94. Being A Shadow Guard

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Inside the royal carriage, Long Qing is recalling what he had seen. His Xi Rui kissed his brother. The sight burned his heart. 'How could she move on that fast?', he thought.

She had said, "I- Li Xi Rui didn't need your help!".

How could he believe that lie? Doesn't Jiu Jiu said that when a woman truly loves a man, she could see nothing else but him? Wasn't that the case for a long time? So when had she changed? Is she even the same woman as back then?

He holds his chest. At time like this he must control his emotions. He must show Li Xi Rui that he is not joking. Wouldn't proving to her that in choosing Long Jie, she could jeopardize her father's position?

Then, wouldn't she come running back to him? At that time, he would of course grant her wish but not with the same proposal. He will make sure the agreement between them would give him the most advantages.

"Go to the Mu residence!", he commands the eunuch. Whatever it is, he couldn't abandon his princess consort. If he dares to abandon her now, his position as the crown prince might shift to one of his brother. And that is the last thing he wanted.

As the carriage disappear from the street, Jie Wu returned to their leader's side. As usual, when the sect master is in company of the madam, he didn't like to be disturbed. So Jie Wu could only reports to their leader, Jie Yi regarding the crown prince.

They never did like the crown prince. But as mere shadow guards, they could only keep their dissatisfaction in their heart.

As they're waiting for the master to come out, Jie Er suddenly appeared.
"It's good that you notified the master. Keep accompanying madam and chase away any pests around her", Jie Yi ordered Jie Er.

"Don't worry leader! There is no pest around madam, only the crown prince who always try to keep in contact with her", Jie Er said proudly. This time he really did himself good. He had proven that he is not as foolish as everyone thought.

Jie Wu who had been listening almost slapped his forehead from hearing the stupid remark. Didn't Jie Er know what 'pests' means?

Jie Yi who always have a hard time speaking with the foolish Jie Er could only replied, "Maybe you really do need to study more. Just tell me if you have any teachers' candidates in your mind". How could a shadow guard be this stupid?

'Does a teacher can even teach these kind of things? This is not something that could be taught from a book. This is common sense. Common sense~ ah!', Jie Wu speaks in his mind. The thing Jie Er lack the most is common sense.
Jie Er who had been listening to Jie Yi words, replied, "Leader, I don't have time to study more or even looking for a teacher!"

'He didn't even understand sarcasm! Is it too late to look for his family? Whose child is this to even lack this much of common sense?', Jie Yi could feel the regret in his heart. Why did he even want to be a leader of the shadow guards? One Jie Er is enough to make him helpless. Each time he interacts with Jie Er, he could feel himself being incompetence day after day.

Before he could blame himself again, Long Jie emerged from the Li residence's front door. In the nook of his arm, a jar could be seen.

With his eyes, Jie Er said, 'Master had just cheated a jar of homemade cookies from the madam! But, he didn't know that those cookies were originally made for him. Madam really do have talent in teasing the master. The master didn't even get mad!'. Jie Er with twinkles in his eyes and suddenly disappear.

'Jie Er, you really are talented in infuriating others. Do you really have to be that smug when our master is teased by the madam? One would have thought that it was you who have been teasing the master!', thought Jie Wu.

Seeing the trouble maker Jie Er had disappeared, Jie Yi could only hold hand from reacting. Jie Er had become more and more annoying these days. He could even dodge the usual back slap from him! It would be great if Jie Er could be that sharp when someone is being sarcastic. Sadly, that would not be the case. Jie Er foolishness would stay with him for a long time.

Silently, Jie Yi and Jie Wu follows the sect master. As shadow guards, they work the whole day protecting their master. But, this is their fate. Their life is bounded to their master's. Watching their master safe is their greatest wish.

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