Chapter 68.

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CHAPTER 68: ocean eyes

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Owen hasn't bothered me since that time I slapped him, but the world doesn't automatically stop as soon as we break up. I still did tutoring with Jaxon, but most of our lessons were in school during free periods or lunch and even after school. He wanted to make sure I felt comfortable and he knew if I was around Owen, I wouldn't be comfortable.

Me and mom still stayed in the gang compound just until this war was over. I had collected my things and headed over to the Bowers' house. Walking up the steps, I could hear music blasting from Jaxon's room indicating he was home. 

My knuckle banged itself upon the door a few times before I waited for someone to open it. I turned to face the street where barely anyone was out because after all, it was quite cold out and I had wrapped myself in a warm coat and scarf.

The door swung open and I twisted round to see Owen stood there, a surprised look on his face. Oh, it just had to be him to answer, I thought. He was wearing sweats and a shirt, his hair messy probably due to waking up just a few moments ago.

"Uh, hey, what're you doing here?" he asked, his voice rough like sandpaper and I pointed to my textbooks with a small smile.

"Jaxon's tutoring lessons? He told I was coming over, right? It's fine, I'll just stay out of your way—" I've got to stop relying on Jaxon to tell Owen anything.

"No, it's fine. Come in, you must be cold—Kiara, Jaxon, Brielle's here!" he shouted, helping me get my coat off, his touch lingered on my skin causing goosebumps to rise and shivers to rub down my spine. His hands are surprisingly cold, I thought.

He led me through into the kitchen where I placed the stuff down upon the kitchen island. Owen headed back to his laptop where he was working and took a sip from his mug of coffee. I know it's coffee because he doesn't like tea unless it's Kiara's honey and lemon blend.

I settled on a stool and opened up my notebook where I decided to finish my notes before Jaxon came down. Owen was sat all the way on the other side finishing his hot beverage and completing some work on the laptop that he and Jaxon shared.

Occasionally, when I looked up, I noticed him rubbing his cheek and something inside my head clicked. Wait, that's the cheek I slapped him on. Don't tell me it still hurts because it's been over a week. I mean, I did slap him pretty hard.

Sighing, I had given up completely on my notes as the guilt of slapping the utter shit out of Owen had distracted me for good. I tapped my pen upon the table a few times before I heard a woman's voice along with a dog's woofing.

I turned to the door along with Owen and Kiara walks in, Jasmine following after her happily. Both of them seemed surprised to see me, Jasmine more so as she began barking and pawing against my leg.

"Oh, Jasmine, I missed you too," I cooed as I stood up from the stool and kneeled down to pick her up. She nudged her head against my neck and whined as if the amount of contact she had with me was overwhelming.

"Good morning, love. Jaxon's on his way down now. Do you want anything? A glass of water? Coffee? Cocoa?" I simply shook my head in response with a smile as I placed Jasmine down on the floor. She ran, her claws slightly clicking on the wooden ground as she went over to Owen and laid by his feet.

"No thanks, sorry I'm a bit late. Mom wanted me to help out with a few things," I explained, settling back on the stool and seeing Jaxon walk into the room, head banging up and down to the music I can do obviously hear, "uh, Jax?"

"Come on!" he shouted, grabbing a hold of my arm and pulling me out of the room, "let's start studying and—"

Kiara pulled off his headphones and whacked him in the head with a glare. He yelped, rubbing the spot where she hit him and rolled his eyes. I grabbed the textbooks in my free hand and let him drag me out of the room and up the steps like an excited puppy. That reminds me, I can hear a small bell ringing.

I turned around to see Jasmine jumping up the steps after us, her tongue sticking out as her eyes glimmered you at me. Awe, how fricking cute, I thought as we headed into Jaxon's room. He closed the door behind him and sat down upon his bed with his notebook and pen, his eyes glimmering expectantly at me.

I simply rolled my eyes and settled at the desk, opening a textbook and throwing it at him. He caught it with ease, but sent a glare my way as I begun teaching him through the stuff he was doing in class. His class was slightly behind mine so I taught him what I knew and saved the rest for the teacher.

Jaxon struggles from time to time and released groans in frustration when I tell him he got a question wrong. There were quite a lot of wrong questions. He got easily bored until I had begun English literature where we discussed Shakespeare. We had been learning about him and his play of Romeo and Juliet since the start of the year and our teacher had promised to let us watch the film when we finished everything.

All I heard from Jaxon's mouth was Romeo this, Juliet that although I enjoyed the fact he found a subject so exhilarating and fun because he didn't share even a quarter of that enthusiasm in anything else. Well, apart from sport, but there wasn't work set on sport at all. Sometimes, I'd bring up basketball whilst we were studying to keep him interested and motivated by talking about something he loved to do.

Occasionally, I'd feel Jasmine's nose nudging at my leg in which I'd look down and see her looking up at me with those big doe eyes. I don't know how Owen could ever resist her, but then again, he could never resist Jasmine. It may be possible to admit that he may love her more than he loves his brother. She's like this little bundle of adorable dog, I thought as I smiled, scratching her behind her ears. Jas settled comfortably by my side, her head resting upon the floor. I saw her eyes close slightly in relaxation before she ended up dozing off completely.

As I did my work, my mind hopelessly went back to Owen. I really need to apologise for hurting him because it was so unlike me to do that. Miranda was an exception though. I mean, he was a jerk, but I didn't have an excuse to hit him until he brought up Ivy.

I haven't heard much from her since I put her in her fucking place. Maybe I scared her, I thought. She really thought she could ever change how people perceive her and thinking she was different to Miranda when she was the exact same person as her. It made me feel sick to see how desperate she had become since Miranda kicked her off the team and ruined her reputation. Back then, I would've felt sorry for her and I could've helped her even if we weren't close, yet she decided it would be better to be a bitch.

"Keep looking like that and you'll end up with wrinkles before your thirty," I heard Jaxon say. When I gazed up, he rolled his eyes and returned to his work before speaking up once again, "if you really want to apologise for slapping his face off, go ahead. I'll be fine and I get it now so you don't need to help me with anything."

"Really? I don't mind staying—what if you need help again?" I asked as he stood up, placing his notes on the bed and scratching the back of his neck, "it just seems slightly selfish if leave you for my own issues when you need help."

"Brie, there's a thing called texting and Google. I'll be fine, okay? You go downstairs and apologise to your man because he's desperate and asking for it." before I could get another word out, he had walked me out of his room and locked the door. What the actual fuck? I thought before sighing and placing my knuckle on the wood.

Three, two, one...

I banged my fist on the door hard, my eyes never leaving the white wood as I tried to regain my way into his room. I promised myself when I first started tutoring him that I wouldn't leave until he understood everything he needed to know. Clearly, he hasn't made enough progress in order for me to leave.

"Jaxon! I swear to god let me in!" I exclaimed when a voice chimes in behind me.

"He's way too stubborn to open his door. Aunt Kiara struggles on the weekends alone." I turned around to see Owen stood at his doorway, a glimpse of his bed catching my eyes; the very same bed we did—nope, now's not the time to be thinking dirty thoughts.

Owen had his arms crossed over his chest and this time wore shorts and a jumper, his hair slightly damp from a fresh shower. He had a small smirk on his face before standing up straight and closing the door behind him.

"Well...I guess I better get going then. It's getting late anyway and—oh, before I go, I just wanted to say sorry," I spoke as he walked towards me. We both headed down the stairs together, taking our time as his hand swiftly slid down the banister.

"Oh, yeah? What for?" he asked as if he didn't know. I gave him a plain look before rolling my eyes at him. He knew and in his mind, he secretly knew what I meant.

"For slapping you. It was out of order and I apologise. I don't know what came over me when I did that," I said as we headed downstairs. He got my coat from the hook and I turned around before he helped me with my coat. When I looked up at his eyes, his gaze landed upon me and it was like being stuck in a trance.

I always knew his eyes were beautiful, a vibrant blue colour that reminded me of the ocean with waves crashing through them like the emotions did when we--I have to stop thinking like we're still together. We're not and he's free to do as he wished. Gulping, I looked away, his eyes following. The air was now thick with emotion as I bit down on my bottom lip and reminding myself what he had said to me.

I know I don't stand a chance compared to the other girls because unlike them, I've already loved him. I still do and there's no way that will shift from my heart or my mind, but I'm not good for him. If I hurt Jordan accidentally then I can't hurt Owen without even realising. I need to put him first and it's clear as hell I've only made things worst for him.

"Uh, you don't have to apologise. I deserve—" before he could even continue his sentence, the door opens to reveal Ivy. She stood there in her coat from the cold outside and from what was a bright happy gaze soon fell at the sight of me and Owen together, "Ivy? What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, of course. What are you doing...with her?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion and venom as she stared me up and down. She better tread damn carefully around me, "Owen, you know you can't socialise with her. It's not healthy—"

"Okay!" I exclaimed loudly as my eyes widened slightly. Well, this is slightly awkward, I thought. When will she ever realise she's not as entitled as anyone else is? Oh wait, she never will because other people's opinions just go in one ear and out the other with her. Whoops, "clearly, you two have a lot to talk about so I'll just leave before I do something I might regret."

"No, Brielle, wait—Ivy, I told you to stop coming over," Owen rambled on as he pushed past Ivy to get to me. His hand gripped my wrist, but I pulled it back quickly and shook my head in response, "please, Brielle, it's not what it looks like."

"No, no, clearly you two have a lot to catch up on," I spoke before turning around to give a small forced smile to Owen, "I'll see you around."

Just being around Ivy made me feel sick. God, being around just about anyone made me feel sick—but that's not the point. What was she doing there? Jaxon told me she wasn't invited around anymore? I don't think she'd be ill-mannered enough to turn up at someone's house uninvited—well, I don't know about that. She is quite the lunatic.

I went back to the house quickly, closing the door behind me and leaning my head against the wood. The fact I lost my cool there when I shouldn't have is beyond my understanding. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I thought. Maybe if I just go to sleep, I don't have to worry about the situation until I wake up.

I stared up at the ceiling before the boredom set in and I decided it looked really fucked up sitting by the front door in a faze. Using my arms, I pushed myself up onto my feet and took off my coat and shoes before heading up the stairs and to my room.

My mother was currently with Kiara so she wasn't going to be home by dinner. There wasn't much to do when I was home alone, but I had a few assignments to finish. My scattered work on the desk was left unfinished, but by the time I had sat down upon my seat, Kelly was calling me.

My brows furrowed together before I answered and put her on speaker. Her face appeared on my screen and she waved happily at me.

"Hey, just wanted to check in," she spoke and I grinned in response. Kelly was one of the sweetest friends I could ever have, "I just wanted to see how you were know? Not giving you pity or anything, but just checking you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm good. I went to his house." saying that caused an audible gasp to come from Kelly before a slightly deeper voice chimed in. Her mouth was still agape when Darren came into shot, his hair wet having recently taking a shower.

"What's wrong—oh hey, Brielle," he told me before turning back to Kelly with an arched brow, "why are you looking at her like that? Is it Owen? Are they back together?"

"No, idiot. Wait, wait, wait. Brielle, you went to his house?!" I nodded, not exactly knowing what was so shocking about going to his house. I mean, she knows it's for Jaxon's tutoring lessons, "what happened? Did he talk to you? Spill the tea, sis."

"Oh come on, he probably apologised again. He keeps saying he'll say sorry and we have to tell him he's already said it to you. Brielle, I'm sorry, but if we don't have Owen back, we're fucking screwed." Kelly smacked him on the arm before turning back to me.

"Don't listen to him," she snapped as Darren rolled his eyes at her, "anyway, what happened, girl?"

"Well, nothing interesting—nothing important like no kissing, no hugging, just talking. What weirded me out was the fact that Ivy walked in just casually, but trust me, I was like 'I'm out of here'." I could notice the atmosphere immediately change the second I mentioned Ivy. Both Darren and Kelly were shocked as well and it was clear they weren't expecting Ivy to be there. Well, she definitely threw us a surprise party we'll never forget.

Kels was the first to break, her eyes turning into a glare as she bared her teeth with a clenched jaw.

"That lying rat!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands above her head as Darren just sat there still processing what I said. Actually, I don't know if he's still alive at this point, "wait until I get my hands on his throat."

"On whose throat?" I asked with a slightly panicked tone.

"Jaxon's! He told me with that fucking smug expression on his face 'Ivy ain't ever entering our house again. Thank god and now we can begin the disinfecting process' like what the fuck?" please tell me he did not say that. I don't know whether I should laugh or defend her for Jaxon's clear hatred and thirst to dig her out every chance he's got.

"Owen told me he got rid of her. He said she wasn't going to annoy us anymore," Darren said, rubbing his temple and I saw there, not exactly knowing what to do with myself. This isn't the first time Owen's lied, but I really don't think it's a good trait to have in a gang leader—or in any other person for that matter.

"Look, I don't care what's going on in your ex boyfriend's mind, but it has been a while since we had a girls' night," Kelly sang happily, clapping her hands together as Darren groaned in annoyance, disappearing off view as the atmosphere shifted to something more calming and cheerful.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, clearly wanting to change the subject as swiftly as I can before things get more awkward. Also, I probably shouldn't worsen Kelly's mood swings so I just go along with it.

"Friday night, sleepover, pizza or takeaway and horror movies. Dad's out of town for the weekend and said I can have some friends over so I won't be lonely—no boys though," she explained with a wink, pointing behind her where Darren was busy drying his hair, "I mean, as long as I don't get caught, right? Only kidding, I already asked my dad if Darren can stay with me during the day."

The fact that her dad trusts her to be around Darren after all the shit he did is shocking. I mean, he's great guy and all, but before he met him, all he heard about was Darren broke Kelly's heart, Darren nearly drowned her by mistake, Darren only fools around with girls. This only makes me wonder what card trick she pulled to persuade her father and where I can get it.

"I'll check with my mom, but I can probably go. What about the others?" Nicole was probably going and she never ever missed an event whether it's a sleepover or the biggest party of the entire school year. If anything, she's the person who makes it a party. Cassidy—well, that depended on whether her parents were abroad or staying in NYC. Usually, she couldn't make it and instead FaceTimes us in the evening to make sure she's still participating. Coco was also most probably down to come with us. Most of the time, she was with a few exceptions when she had to help Kiara out with business.

"According to the last few phone calls I just had, they can make it. Cass' parents are stuck in NYC for the next few days because they're doing interviews and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, let me know by tomorrow evening because I need to start planning everything." I nodded, enthusiastic that I could just let loose for a night and enjoy myself. All of this school work and rushing to teach the final topics and study for the March exams is stressing everyone out. 

I headed downstairs to check on my mother when I see her in the kitchen finishing cooking dinner. She smiled when I entered and pressed a firm kiss to my head before reaching up into the top shelves to retrieve us two plates. 

"How was tutoring?" she asked kindly as she began putting food on the plates, some lasagne that she prepared, steamed broccoli and two slices of garlic bread. I watched as she placed the plate in front of me and I muttered a quick 'thanks' as she grabbed the cutlery, "I hope Jaxon isn't facing too much trouble with his studies. After all, he may not be the brightest kid, but he certainly is aware of his surroundings." 

"He's doing well, mom. Got a bit distracted, but you know him," I muttered as I tucked into my lasagne before taking a bite of my garlic bread. She also asked me about Owen and how he was doing despite the fact she so obviously dislikes the guy's guts. 

My mother supported me about Owen, but out of the corner of my eyes, I could tell she didn't like me being around him because of how badly I was hurt. After dad, she's become more protective but allowed me to still have my freedom. I was the only family she had

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