shone from the room we frequently used. Excitement coursed through my body as I let myself in and eagerly ascended the stairs.

As I approached the room I heard voices. I stopped outside the room, and froze. The voices belonged to sweet Ailyn, and Elijah. Why was he here? This was our little rendezvous point.

“Does he know?” Ailyn had asked my brother.

“No, he has no idea I am here. He does not even know about us.”

“We must hurry; he will arrive in an hour if not sooner. I cannot let him find out.”

“I understand. The poor fool thought he was closer to you than I? And you were planning on turning him tonight?”

“Well yes, that was my intention. How have you fared since your transition?”

I stifled a gasp. Elijah, a vampire?

“Ah well. My thirst is slowly decreasing, but I am having trouble keeping my distance from you.”

She laughed, her musical voice sending shivers through my body.

“You will not have to wait too long, having both brothers was my intention from the start. We could own this mansion together, I am sure Damon will come round.”

“He would be foolish not to.”

Laughter came from the room and then rustling, shortly followed by moans of pleasure.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I stood there listening to my brother and the woman I loved. Do I confront them or just leave for good?

I decided to return in an hour, confront her without Elijah there.

When I returned I could not bring myself to pull her into an embrace. She stood there, a puzzled look portrayed on her face. I could hide it no longer.

“I arrived early this evening.” Shock replaced the puzzled expression.

“You heard us. You know.” She whispered. “I have ruined everything.”

“Why did you do it? I trusted you.” What I had witnessed had broken my heart. All this time with my brother and they had both lied to me.

“Just let me explain. Please.”

I never could deny her, ignore her, or leave her. I was pitiful.

“I fell in love with you both; I had no control over it. Brothers, but such different personalities. You came to me when you were hurt, had just lost a lover. I met Elijah when he was vibrant and joyous. Over time I grew closer to you and Elijah, I realised how different your personalities were. Both so attractive in different ways. He had a bad streak in him, you were his shadow. But in the kindness of hearts, you won every time. All the times when we made love, it was passionate, yet heartfelt. Something Elijah could never master. You see I fell for you both, how could I possibly pick one?”

She had stood there ashamed. I was struggling to feel pity for her, though she still amazed me, I had heard her talking. She was not going to tell me.

I felt sorrow and could not meet her gaze, though she pleaded me to.

“Let us continue what we had planned, Damon, please.”

The opportunity to remain this age forever was what made my decision.

She pulled me to her side and I exposed my neck. Knowing what she was about to do, I very nearly changed my mind.

“When you awake, do not be afraid.”

I dare not ask why, for fear I may change my mind. When she did bite me, no pleasure came, just pain. A pain seemingly everlasting, until I eventually grew weak and everything went black.

As I awoke, a sweet liquid was flowing down my neck. As I came to my senses, I realised my mouth was clasped to Ailyn’s wrist. My eyes widened in horror and I went to push myself away. I slammed into the wall behind me, I had not realised the force I had used. Strange.

Ailyn stood there overlooking me, smirking.

“The effects are taking place.” She tilted her head to the side. “Impressive.”

“The effects?” I looked over my body, searching for changes, something different but found nothing.

“Yes, effects. Strength, speed, your thirst and the ability to read minds.”

I had laughed at her, mind reading? She must really think me a fool.

It was then I was told key information.

I needed to feed off a human as soon as possible or the transition would not be complete.

Humans minds can be read, but not vampires. Apparently they have a different frequency, whatever that is.

I must not expose my secret, grave consequences would ensue if I did.

There was a fourth, but I cannot remember. I was intent on hunting, my thirst burning in my throat. I had trouble thinking straight.

Tonight, leaving her was easier than usual. I stood outside and as I breathed in, a function I no longer needed, I could smell the food wafting over from the mansion. Could make out fine details though it was night and there was no moon. Heightened senses, how useful.

I skipped a couple of pages where he was describing his new found senses and his body, then how he hunted. A poor maid from the mansion who had no idea what was happening to her. He ripped her neck to shreds so he could get at the blood. I shivered at how violent he was, knowing that this was just the beginning. Ah, here we go.

‘3rd July 1900

I finally know what she wants from us. I saw her and Elijah at the small cottage again; they keep meeting up behind my back. Perhaps I am paranoid, but I am certain they discuss me. I climb up and sit right outside the window, and I often hear my name mentioned, that is before they sense my presence and stop.

She is so different with him, demanding various things and ordering him around. Sometimes I could swear she verges on being cruel.

I found her hunting once. There was nothing left of the poor man. At least when I was done with my snacks they were still alive, albeit a little sore.

Tomorrow night, I am going to catch them out. Make her admit to me exactly what I suspect. She has betrayed me too many times now.


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