Chapter 7.2 - Brotherhood

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The factory turned facility is located on a hill, inside a lot of activity is taking place, the downstairs chamber was filled with tubes containing test subjects being experimented, some of them looked normal, others not. On the other room, there's the brainwashing room, where captured people experience torture under the hands of Inquisitors themselves so they can become inquisitors, screaming and grunting is the sound that's mostly heard in the room, blood is seen anywhere in that room. In there, there's a guy trapped in a bed, this man had blonde puffy spiked hair, black eyes, black dagger earrings, and a lean build yet athletic enough to keep in shape. He's Andrei Olegovich, fellow cossack in custody.

Entering the room are three particular people, probably ones suited for the job. They're Dakrin, Jason, and Raven. They approach where Andrei is strapped in.

"So how are you sleeping beauty, was your rest well? Well, I guess yes, because your charming princess is nowhere." Dakrin taunts.

"Dumayesh', ya nakhozhu eto smeshnym, ty idiot? (You think I find this funny, you idiot?)" Andrei replies in Russian.

"Even if your words are not in our tongue, you still don't understand how capable we are on this planet stupid Ruskie. Ever since the end of the previous world war, your country has been trying to maintain a fragile union with other countries they attacked, but ultimately, that attempt resulted in failure because of the Zlocu. They are not invading us, they are making Earth a better place, exterminating the ones that have been polluting this planet with ideas like unity and peace, but now with them, we're gonna restore Earth as it should be." Jason retorts.

"Humans are different and diverse Jason and deserving to work together but jokes like you aren't supposed to control it anyways..." Andrei replies weakly.

"Humans only accept other kinds of people for the purpose of their own interests, they only accept other people just to please themselves," Raven responds.

"And now with you here, we will reformat you to make you into an obedient person to us," Jason replies.

"You think so? You must learn that my spirit will never break for the likes of you, if you want to kill me for not turning on to you, it will be fine by me."

"Really? Well, it seems that you're gonna eat those words when we inject you this," Jason then shows a syringe with a pink liquid inside.

"Chto to? (What's that?)"

"Something that will make you into one of us, I heard that this substance can alter the system of the brain, it will erase most of your traits from your original persona, making the process of indoctrination easier. Anyway, Andrei, say goodbye to your ideas."

"You'll never win!" Andrei yells as Jason injects the substance into him.

Outside the factory, the Earth Warriors, Eddie, and Malak are near, ready to infiltrate the place.

"So this is the factory you were talking about? Looks rather easy," Jackson says.

"No need to get cocky Jack, you haven't seen the inside of the factory yet," Eddie replies.

"OK, now the deal is that we must infiltrate the factory to get something important and if we succeed, you will join our group right?" Seiner asks.

"Indeed yes Seiner, but first, we need to find out what's inside so we can think our plan through. Amira, you and Lucy will go check the place, take this view-enhancing glasses and investigate what's also beyond OK?" Logan says.

"Understood, Lucy, grab my arm, you are gonna experience a bird you Humans say."


Suddenly, Amira started to fly at a high altitude, carrying Lucy with her as she shouts in amazement and surprise, holding on to her as hard as she can without dropping much of the things that she has.


Luckily the flight wasn't that long as the distance to the factory was but one-minute flying. Amira and Lucy landed on the windshield of the factory where it could be seen from outside.


"Hehehe, sorry about that. Well then, let's start to check."

They put on their view-enhancing glasses to see what's inside.

"Checking, checking, checking, hmm I see many people working in this factory, Zlocans for most of the part, anything interesting?"

"Let me see... bide there's somethin' on 'that office on th' left side, near the' elevator, located between a bridge."

"Scanning... It's the inquisitors, 5 of them, they are checking something on the computer...Likely reading important documents their allies sent."

"Good. now let's check the' other rooms... Oh god... tubes containin' humans."

"Test subjects? That's despicable to hear, I swear we'll free those humans from their cruelty. Oh no... A-a-a tortu-re chamber, many humans... suffering..."

"Now that's somethin' interestin' tae see. Now shut that bawling of yours, it's not necessary for them to see that face of yours...."


Amira takes Lucy again in her back and flew back to the team to inform them. But while she did so, her expression still keeps with one of her fearful discovery that she just saw.

"Now that you made it, tell me, what are they doing? Chocolate?" Tania asks with no sense.

"Dumbass girl... Do you really think we came here for a chocolate factory?!" Seiner angrily replies.

"No no! I was just asking, I mean, there can be anything on that factory right, right?

"There is Tany...but it's...," Amira replies.

"What does it have?" Malak asks.

"Death... and cruelty... These poor souls..." Amira then starts to tremble.

"Calm down Amira, whatever there is, we will do anything to save these persons," Logan says as he consoles her.

"Please, anything but being a crybaby. Also, not only 'at, their is also likely important info located on a computer upstairs."

"Info you say Lu? I guess this will be very tricky to do, Eddie we're ready." Jackson says.

"Good, if you are worthy of leadership then let's go!"

All the group nods in agreement as they started to wear jetpacks made by Seiner. They adjust it carefully so they can be well-placed in their backs without much dislocation. Tany, however, is in a bit of hassle due to her unfamiliarity with the jetpack. Seiner, irritatingly, puts it rightfully in its position, albeit roughly while giving her a dirty look, eyes narrow and eyebrows lowered and such. Finally, they head off to the factory.

Inside, Andrei is lying unconscious on the bed for a moment after the injection by Jason Garreth, he wakes up in a dizzy sensation, almost numb because he doesn't feel anything with his body, albeit initially. After a brief pause, he touches the metal rail of the bed to see if he's fully in control, but suddenly, his whole body starts to become metal after touching that part. He begins to panic as his sudden transformation attracts the attention of Zlocan knights.

But later, he takes advantage of the situation by breaking free from the bed and punches the Zlocan knight so hard it knocks him out, the other knights notice this and start to shoot at Andrei, but not even the laser rays can make damage to the metallic Russian. From the energy of the laser rays, he even creates a type of aura energy which he shoots red beams from his hands, causing further deaths to the Zlocans present in the room before returning to his normal flesh, this makes the tortured patients cheer. Impressed by his newfound powers, he's now determined to save other people in the factory from death.

"Hey, comrade? Mind if you can tell me where that freaking switch is to free the poor bastards?"

The patient points to the east, which is a simple switch. He pressed the switch and all of the patients leave their beds on their way to freedom, taking the Zlocan weapons on the ground while running at the door.

"Navernoye, vesel"ye tol"ko nachalos"! (Looks like the fun has just begun!)"

Outside the factory, the group starts to notice that the inquisitors are hearing the alarm and leave to check out, all while the Knights around the facility scatter up to contain the uprising.

"Wait, is that Jason Garreth?! I thought he was out of the day after I uncovered his crimes back in 2025!" Jackson says incredulously.

"Jason Garreth, a disgrace to law and order...that lucky bastard has it once more!" Eddie growls.

"Here's the plan people, we must get to the office and check confidential documents from Zlocan activities and free the prisoners, let's go!" Logan says as he and others started to break the window and jump to the other platform.

They rush to the office when they started to check every part of the room, lockers, tables, safe-locks, anything. Seiner starts to check the computer, scanning from any interesting file or secret he can find inside. Whether he encounters some sort of block for the system, he uses one of his pads which connects to the system. With his advanced technology, it deciphers every password to each file and cracks when it does. He continues searching until he finds something in particular.

"Hey, there's something interesting you need to see!"

"What is it? A message from a computer?" Tania asks.

"Of course, look at this, an email sent by... Kedris Horiq."

"Kedris Horiq, the general of the Zlocan army...the deadliest of all generals," Amira says.

"We shall see about that, anyways, gotta save it now for future use," Seiner says as he inserts the drive into the computer and clicks on the file that details Kedris' mail.

"Seiner make it quick! Yamja, Dakrin and Jason Garreth are coming and very fast!" Jackson says as he's peering down on one of the halls.

"Just nearly there! Nearly... Done!" Seiner quickly takes the pen-drive from the computer as the three Inquisitors break-in.

"So, we meet again idiots, ever since my first defeat, I've been waiting for the rematch to come and now this my opportunity to do it!" Dakrin taunts as he unsheathes his sword.

"That's what you think! Jackson, Lucy, Malak and Eddie, hold them off while Amira, Seiner Tania and I go find some survivors to rescue, give everything you got to defeat them!" Logan says.

"Us? But why, young boy?" Eddie asks.

"Because I want to show you that we can be as heroic as you want us to be."

"Prisoners, information, anything from here could make you heroic. Now go, boy!"

Logan and his three friends then jump from the office and proceed to go to the test chamber.


Inside, the group is terrified at the sight of trapped subjects, especially at the ones that have been horrifically modified. Amira is more or less in shock in what she sees.

"Amira, keep your cool, they'll make it fine," Logan says to her, trying to calm her down.

"Golly! These persons look very messed up, but at least there some who may have the chance to be goodie looking again, right, right?" Tania says.

"Why are you even here?" Seiner snarks.

"Keep it cool you guys, we need to find the switch that will liberate these poor souls, then we go back to the other four."

Suddenly, a loud noise could be heard, the door on the right side of the chamber is blown away by an explosion. In there, Zlocan knights rush in, ambushing Logan and his team.

"It's a trap!" Tany yells.

"No need to fear Tany, you used your powers before, we can use them again to kick those guys asses, let's rock it!" Logan says.

Then the Earth Warriors start to fight off the Zlocan ambushers. So far, they're hitting and blocking every attack they make against them. Suddenly, as Logan was slashing some Zlocan soldiers, one Zlocan sneaks behind him and prepares to kill him, only for Andrei to jump off from a platform and knock out the knight by punching him in the jaw with his fused metal hand, hard enough to break it apart. Logan notices this and is taken aback by his appearance.

"Whoa now! Wait. Just...are you an ally or enemy?!"

"I'm asking the same thing, comrade."

"Did you cause the alarm to go off?"

"Yes, I was the one who freed the poor friends from the torture chamber, now I was going to free these ones- Look out!" Andrei yells as he notices a Zlocan behind Logan but he manages to slash the knight from behind.

"A close one so you're an ally after all! Now listen, we must work together to free the test subjects from here, we must find the switch."

"Was doing that as well! Eh, ain't we the common bunch after all?"

"Well, to put it lightly, maybe..."

Seiner and the others approach him, surprised at Andrei's presence.

"Who the heck is this guy?" Seiner asks.

"I'm Andrei Olegovich Yakovlev, the Russian prisoner turned liberator of this place. I assume you are poor souls who turned into warriors too?"

"100% affirmative, Rusito! Now, where's that switch for these persons who want their mommas back!" Tania says.

"It must up the balcony in front of you, over there." He said as he pointed to the place where the switch was located.

"Thank you, Andrei, you have my gratitude for saving us and leading to us a clue."

"Nyet problem, thank you for showing up in time too."

But before they could move on, Andrei glances towards Amira and briefly stops Logan from moving, as he starts staring at her.

"An...An alien? With you!? I mean, I don't know that the Aliens look like behind their masks, but oh dear lord, she has looks of smoking beauty!" Andrei compliments gently, all while making a sly smile on his face and eyes almost narrow.

"But I'm clear..." she replies.

"Oh sorry, dear girlie, just a slip in my mind. I bet you're one to be followed after all. Now that I think of-" Logan then puts his hand on Andrei's shoulder.

"Just...follow my lead and stop embarrassing yourself."

Logan and his team later goes to the desk console and proceed to press the switch that holds the subjects captive. The test tubes go empty and the subjects awake from their sleep, now running with the sense of freedom in their minds, others picking up the Zlocan weapons as well.

"These souls... finally can now be happy and free at last after a long-suffering," Amira says as she puts her head on Logan's shoulder.

"I'm glad to hear that, now let's go back to the others."

"Oh hey there! Please tell me! What's your race called?" Andrei says while looking at Amira. Too curious to know her after all.

"...A Soranian."

"Soranian, let's kick ass for the moment. I'll know more of you later."


Back in the office, everything looks tattered and ruined, the fighters, although having only fought ten minutes of combat they are showing signs of big injuries, especially Eddie Wolfen and Dakrin Cavendish, the latter who's lying unconsciously under the care of Jeanette. Malak, in particular, tries to parry Yamja's attack to no avail all while she swings her blades erratically. Then Malak sprints forward to thrust her blade towards Yamja, but she jumps backward and lands where Raven is, who's in a locked match against Jack and Lucy. Even with their wounds, they still do their best to hold off against Raven. Lucy tries to stab Raven in the wrist but he quickly grabs her and hurls her towards a wall. Jackson tries to do the same but is attacked by Yamja's lightning

Eddie Wolfen is lying on the ground while the others continue to fight, Jason proceeds to come closer to Eddie.

"Your attempts at protecting your friends have failed, in fact, you only make matters worse with the fact that you have a black friend in your team. How pitiful. Now its the time for you to pay for polluting mankind with such people."

He aims the gun at his face, Malak notices, almost in a state of panic, sprints forward to save him but it's stopped by Jeanette pulling a gun in front of her.

"Make one move and you'll perish alongside him."

Malak grits her teeth while breathing heavily. Never has she encountered such position where she can do nothing but watch. Still holding her battle stance, she looks carefully at everything around her while thinking about what she may do. At first, she looks she may not get what she wants after all, her eyes closed and lowering her face as a bow of defeat. But then she snappily opens them and starts smiling.

"Time's up now."

The other look in confusion in response to what she said, what could it be that made say that. Well...

"No, you don't, Jason!" a familiar voice says as some glass breaks apart from behind Malak.

It's Logan as he jumps in the air and kicks Jason in the face, the other proceeds to help the other ones who have been injured, fighting off against the Inquisitors. Jeanette quickly grabs Dakrin and retreats near Yamja and Raven.

"You succeeded?! But how?!" Jason asks in a frustrated tone.

"Far too complex for you to understand!" Seiner replies.

Logan then quickly uses his Rapier form and uses some quick thrusts against Raven, but Yamja then intervenes by blocking most of them, but can still keep up with them. Logan tries to thrust again, but Yamja uses her lightning to shock him apart. He's hurled towards a locker but quickly regains his composure.

"Anything else?!" she growls.

Amira then quickly appears by moving in front of Logan. As she does so, she quickly observes the position the Inquisitors are, a nearby window where the fall leads to a long fall. Noticing this, she uses her telekinetic powers to push the other Inquisitors away to the other side of the factory, ending the battle, once again victorious.

"Damn you all!!!" Dakrin shouts as he falls down.

"Whatever you say, pretty boy! As long as we care for others, we prevail over you! And now we must have a

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