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"Go ahead."

I look up at her. And she shifts her dress to the side, perched on the lower branch of the oak tree. The rising sun lights up the delicate lines of her face as she looks towards the cottage.

Where Rinei is.

I hesitate.

"Are you going to leave?"

She nods. "Yes. You know I can't stay for long."

"They will ask questions. Especially my fiancée, who I just completely abandoned back at the Gala."


"Okay." I murmur, looking back towards the small cottage. "Thanks— for bringing me here. Keeping me safe and all."

A part of me doesn't want to leave her.

But I couldn't just return with her either.

Our worlds were different.

Her glacier eyes narrow. "This is not goodbye, Jungkook. Quit acting like it is. I will be back tomorrow night, and whenever I can find time to come see your lovely face."

I sigh.

"But you'll be with him, won't you?"

She looks up. And I'm a little surprised too, with what I'd blurted out.

A soft blush instantly colors my cheeks.

Arlen smiles, clearly noticing.

"I'll try not to, if that makes you feel better." She says, crossing her legs together. "I can't believe we've come to the point where you've become jealous for me."

"I'm not."

I turn away. And I think I can hear her quiet laughter as I walk briskly towards the cottage. It's a silent morning— not even the birds chirp.

I get to the side of the cottage, searching for the door. It's a pretty place, with ivy climbing up the walls and several windows for lighting.

But where—

Then my eyes catch on my sister, behind one of the larger windows.

I come to a stop.

Rinei's fast asleep. And next to her is that elf, his arms wrapped around her and her body protectively pulled close to his chest. They're both asleep still.

Then and there, I realize.

She doesn't need me.

He has her. I could tell, even now, that he would give his life to protect her. Rinei didn't need me by her side anymore. She had a lover, and her lover would keep her safe.

I'd just get in their way if I stayed.

I turn away. Then I run, back to the place Arlen had last been. I'm out of breath by the time I get there, eyes flickering for her shadow.



My voice echoes into the Forest.

She's gone. She'd told me that she would be.

I stutter a breath. A shaky sigh escapes from my lips as I grip my knees, eyes slowly falling to the ground.

I'm too late.

I should've just—


My eyes flash up.

And there she is right in front of me, as if she had never moved an inch. Her eyes are curious, fingertips brushing against my cheeks.

"Why did you call me? I thought something happened to you."

"Let me go back with you."

I just say it. And she tenses, brows furrowing.


"Rinei will be fine. She has...she has the Prince with her. But you don't really have anyone."

She stares at me. I meet her stare, gazing back at her stubbornly.

Arlen bursts into laughter.

"Don't tell me I brought you all the way here just to take you back with me." She laughs, her smile wide. She looks so openly pleased.

"We even had that exciting kiss to confuse the guards."

I bite my lip.

"Stop changing the topic. I'm coming back with you, Arlen. I can still be your slave or something, can't I? The others won't think anything's really wrong."

"My slave?"

I wince.

Dammit. I just had to keep giving her things to tease me on, didn't I?


"Forgive me. I'm usually not like this." She muses. But then her eyes suddenly turn serious, her lips pursing into a scarlet line.

"Jungkook. It won't be safe if you come back with me. There are just too many things that could happen— what could happen if elves discover that I was keeping a human as my slave."

"I promise I'll keep my hood down always."

She sighs softly. "It's not that easy, angel. Elves just love to talk, and if the smallest word gets out..."

"I might be able to escape the consequences, with my position. But you will be executed. And there'll be nothing that I can do to stop that."

I pause.

Then I quietly whisper.

"...what if I told you I'm willing to risk that?"

She gazes at me, for a long, silent second.

"Really." I mumble. "I'll be careful, I promise. Just let me stay with you. I—"

"When did you become this reckless?"

I lift my eyes in surprise, at the chilled tone of her voice. But then I feel her lips against mine, a soft, adoring kiss before she pulls away.

Her ice blue eyes don't leave my face.

"You really are one of a kind." She whispers. "And you already know that I am as selfish for you as I love you. There are only so many times I can say no, Jungkook."

"Because I do want you by my side."

She turns away, a smile ghosting on her lips.

"I won't stop you, if you insist."




Jimin smiles, tipping his head to the side. His eyes are twinkling mischievously as he shifts his position, rocking back and forth with his legs crossed together.

"I'm sorry to interrupt. Feel free to continue."


The blonde elf perks his brows at Taehyung's low call.

"Yes, Your Highness? Oh, do you want me to leave? I mean, I could certainly—"

"Why are you here?"

"Why am I here?" He says, cupping his face in both hands. "Well, Miss Rinei was supposed to meet me yesterday night so I could take the both of you here, but guess you two didn't need me after all."

He pouts. "I feel left out. After all I've done for you, my Prince."

My eyes widen. And my hands quickly flash.

Would you like some raspberries?

Jimin turns to me with a sweet smile. "I'd love to, my lady. Except..."

He gives a stone-faced Taehyung with an annoyed look.

"Except I don't think someone particularly wants me here. I'll rather go have a look around to make sure that no elves know about the two of you."

He blows a playful kiss in my direction.

"For you, my lady, I will gladly offer up my cottage."


This place.

My eyes skim across the familiar crystal waters, sparkling with the sunlight. The sounds of the river echo nearby, filling the pool with cool, clear blue.

I whip towards him.

This is where you were—

"Where you saw me?"

A blush heats my cheeks.

"Yes, it is." He says, with a sweet smile as he frees his long hair. Dark locks spill down over his shoulders, and he tucks a strand over his tipped ear. Then he starts undoing the ties of his shirt.

I blink, making a surprised noise.

He looks up.

Wait. We're going in?

"Of course we are. I need a bath." Taehyung murmurs, shifting the loosened top over his head. His cloak already lies in a heap of cloth on the grass.

The heat in my cheeks deepen at his golden, tanned skin. His upper body is gorgeously toned, the broad, smooth lines of his
shoulders rippling with strength as he slips into the water.

I can see his scars.

He sighs, closing his eyes.


I stutter upwards.

Y-Yeah? What?

His eyes are two dark pools of seductive shadow.

"Aren't you going to join me?"

I sniffle in pretend, signing rapidly.

Uh, I'm a little too cold right now. So I don't really think—"

"The water is hot."

...it was?

He comes closer, crossing his arms together on the edge of the pool. His hands outstretch, reaching for me.

"Come. I'll hold you."

I bite back an excuse, after realizing I had no more that I'd come up with.


I unclip my cloak, dropping it on the grass in a pile of soft fabric. I shiver a little, only in a thin white shirt and loose pants.

His arms pull me in.

And I can't even scream as I splash into the pool. The water really is warm— and I clumsily latch onto him, hands clawing to wrap around his shoulder and neck.

He laughs.

"You know I'm impatient."

My eyes narrow into a deadly glare.

I'm going to kill you.

"When did you get so used to giving me death threats, Rinei?"

He presses my back against the edge of the pool, his hand shifting underwater to wrap around the curve of my waist. He gives me a forlorn look, face so close to mine our noses are inches from touching.

"Just kiss me instead."

And my heart stutters as he connects our lips in a soft kiss. I don't know what happens after that— it's a blur of sweetness and heat, a heat so warm that the water feels almost suffocating.

His hands are gentle against my body.

He breaks the kiss, resting his head against the crook of my shoulder and neck. His voice is low, thick with the water.

"I want this shirt off of you."

"Take it off."

I push him away, with a burst of laughter noise and a teasing smile on my face. He steps back a little, not even bothering to hide the disappointment as I sign.

And I thought elves were chaste, pure creatures.

He looks at me.

A sinful smile splits his face, as he tilts his head. His soaked hair cups the strong lines of his jaw, the outline of the chains sharp and visible on his neck.

"My, Rinei. Did no one let you know?"

"Elves are full of sin."

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