37 - Jezebel

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She was furious at the fact of the spectacle she did. How could Nikolas do that to her!? Of all people to make her madder than mad, it had to be someone she loved... loved... past tense? The kiss with Mikael was different, it was clear she wanted to try it but it was also clear to her, that sweet boy was in love. 

But was he in love with the real her or the succubus her. Nikolas understood the concept of love even when he didn't felt it when they first met, but he also had his way with words when he told her he cared about her. Cared... past tense? No. It couldn't be past tense...

She was in her room, the room next to Nikolas, laying on her own bed with her tears freely falling. Mikael was in the room with her, but the poor boy did not know how to comfort her. But it was all fine. Unlike some men in his situation who would take advantage of a vulnerable girl, Mikael did not. She knew he would make a fine young demon and a lover to someone who deserves him. Even that made her jealous. What was wrong with her. 

"I don't think that's how those two should have reacted. By the way, I'm sorry about that kiss." Mikael said looking back at her. He saw the tears and began his way towards the middle of the bed. Taking out a small napkin and wiping it away. 

"If that is not how he should react, he has a funny way of showing it. Also, about that kiss... I didn't know you were a  good kisser. Did you have any practices?" Jezebel asked trying to lighten up the dark mood. 

"Uh what if I am just a natural born kisser? Like hey, it's possible." Mikael replied thinking about that kiss. Did he really just kissed her and Nikolas saw it? 

"Uh huh natural born kisser you say. Do you want to prove that claim good sir?" 

"Sure, how?" 

"By kissing of course. You can't just stake claim on something when you only got to kiss someone once."

"I was wondering about that, if it was alright with you to tell me of course."

"Sure what about?"

"How many have you kissed before me. I mean of course Nikolas, but..."

Jezebel could not help it but laugh. She laughed at such an innocent question coming from a demon hybrid like Mikael. 

"Okay okay, sorry, it was funny and cute the same time. So you're asking me how many have I kissed before or after Nikolas?"

"Yes, if you are willing to share. I promise I won't tell Nikolas."

"Even if you would, he would not care about it. He has HER to help him with his needs. He doesn't give a sh*t about me. Because if he did, he still has a funny way of showing it."


"So about the number of kisses. Hmmm well before Nikolas, none. Then Nikolas, Brady, Jared, Andrew, Josh, Ben, Alex, and Jeeves, and of course you." She said adding him on her list.

"Uh who are these other dudes though."

"We all know the infamous asshole who is Nikolas. Brady is my gay human friend that I tried to seduce. Jared and Andrew are lycans that I tried to seduced and have seduced. Don't worry, they're still alive. Josh, Ben, and Jeeves are vampires that I have had sex with. Alex is an incubus who tried to take me to bed but failed. He died." She replied calmly remembering the times of her life after Nikolas. 

"So, you have met other species. What are they like?"

"You never had the chance to meet them haven't you?"

"Well no. Nikolas told me to stay away from them."

"Of course he would, but I guess he was just looking out for you and your well being."

"By the way Jezebel, I never really did know. How old are you?"

She was a little stiff at the sudden question and Mikael noticed it. He gave a small smile and a peace sign. Something he saw and learned from humans. 

"Sorry, I should not have asked that."

"No, it's fine. Well, I am literally younger than Nikolas, but I am not sure if I am younger or older than you. Do you find it weird if you knew if I was older than you and we just kissed?"

"Not really no. But for what it is worth, I do enjoy that kiss, and like you said. I need practice. But who do I practice it on? I won't dare it on Lilith. Nikolas will end me then and there. He was practically staring a hole through me when he saw us kissing." Mikael said shuddering at that memory of an unreadable and dangerous being. 

"I think he was just jealous. But for what it is worth too, I do love that kiss and if you ever need more practice, I'll volunteer." Jezebel said smirking at Mikael who smiled back. 

"Come here then and let me practice on being the best kisser."

"Just a kiss?"

"Is there anything else I need to know to please a woman such as yourself?"

Jezebel wondered if Mikael had ever slept with someone but did not know how to approach the topic without hurting his feelings. But she had to try. 

"Have you ever slept with someone before Mikael?"

Mikael was silent as he pondered the question. 

"I don't think I have. But I do have a dream girl that I always wanted to be with. Suffice to say, I always thought she was called for."

"Oh and who is she? Maybe I can help you with that. As a succubus, I lure my victims to having sex with me so I can feed on them. But with the others that I have slept with, the only one I have ever sucked the life out was that incubus. Weird I know."

"Well... you. When I first laid eyes on you, I was intrigued. I was curious. When I got to know you better, I fell for you. That kiss... I wanted to show you how much I wanted you. Even from the beginning."

"So just a kiss then?"

"Is there more?"

"Yes. Let me at least show you..."

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