36 - Lilith

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"So what did you think about what we just saw?" Lilith asked as she turned her gaze at the two who were looking at her and Nikolas' backs. 

"Not in the mood Lilith." He replied coldly, a lot of things on his mind at that moment. 

"Since when were you exactly in the mood, unless of course it involved sex." She replied before realizing something. 

"Oh my gods! Are you for real?" Lilith asked looking up at a distant Nikolas, who clearly did not even flinch or react when she slapped him hard on the shoulder.


"You know what I am talking about."

"I don't think so."

"You don't think so? You were looking at both of them kissing. Tell me, do you think the two of them would make a lovely couple?"

"Sure." He said ignoring a snickering Lilith and a snickering Amira.

"Oh come on Nikolas, I know you liked her at some point. Because, she does believe she is my kid because humans like to think I have the incubi and succubi or I gave birth to them. Which is clearly not true because if it were, won't it be our kid instead?" Lilith asked looking up at a dangerous being. 

"So what you're trying to say is you want something to get a rise out of me?" Nikolas said looking down at Lilith who looked up at him with a smile on her face. 


"The last time you said maybe, you and I both ended up on my bed, naked, sweating, and the fact that we just had mind blowing sex. Not that I am complaining." Nikolas said as he thought about it, before turning to look at Lilith who was thinking the same thing. The only difference was she was blushing. 

"What? It's not like I can't think about what you and I did at some point. I did enjoy that and now that you're back in Hell, why can't we? Remember we used to be something. Let Jezebel and Mikael have their little fling. What is one succubus and one demon hybrid compared to both of us?" Lilith asked, being serious now. 

Looking at Nikolas before she pulled him to her level and kissed him squarely on the lips. Which to her surprise, he kissed her back, pulling her close to him and to his level, which in her case she had to tiptoe to reach him. Yet she didn't care, all she cared about was having him back in her life. 

"How could you!?" A new voice called out, but both Nikolas and Lilith did not even break the kiss or looked up to see who was calling. Both of them knew it was Jezebel, and to Lilith's little black heart, it was perfect to see Jezebel getting jealous over Nikolas. 

Lilith broke the kiss first before licking Nikolas' lips and then turning to face an angry succubus.

"Do you need anything?" Lilith asked. Her voice thick with venom. 

"She was just hoping to speak with Nikolas. That's all." Another voice popped in. Mikael. Abraham's son. 

"I think she can speak for herself Mikael. I mean a succubus uses their charm and their tongue to lure in their human victims. This is Hell and there is nobody here but demons and the occasional dead souls that were bound here." Amira said piping in. To Lilith, it was clear that Amira did not like Jezebel. 

"I want to speak to Nikolas."

"Why." Nikolas replied before any of the females could.

"You know why."

"No I don't. But do enlighten me."

"So basically what we did meant nothing?"

"Oh Jezebel hunny, you can just say he gave you a blowjob, it's not like it's something forbidden in Hell." Lilith replied giggling with malice. To which only made Nikolas smirk. 

She could see the tears forming in Jezebel's eyes as well as Mikael's shock look. 

"You listen well little succubus. You may rule what land you used to live, but this is Hell. This is Nikolas's home. This is where we demons stick together to survive and to thrive. If you think you can just waltz right in because you're with him. You have it all wrong."

"Oh since it's his place, why are you here mother of all demons!?"

"Because I AM HIS WIFE!" Lilith yelled clearly out of patience with Jezebel.

"I am his wife and you plan on stealing a powerful being such as him from me!? Then you have something else coming for you!"

Jezebel was stunned before turning to look at Nikolas. To see if he would deny it. He didn't say anything and merely looked at the fight between Lilith and Jezebel. 

"He need not say anything, he knows I am telling the truth and I have staked my claim on him, and he on me even before you were born. Even before your mother or your kind were even thought about. SO the next time you think you can just charm your way to him or another demon for that matter, think who you're dealing with or I will personally end you."

"Don't even try to fight her off Mikael. Lilith is considered a very powerful being. Like I said before, humans call us demons, but we are far from it. We are a powerful and ancient being, older than your father maybe. We do have a name, but we refuse to say it. As for you Jezebel, remember what I said before. This is why I rather face the sand storm than to face you. I know what you are capable of and it means nothing to me." Nikolas said interrupting her before addressing her. 

"Let's go Lilith. Leave these two to calm down. If they refuse..."

"We can always show them how to fuse down rage. Oh and it's not always about sex either Jezebel. But you wouldn't know that. You're just a pitiful succubus trying to get her way to the top by sleeping with a powerful being. Pathetic." Lilith replied before walking away. 

"Mikael take her to her room. Both of you stay there for now."

"Nikolas darling are you coming to finish what we started?" Lilith asked calling Nikolas out. Her voice became melodic and sweet again. As if she did not just threw her murderous rage at a succubus. 

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