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(Slight trigger warning )

Eros' POV :

( The sentences in italics with a single inverted comma indicates the mind link conversation )


Belle ?

I glanced towards the door, wondering if she came back already. A sense of dread filled me.

'Why did she mind link us ?'

Erasmos muttered, feeling as scared as me, because Belle has always unconsciously mind linked whenever she felt strong emotions, like happiness, or excitement, or...fear.

'How can she mind link us, though ? Our mate is a human.'

That was among many of the questions that I did not have answers to. Belle may be even more unique than I had expected.

That just adds more to my worries.

Taking out my phone, I called Flynn. Having him with her, lessened a bit of my anxiety. However when he didn't pick up the phone when I called him thrice, my panic doubled.

Where is this idiot ?

'Flynn, where are you', I mind linked him.

He replied after a few moments.

'Uh, I'm in the forest...'

'You idiot. What are you doing there ? Tell me Belle's with you.'

He didn't reply, worsening my fears.

'FLYNN, I'm commanding you as your alpha, where is your LUNA ?!'

The command in my voice was not lost to him. I hated ordering him, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

'Alpha, I'm sorry.'


'What happened ?', my voice was deadly cold,while my insides were burning hot.

'When we reached Julie's, I sensed the portal going haywire, just as the last time. So I went to check up on it. I didn't realize that Luna was following me.'

' Where is she now ?', I asked calmly.

' I don't know Alpha.'

My mind went blank at that one statement. He continued talking but my mind was already thinking of the various possibilities that could happen with Belle. The one time during her parents' death was already the limit for me, if I see her hurt once more, I don't know what I would do.

'I'm searching for her, Alpha. She must be here somewhere.'

She better be there, Flynn...

'Don't let anyone know about this and keep searching for her. I'm coming.'

'Yes alpha.'

Leaving my office, I went to the forest and shifted, wanting to get there as fast as I could.

I went deep in to the woods to avoid being seen by any human. My paws thudded deafeningly on the ground, my breathing erratic. The wind whipped against my fur, cooling off the sweat. Erasmos was as frustrated as me, wanting to get to our mate as fast as possible.

Wait for me, Belle, I'm coming !!!

Belle's POV :

"Owww !!"

I crashed loudly to the ground, my ankle twisted in a weird angle, eye closing in pain. I tried to sit up, leaning against a tree, when a pleasant smell entered my nostrils. Opening my eyes, I looked around to see myself in a clearing. Wait, scratch that, it was the same clearing from my dreams.

Is this possible ?

There was grass all around me,with small flowers everywhere, all colourful and giving off a sweet smell. Just a few feet away was the same lake from the dreams.

Was there always a lake in this area of the forest ? I should ask Eros later on...

Everything was exactly like in the dream, the trees, the lake, the flowers, everything.

Except the blue hair. 

(Belle's hair at the top ^. That's how I imagined it, but you guys can imagine something else as well !)

That thought made me pause. I quickly looked down to my hair, praying desperately that it was the same. It was not. The side braid I had tied was in shades of blue. I screamed loudly, so loudly that some birds flew away. Running to the lake, I looked at my reflection, not wanting to believe my eyes. I quickly unbraided my hair, glancing at the lake to get a proper look. My locks were a dark blue at the roots, and a shade of sky blue at the tips. The entire length of my hair had different shades from blue, getting a shade lighter as it reached my waist and fell in soft waves.

Honestly, it looked good.

Enough about the hair, Belle. Try to find out where you are.

I gave a last glance to my beautiful hair, before walking deeper in to the forest, trying to figure out where I was. That's right ! I was searching for Flynn ! I never knew the clearing from the dream actually existed. That's cool, but creepy at the same time...

"Flynn ", I called out, but there was no response. The forest was scaring me. The trees were silent, no birds were chirping, even if it was the middle of the day. . My footsteps were thunderously loud in the calm woods. The dried leaves crunching under my feet was the only sound I heard. Not letting fear get the best of me, I continued walking, humming song under my breath to disrupt the silence. My train of thoughts shifted to the lake while walking.

Is it possible?

I dreamed about a clearing and blue hair and now, I'm in the same clearing with the same blue hair.

This doesn't add up.

Plus, what about that bright light I saw ?

Where is Flynn ? No, where am I ?

Why is my hair blue ? Will it change back to the original colour ?

What's happening with me ?

All the thoughts were making me dizzy. I had been walking for the past two hours, my feet aching. The twisted ankle was already swollen. Sighing, I sat down and rested against a tree, catching my breath. My stomach growled loudly in hunger.

Can anyone help me ?

I was drenched from head to toe in sweat. My eyes started closing, exhaustion taking all over my body. Instead of going forward in this state, I decided it to be better to just stay put.

Let's rest for a few minutes...


"Who is she ?"

"What is she doing in the Enchanted Forest ?"

I felt someone shaking me, their hands foreign. I quickly opened my eyes to see two males looking down at me. They looked fairly young, almost in their mid-thirties. One had blond hair while the other had black.

"Who are you ?", the blond asked.

" Uh, I'm Belle", I answered , a bit hesitantly. I didn't like the look in their eyes.

"How did you come here ?"

"I-I do-", I didn't know how to answer that.

How exactly did I come here ?

"Wait, Bryan, she smells weird", the black haired dude spoke up. The blond guy, Bryan looked at him, before both stared down at me. He raised his nose in the air, nodding at the black haired.

'I think she's human', I heard Bryan in my head, scaring the crap out of me.

What's going on ?

'No, humans don't smell like that. Also, they can never come here', the black haired dude said in my mind.

'Should we tell the alpha ?'

The alpha ?

' But look at her, bro, she's beautiful.'

Bryan stared down at me, with a crazed look in his eyes,

'Let's have a bit of fun before we inform the alpha.'

All the blood ran cold in my body at hearing his words.

Was he going to- ?

Not having much strength to fight, I grasped some soil in my fist. Just as the blond started to lean towards me, I jumped up, throwing the soil in his eyes, surprising him, and myself. I started running, wanting to get away as quick as possible. I got only few seconds of head start, because both of them were quickly after my trail, the sound of their feet thudding dangerously close to me.

"Wait, you bitch!", the blond, Bryan shouted, making me run faster. My feet were screaming in pain, my lungs burning. I barely had any energy to go on. I was only a few feet away from them, and the speed at which they were running, I had no chance. Just as I had feared of, the men soon gained on me. One of them grabbed my shirt and pulled me back, making me scream.

"You bitch ! How dare you do that to a warrior wolf", he slapped me, my teeth cutting my lips, "I'll make sure you pay for this," he snarled, his eyes red. With a push, he threw me to the ground. I couldn't help but let out a scream, my ankle burning from the pain.

He grabbed my wrists in one hand, while his other hand went to his jeans. Fear grabbed my heart, tears making their way down my cheeks. I was in hysterics, my breath hitching.

"Shut your mouth", Bryan screeched, slapping me again. The stinging pain brought on more tears. The stones were digging in my back, causing more agony. I looked at the other guy with pleading eyes, begging him to save me. He ignored my gaze, instead looking around the forest.

"We have to be back in 15 minutes, Bryan", he muttered, his eyes never meeting mine. I struggled, trying to get the guy off me. I tried to knee him in the balls, but he was fast. He quickly entangled his legs with mine, making it impossible to move. Trepidation gripped my heart, I was losing consciousness. I was screaming loudly, but there was no one around.

"Damn ! Cyrus, give me your handkerchief."

The black haired dude, Cyrus handed him one. Bryan wasted no time in stuffing my mouth with it. He was almost undressed, with only his boxers on. He tugged hard on my skirt, tearing it from one side.

I was whimpering now, my cries muffled. Tears were streaming down my face. I had never felt so helpless in my life.

Someone ! Please help me !

The blond banged my head on the earth with force. The metallic scent of blood wafted in my nose. I could feel my hair getting matted with blood. I tried to break away from his hold, but the guy was too strong and muscular for me. I felt the last of my consciousness leave me. I closed my eyes with a last image of Eros in my mind.

I'm sorry , Eros. I couldn't defend myself...

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, for a second time that day, with a pounding headache. Opening my eyes, I saw myself in a closed room. There were no windows, only one metal door. There was a small commode in the corner, with concrete walls. The smell of something rotten and urine clouded the air, making me scrunch my nose. What am I doing here ?

Just then, all the thoughts came rushing to me. Following Flynn through the forest, the bright light, the lake, the blue hair, searching Flynn, the two men, and then...

I gasped in horror, tears forming in my eyes.

Did that really happen ?

I tried to remember what happened, but everything was blank. I looked down at myself. My white dress shirt was matted with soil and blood, the skirt torn at the side, barely hanging on my body. I rolled up its bottom, and tied a knot at the side, doing my best to keep myself covered. My sleeves were torn at some places, but nothing was visible. Seeing myself clothed was the only thing that reassured me.

Maybe all that praying came in handy.

Just then, the door opened, and Bryan walked in. He gazed down at me, lust evident in his eyes.

"You're lucky Mr. Agnello called at the right time", he huffed, anger evident on his face, " He said to lock you up until the alpha comes."

Lock me up ? Did Eros say that ?

My heart shattered into a thousand pieces upon hearing his words. The sinister smile on his face increased my dread.

"I'll make sure you regret what you did", he threatened, promise ringing from his words " And I'm going to enjoy it, every second."

He laughed loudly, the cold sound chilling my heart. As soon as he left the room, tears rolled down my cheeks. My last string of hope was broken, when Eros said to lock me up. I could feel myself struggling to breath, tears pricking my eyes. It can't be Eros, my Eros, right ? There must be some mistake.

Maybe, there is another Mr.Agnello ?

Is this possible ?

I tried not to dwell on it, and tried to control my breathing.

My thoughts switched to the threats I received. The scary voice of Bryan was ringing in my head, the notion of him coming for me again scared me. I didn't even knew what time it was or how long I was unconscious. The room was cold, the cold metal of the bed poking my thighs. My head was killing me, the pounding never stopping. Something wet trickled down my neck. I slowly raised my hand to my nape, to see blood.

That must have been from when he had banged my head.

Feeling helpless, I huddled close, resting my head on my knees. Tears continued to run down my face, hiccups breaking out my chest. I tried to think of happy moments I spent with Eros and everyone, but my pain would bring me back to reality. I thought I would never get in such a situation again, but it seems like I was wrong.

Mom, dad, help me, please.

If they were with me, none of this would have happened. Why did you leave me...

I closed my eyes, sobs wrecking my body. Every inch of me was covered in bruises. One of my cheeks was swollen from the slapping, my lip was bleeding continuously. My left ankle was swollen with an ugly black colour. The coldness of the room caused goosebumps to rise all over me. I was shivering in place, and trying to warm by palms by rubbing them. They were ice cold. I felt so tired but didn't dare sleep, the fear of Bryan coming for me kept me awake.

I didn't realize how much time had passed. There was only the cold, the concrete walls, and my agony accompanying me.

I only hoped this turns out to be a nightmare, because no one should face this reality, and when I wake up, I would be back in the comforting arms of Eros. I want to go back and forget everything.

But, is this possible ?

Thanks for reading, guys :) I hope you're liking what you're reading so far !!!

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