Chapter 14: The One and Only*

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Ace's POV:

When I saw Max walk away, I knew I made a big mistake. She was only trying to help and I shut her out really bad. I sighed and walked back to my motorcycle and drove home. As I walked into the house, I saw my Mom and Jayden crying through the window. That just made the knife dig deeper into my heart.

"Ace, honey," Mom sobbed and I ran into her arms and hugged her.

"Mom," I said hugging her and Jayden wrapped his small arms around both of us and cried.

"Why did you leave us?" Jayden asked through tears and that broke my heart.

"I am so sorry for leaving," I said, "I was just mad at Dad and I needed some fresh air."

"It's okay Ace, I knew that you were mad. You have a short temper and you just needed to let off the steam," Mom said pulling away.

"I am still very sorry Mom," I said sadly and Mom nodded.

"I know you are and we forgive you okay?" Mom asked and Jayden nodded.

"Just promise that you won't do it anymore," Jayden said and I nodded.

"Of course Jay. I promise that I won't do it anymore," I said, "How about I take you for ice cream?"

"Yay! Mommy do you want to come?" Jayden asked Mom and she smiled warmly.

"It's okay Jay, you and Ace go. I am going to stay home and work on documents okay?" Mom asked and Jayden nodded.

"Okay Mommy! Let's go Ace!" Jayden said marching out the door.

"I am really proud to have you as a son," Mom said to me when Jayden was already out the door, "I can always count on you to take care of your brother."

"Thank you Mom," I said and walked out the door. Jayden hopped on my motorcycle with a big smile.

"Can we ride on your motorcycle?" Jayden asked and I nodded.

"Of course we can bud," I said giving him his helmet and getting on myself. I drove to the park where an ice cream parlor was and Jayden and I walked over there. A woman in her fifties greeted us.

"Hi, what would you like today?" she asked warmly.

"What would you like buddy?" I asked Jayden.

"I want one scoop of chocolate and one scoop of strawberry on a cone!" Jayden exclaimed and I laughed.

"One scoop of chocolate and one scoop of strawberry in a cone please," I said to the woman and flashed her a smile.

"Of course, anything else?" she asked.

"And can I have two scoops of mint chocolate chip in a cone?" I asked and the woman nodded.

"Of course honey," she said getting our ice cream and handing it to us, "That will be 6 dollars." I handed her a 10-dollar bill and told her to keep the change. Then Jayden and I walked to a bench in the park. Jayden started to happily lick his ice cream.

"Where did you go when you left?" Jayden asked.

"I went to the park and ran into Max," I said and instantly regretted saying that last park.

"What did you say to her?" Jayden asked curiously.

"I snapped at her," I said sighing.

"Why?" Jayden asked.

"Well I wasn't in the mood, so she left and I couldn't say sorry. I really regret it bud," I said looking down.

"Do you like Max, Ace?" Jayden asked and I almost dropped my ice cream.

"No, of course not," I said trying to force a laugh.

"I don't think so Ace. You have been dosing off more since you met Max. Is it because you are always thinking about her?" Jayden asked and I chuckled.

"I am not, just trying to think of ways to beat Stone Fox. I do not like Max, I mean I like her as a friend," I said rambling.

"I don't believe you Ace, I know that you like Max," Jayden said and continued to eat his ice cream. Do I like Max?

Yes or No?

Pfft, of course I don't, or do I?

Max's POV:

I got into the café with Macy at my side and Alex behind me.

"Hey girls," Rick greeted happily, "Hey Macy."

"Hi Uncle Rick!" Macy said happily.

"My Mom is busy today, so I am taking her with me," I said to Rick and he nodded.

"Okay, do you want to go into my office and watch some TV?" Rick asked and Macy nodded eagerly.

"Do you have animal shows?" Macy asked and Rick nodded. Then he led Macy to his office.

"Hi Max," Tom said holding a coffee.

"Tom? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Just getting some breakfast," Tom said and I remembered about the note. I had to tell them.

"I need to talk to you and Alex in private," I said and Alex led us to the changing room.

"Well what is it?" Alex asked concerned.

"Well you know when I was kidnapped right?" I asked and Alex's eyes widened.

"Yes," Tom said unsurely.

"Well I got a note after my fight yesterday and it said this," I said giving the note to Tom and Alex peeked over.

"Oh no," Alex muttered while she read the note.

"I don't know what to do," I said sighing.

"Just be more careful Max. I am probably going to try to investigate on the Viper Gang. Until then, never walk alone in the streets at night and keep a close eye okay?" Tom said and I nodded.

"Of course," I said and Alex hugged me.

"I can't believe that this is happening," Alex mumbled into my hair.

"It's okay," I said and pulled away, "I am going to be fine and I can defend myself."

"I believe that, I have to get back to the gym. Bye girls," Tom said quickly and walked out of the door. Alex and I put on our apron and went out to start our shift.

"Ready to work girls?" Rick asked and I laughed.

"Of course I am," I said and took out my notepad. I walked over to an elderly couple that just walked in and sat down.

"Hi, welcome to the Big Apple Café," I said, "What would you like?"

"I would like the House omelet and a water please," the elderly woman said and I wrote it down.

"Great choice," I said, "How about you sir?"

"I would like the Big Apple pancakes and a coffee," the man said and I nodded.

"Alright, I will be back with your drinks and your meals," I said collecting their menus and placing the order through the window.

"There are people at table 6," Alex said, "Can you take them?"

"Yeah, no problem," I said and Alex shot me a sympathetic smile which I was confused at why she did until I saw who was at table 6. I put on a fake smile and walked over to them. There they were, Ashley, Daisy, Cara, Caleb, Ronnie, and Toby. They were the cheerleaders and the most popular football players in high school. Toby was also known for bullying me.

"Hi, welcome to the Big Apple Café, what would you guys like to start off with?" I asked trying to say it as nicely as possible. Caleb looked up to me and looked startled, along with the rest of them.

"Hi, I am Toby and what's your name pretty lady?" Toby asked trying to flirt, but I cleared my throat.

"May I take your orders?" I asked and Daisy glared at me.

"I will have the Breakfast special with a coffee," Caleb said.

"Make that two," Ronnie said giving me a weak smile.

"I will have the House omelet with an orange juice," Toby said.

"Can we have three breakfast salads with water," Daisy said in her sweetest voice.

"Okay," I said walking to the window and putting the order in.

"So how did it go?" Alex asked as she passed me.

"I hate you so much," I said, "Only Toby did not recognize me."

"Sorry, but I had my hands full," Alex said and I sighed. The bell rung and I went to get the elderly couple's food and walking over to their table.

"Here is your breakfast," I said setting down the plates gently, "I hope you enjoy."

"Thank you dear, aren't you the sweetest?" the woman asked and I laughed.

"Thank you ma'am," I said and walked back to get Caleb's table's order. I got their drinks and put it on their table and went back for the food. I set each plate carefully in front of them.

"So how are you doing Max?" Ronnie asked and I mentally slapped myself.

"Max? As in the sweater nerd?" Toby stuttered.

"The one and only," I smirked crossing my arms.


GIF of Indiana Evans who plays Daisy Simons

Hey guys! Here is an extra long chapter for you all. We are so close to our goal of 30 votes! Come on, we can do it!





Episode: Endless Fighting by CPearl

Instagram: cpearl89.writer

Have a great day/night fighters!


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