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Belle's POV :

" Belle", a soft voice called out for me.

Who's there?

"Wake up dear."

I opened my eyes to find myself in my living room of my parents' house. I was on my knees, staring at something on the floor. The red thick liquid was seeping in my pajamas and turning the white pajamas into crimson, the smell of iron wafting in my nose. There, laying in front of me was my father, dying.

Dad!! I tried to shake him, but he didn't move. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully, except he was not breathing. His leg was bent at a weird angle, his white shirt matted in red. Dad !!! No response.

" Belle."

Who is this person calling me? My instincts made me look upwards, where my mother was floating, a white glow around her. Mom?

"Speak up, Belle ", her voice seemed distant. Mom? Mom? I tried to speak, but no voice came out. Mom !!

Suddenly, I was transported back to the clearing I saw in my dreams. It was the same clearing, same lake, same woods but different people. It was my mother in place of the woman before. The trees were wilted, never alive like before, the flowers were withered. The leaves fallen dead on the ground, dark aura surrounding them. The sky was black,there was not a single living thing around. A once bright place looked like Death took over. The only light was coming from my mom, who was still floating.

"You need to move on, Belle, alone."

Alone ? Mom !!! I was screaming, but no voice was coming out my throat. My voice box was not working. It was frustrating.

"See, Belle. Even your father agrees with me."

My father? What was a black void besides my mom, was replaced by another floating figure, this time my dad. Both were smiling down on me, like they knew something I didn't knew.

Don't leave me alone, please !! They didn't hear me, but I was sure they had listened.

"You are not alone, pumpkin. Look around you", my father smiled, but I was not feeling like smiling at all. There was death around me, sadness all over. There was no presence of something that would help me, support me. I need you guys, please !!!! Tears wet my face, but I paid no heed.

"No, dear. You have someone who will help you, support you, and love you, unconditionally. He will always be there for you."

But that's you !!! I screeched, trying desperately to get my feelings across, but failing miserably.

"Its our time to go now, Belle. Listen, you need to speak up, that is the only thing that will help you."

'You need to speak up child."

"And remember, we always love you", the two spoke together, smiling lovingly at me. Before I could anything more, I was pulled in a dark void, my mind screaming at me to move, but my body denied. I was back at my living room. However, this time, I was joined by four other men,the same men who killed my parents. I was right there, in front of them, but invisible. I was reliving my worst nightmare again.

"Tell me where she is."

Stop !! Please stop !! I closed my ears, not wanting to listen the screaming and the shouting, but those voices were engraved in my mind. I could hear everything clearly as day. The images were like a slid show in my brain. The gunshot, the whimpering, the crying, the tears, everything. Stop !! Stop !!

"Stoppppppppppppp!!!!", I screamed. I was thrashing wildly, shaking my head, screaming at them to stop, to leave my parents alone, to leave us alone. I didn't realize where I was. Suddenly there were people surrounding me, unknown people. I became more afraid. They tried to hold me, but I pushed them away, wanting to be alone.

And then... there were two strong arms and a loving voice.

"Belle. Darling", the soft voice said, " please, open your eyes."

The sound was oddly comforting, compelling me. I calmed down, slowly opening my eyes to meet beautiful green orbs.

"Eros", I breathed out.

"Yes, Belle, its me. You're safe here", he soft voice relaxing me. His hands were on my shoulders,calming me, supporting me.

"I'm here for you."

You have someone who will help you, support you, and love you, unconditionally. He will always be there for you.

His eyes bore into me, gazing worriedly. His hands slowly moved from my shoulder to my arms, leaving tingles wherever they went. His eyes followed his hands, checking my cuts and bandages.

"Are you alright, Belle?", he questioned. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He nodded in return, gesturing a girl at the side towards us. That's when I noticed we were surrounded by a dozen people, all staring at me and Eros. He muttered something to her, before looking back at me.

"Belle, I have some work. I'll be back in a few minutes. Will you be alright alone?" That word struck a chord.

Alone. That's what I was now right, alone ? In this whole wide world ?

I want you to stay.

I again nodded, because if I opened my mouth, I would definitely ask him to stay back. He saw something in my eyes, before instructing some maids. Slowly,everyone emptied the room, Eros being the last to go. I didn't say anything just looked down. The door closed, indicating I was alone, but before the feeling of sadness registered, the bed dipped in front of me. I raised my eyes, shocked to meet vibrant blue-green ones.

"Didn't you say you had some work?", I said, unable to keep the surprise out of my words.

" Yeah, but then you asked me to stay", he said softly, getting a bottle of pills from the night stand.

I was shocked. Did I say it out loud?

I kept mute, looking down again. My gaze fell towards the bandaged arms, legs and feet. I was changed into a baggy black shirt and some boxer shorts. Who changed me ?

"It was the maids. I told them to clean you up and change", he gestured to the clothes, " Those are mine, I hope you don't mind". I just shook my head.

He handed me some pills, saying they were for the pain. I quickly gulped them down with water.

"Now", Eros sat comfortably in front of me, " tell me what happened?"

Those four words were enough for me to experience the worst moments of my life. Everything came back to me. The five men, the shouts, the screaming, me jumping out the window, witnessing my parents killed in front of me, dad telling me to run, the people following me in the forest, and then nothing. My vision blurred with tears, my heart clenching, for my parents. I felt a hand on my chin, lifting my head up.

"M-My p-parents, they- ", I cried, unable to say anything, tears falling faster.

"Shh", Eros held me close, his hands slowly came around me, bringing me to his chest. His warmth made me cry harder, wetting his shirt. I wrapped my hands around his waist, wanting to be close to that warmth. He rubbed his hands on my back, consoling me, whispering sweet words in my ear, telling me it will be fine.

"M-my parents were k-killed', I hiccuped.

" I know", he whispered softly.

"The- they shot my mom ", I croaked out," and m-my dad" my voice was hoarse from all the crying but I continued on. He was continuously rubbing my arms, trying to calm me.

" I was in my room when I heard some shouts coming from downstairs. I tried to open my room but it wasn't budging. S-so I jumped from my window. I hid behind our door, to see f-four me-men standing over my dad and o-one of them standing at the side. T-two of t-them, were holding him down. They were asking about some girl-", Eros froze at this, his hands stopping for a second, but didn't say anything, letting me continue,"-asking where she was, but my dad refused. And then, their leader told one guy to k-kill him, and they s-shot him, just like t-that."

Saying it all out in open just made it more real that my parents were no more. This brought on another burst of tears. Eros comforted me, telling me to let it all out.

" I'm so scared."

I voiced out the thought that was eating me away. My heart couldn't bear it. It felt like someone had repeatedly run a truck over me, that's how tired I felt. I was trapped in a cage without any doors, placed at the edge of a cliff, wondering when I'll fall. My thoughts were inching closer and closer towards the dark pits of my mind, not knowing if I could ever pull myself out.

"I-I've never felt so alone", I coughed, my throat parched. Eros quickly brought a glass of water to my lips. I drank it gratefully. Placing the glass down on the bedside table, he brought his hands to my face. Lifting it up, he stared at me.

" You are NOT alone", he said sternly.

" I'm here for you. Do you get it?", he gazed deeply in my eyes, conveying the message to my soul. He unknowingly extended a helpful hand to me. I nodded, not entirely convinced, but thankful to him for doing this.

" Thank you", I said, meaning every letter I said. The smile he gave was mesmerizing.

"You don't have to thank me, Belle. Never", he stood up, slowly laying me down on the bed, pulling the sheets over me and dimming the lamps.

"Go to sleep, you're yawning. We'll talk tomorrow" I didn't realize it until he pointed it out. Just as he was moving away, I grasped his wrist, causing tingles to zap throughout my body.

"Will you be here tomorrow?", I said quietly. He smiled, leaning towards me, moving the hair out of my face,

"Always", he whispered,"Sweet dreams, Belle".

He kissed on my forehead softly and left the room.

Always, huh ?

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