Eli & Aeryn: Eleven

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A: "I think Alyssa likes you."

E: "What?"

A: "I think Alyssa likes you."

E: "Who's Alyssa?"

A: "She sits back one row and one seat to the right from you in English."

E: "Oh, okay."

A: "I think she likes you."

E: "Of course she does, everyone likes my charming nature and dashing good looks."

A: "Hah, no. But I mean I think she has a crush on you."

E: "How come?"

A: "She stares at you a lot in English and when she does she twiddles her hair around her fingers. She always smiles at you, even when you're not looking at her and when people walk in to the room she always quickly looks up, then looks disappointed until you walk in and she smiles again."

E: "Wow, your observation skills are top notch."

A: "Eli, I'm being serious! She likes you!"

E: "Don't worry, even if she does I don't like her back in that way."

A: "Worried? Pffft, I wasn't worried, I was just-"

E: "Jealous because you think I'm amazing and you would be forever heartbroken if I suddenly fell at the knees of Alyssa?"

A: "Sometimes I really want to slap you."

E: "But you can't because you love me too much."

A: "..."

E: "Ow, Aeryn! You hit me!"

A: "I feel much better now."

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