7 months

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Daniella POV (Her point of view of the previous chapter)

"I don't know she isn't gaining weight Gerald... I don't have a medical diagnosis!" I stood outside of the booth, listening to the voice on speaker phone. "The baby is fine. Danny she's.... She's surviving and we'll continue to monitor her as she gets closer to her due date."

" What the fuck you mean she's surviving?! I want my fucking girl healthy and you all haven't done shit, I'll find another doctor!"

"Relax Mr. Gillum... We'll keep trying."

"Figure it out." I rushed down the hall, back to the kitchen and sat down, staring at the plate of food before me. Looking at it made me nauseous. I sighed and stood, sweeping half of it into the trash before sitting back down and sighing softly. I'm sick they say. They don't know with what... I do... I don't wanna eat. I fake it. Food gets spit out, tossed, hidden. It's not my fault, I'm just not hungry. He walked in, dark circles under his eyes. "Hey babe..."

"Hey... How was working?" I mumbled looking at the food as I moved it around with the fork. He shrugged slightly and sat down, rolling up a blunt.

"I didn't get much done. How you feeling?"

"Great... I think I feel him kicking..." I forced a smile before looking down at my stomach. He glanced over and sat down the wrappers, placing his hand on my stomach and flashing a smile.

"Damn, easy there tiger." He chuckled weakly before looking at me then away. "I'm going out tonight, don't wait up for me..." My forced smile faded as I nodded. He was rarely home any more. Constantly looking for love outside of my arms. It was probably cause I was sick. Gross to look at most of the time.

"Okay..." I mumbled before standing as he started smoking and typing away on his phone. It seemed this was how it would go from now on. I was merely the good fiancee for the image. The family side. "Gerald?"

" What Daniella?" His tone was annoyed and that's when it escalated, I grabbed the plate and threw it at him, the glass didn't break but the food slid down his face.

"Fuck you." I turned on my heels and started to storm up stairs.

"You bitch!" My heart was pounding in my chest as he grabbed my wrist and yanked me closer, pushing me against the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're moody all the time! Throwing fucking food at my face?!" His grip on my wrist made me whimper.

"Gerald you're hurting me...."

"Where the fuck is the girl I loved?! Fuck..." He mumbled looking down at the blood pooling from my wrist, the ring on his pinky had dug into my skin. "Daniella...." I pulled away and ran upstairs, closing the door and going into the bathroom. Admittedly it was my fault I was sick. Today he just happened to find out why. I wrapped my wrist and tensed hearing the door creak open, his face was washed off, leather jacket off and he was shirtless. Only wearing those iconic black jeans and supreme underwear peaking around the top. "D?"

"You haven't called me D in months..." I whispered as he sat on the floor and looked in my green eyes.

"Your food was in the trash... D have you been doing this to yourself." I unravelled, standing and backing away from his as more tears fell.

"Don't... Don't hurt me... I'm sorry! I'm so... Sorry." Like a dead person I went limp to the floor. He sunk beside me and pulled me to his chest, lips resting against my temple. "It's okay... It's okay... Once I have the baby you won't have to have me around anymore...."

"Danny... Fucking hell...." His arms grew tighter around me. "I'm so sorry... I just... I'm sorry I haven't been there.... I didn't know what to do... I couldn't watch you die Danny... What caused this?" I shrugged, it was true I didn't know. I was honest that I didn't understand. We sat there for what felt like forever, like a broken toy he held me together till I slept.

"Miss Evans?" I blinked a few times, doctors surrounding me.

"Where am I?"

" You passed out... Your husband brought you here..."

"He's not my...." I shut up and looked around, the white walls of the hospital. A woman in white was sitting beside my bed, her hair grey.

"Miss Evans I need to ask you a few questions."

"About what?"

"You haven't been eating and well I need to know how else you've been feeling. Sad? Lonely?" She said all these negative words and all I did was nod. It was as if she was in my mind. Reading off the list of how I felt. When she was done she handed me a piece of paper, large font at the top.

"Prenatal depression?"

" It is what you have miss Evans and we can help... If you want to be helped."

" Yes... Can I see my fiancee now?" She nodded and stood, leaving me with my thoughts then he opened the door. Roses in hand and Suzanne behind him. She looked at the sheet and frowned slightly before looking to Gerald.

" How you feeling?"

"I don't know..." I mumbled as he handed me the flowers, a smile cracked my lips, yet moments later I handed them back. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault... It's mine too. I shouldn't have ran away from the issue... You know I love you..."

" You say it, but don't show it Ger..." He just nodded and sat down, looking at his hands. "I'm done with you... Cheat on me one more time Gerald... I dare you..." His eyes met mine with this shameful look before Suzanne squeezed my wrist.

"It's okay honey we are here."

"I'm here D..."

"You promise? Cause I'm serious Gerald... I need your support." He took my hand and kissed the back. Stage one done. I had the support. Now it was time to get better.

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