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Chapter 31

When it comes right down to it - action speaks wayy louder than words!!


When Geoffrey left, I stood there dully, staring at the door.

Could what he said have been the truth?

I missed Eyare so much, it physically hurt.

I had decided to resign from my job because I needed time to sort out my family issues, but most importantly -- myself. I had taken too much leave time already, so that wasn't even an option.

I still hadn't yet figured out what lay in store for both of us, if we were ever going to get past this hurdle. What Geoffrey said made me have a re - think. He and Eyare practically grew up like brothers and he knew Eyare's capabilities.

Yes, but people changed, plus Eyare had been drinking a lot of alcohol of recent and I knew for sure that alcohol pushed men to do a lot of bad things.

I was still lost in thought when I heard a knock on the door.

I didn't feel like seeing anyone right now.

I invited Geoffrey in because I wanted to know Eyare's whereabouts. It had been three weeks since I saw him, although he called me every day, but I never picked. What he did hurt me to my bone marrow.

The knock was more insistent, so I got up to see who was invading my thinking time.

The moment I opened the door, I immediately regretted it.

I was taken aback at the audacity of the woman standing before me.

Absolutely unbelievable!

At a loss for words, I stared stupidly at her. That's when she smiled. She actually smiled at me.

She said a hello and brushed past me into my home. The home of the man she had an affair with, the man she's currently pregnant for --- my husband. That snapped me out of my stupor and anger fueled my veins.

I rounded up on her but she was expecting it.

"I'm so very sorry, girlfriend. I never knew my little joke would result in something so serious." Her hands were up in a form of surrender and tears formed in her eyes.

Is she serious?

My mouth dropped open and I mentally struggled to understand if she was cracking a joke.

She came close to me and touched me on my hand and I flinched. "How dare you?" I roared.

I was extremely glad my parents had taken Eseosa out for the day, leaving me some time to ruminate. I wouldn't have wanted them to witness this.

She backed away from me, fear making her eyeballs bigger than normal. She had never seen me angry at her, not once in all the many years of our friendship.

"Please, you're scaring me, Osa."
She said this in a timid voice. "I said I was sorry." Tears had begun to pool in her eyes and were threatening to fall and she was sniffling.

Absolutely unbelievable!

"I'm scaring you?" I echoed surprised at her statement.

"You almost gave me a heart attack. I had a concussion and was unconscious from your sorry ass prank. What kind of stupid joke was that? Well, you'll be sorry by the time I'm finished with you." I spat out, furiously.

I was about to tell her to get out of my house and never show her face again, but she threw her head back and laughed throatily.

She laughed so hard, tears trickled from the corner of her eyes. When she was done, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and looked at me, a mocking smile on her lips. "Oh give me a break, what can you do to me? Do you even know who you want to toy with, you harmless fly?" Her total demeanour changed. She looked at me the way a predator looked at it's prey.

Dropping her bag on the chair, she circled me. "I wonder what they both see in you --- Geoffrey and Eyare. I know you slept with Geoffrey, so don't you start acting innocent with me, miss smart mouth. Tell me something, did you enjoy it? Did he make you moan, like he did, me?" She giggled and came to stand directly in front of me.

I couldn't help it, my mouth hung open.

She slept with Geoffrey, too?

Wow! He really got around.

I suddenly felt unclean, so I wrapped my arms around my body and hung my head in shame. Tears pricked my eyes and I squeezed them shut to stop the flow I knew would come if I didn't control myself.

She sniggered and I heard her walking away. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes to see her standing in front of a side table with a spread of family pictures. She picked up one where Eyare and I were kissing. Our eyes were closed and we were revelling in the kiss, oblivious of the camera capturing the special moment.

She turned round with fury in her eyes and threw it to the ground, where it splintered into little pieces. Some glass shards found their way into my bare feet but I ignored the pain. I only stared in shock at the stranger before me. She was a totally different person and I was shocked into silence, once again. She stamped on it with her heels, her face an indescribable mask of hatred and fury.

She looked up at me suddenly, her chest heaving from the exhaustion of her evil machinations, and began to spew things from her vile lips. I was helpless, I could only stand and stare. "Eyare should be mine, only mine, not yours. I set my eyes on him first, but what happened?" She threw her hands up and pointed at me. "You happened, with your pretty face and sunshiny personality, you caught his eyes. I hated you from that day on."

She turned to look at me and I staggered back from her as if I'd been slapped. Her eyes were a burning furnace of hatred. She began to pace, clenching and unclenching her fingers. She occasionally wove them maniacally in the air, all the while revealing secrets that had been hidden deep in her heart. "I tried to seduce him but that man is so stubborn. He never looked at me, not even once. And when you both got married, it almost broke me into a million pieces." She stopped suddenly and looked at me. "Do you know how many men I've slept with just to try and forget Eyare? But I can't, I just can't. He's stuck in my head like a virus." She tapped her head furiously and I fleetingly thought she was going to have one massive headache later on. "Dammit!" Spittle flew from her lips, as she made a fist with one hand, and hit it with the other. She looked utterly deranged. I was suddenly reminded of an angry bull.

There was an odd part of me that was happy she was in such mental pain. She deserved more.

She cut me a look and grinned suddenly.

I swear, she was bipolar!

How come I never noticed this about her?

She was an expert at hiding her feelings and that was why she had gone undetected all this while. She smoothed her hair from her forehead where it was drenched in sweat and wiped her face with her palms. I prayed she gouged her eyes out with her talons, but no such luck. She actually managed to put some semblance of sanity back onto her face and she sat down and crossed her legs. Taking a deep breath, she continued talking in a much calmer tone.

She was definitely deranged.

How can anyone go from wild to calm in the twinkling of an eye?

That's a major flip.

She motioned for me to seat down in front of her but I didn't move. She was absolutely ludicrous. In my own house, behaving like a boss, oh no, ma'am.

I made an annoying sound at the back of my throat and moved towards her with the resolve to throw her out, but she raised a finger up in the air without looking at me and I stayed my movements. When she was satisfied I had not made any further move, she inspected her taloned finger nails as she continued talking. "The best part is yet to come and I want you, no, I need you to hear it. I bet you don't know I'm a millionaire?"

What was she talking about? She did have much to her name, I knew that.

She began to giggle, yet again.
"I also have another teeny weeny secret you need to know." She looked at me and tried to suppress the giggles with a hand clamped around her mouth. "I own the company you work for." She was so gleefully happy now, the smile on her face almost beatific. She looked almost angelic.

Well then, it was time to burst that happy balloon she's riding in. "Oh really!" I cooed and took a seat opposite her before I continued speaking. "Then you must not have gotten the memo." She looked at me dumbly. "I quit, bitch!" It was my turn to smile beatifically. I continued smiling triumphantly as I watched the smile slip off her face, a murderous glare replacing it.

"What would you do now? Because I'll make sure you never get a job anywhere. I've got serious contacts and I'll bribe anyone I can, just so you don't get another job." She was frazzled, talking fast now and grasping at straws.

She was talking arrant nonsense. I mean, how far could she go to make my life miserable. I laughed gaily at her foolish statement. "I don't plan on working anymore, dear ex - bestie and I really don't think you've done your homework well. My husband, Eyare, is going to be king in his hometown. I bet you didn't know that." I took the time to look at her face and I knew I shouldn't have uttered those words to her, but I was not able to help myself.

The look of incredulity on her face was absolutely priceless. I got comfortable on the chair and crossed my legs, exactly the same way she did. "He wouldn't be needing a job as a king, because he's already rich. My husband is an exceedingly rich man and as his wife, I wouldn't ever need to work again." I finished, smiling as I copied her, also inspecting my finger nails.

Her eyes had rounded to almost saucers. It was quite comical to watch.

"You lie!" She whispered.

"No, bitch, you lied. My husband would never choose you over me. You're cold, evil and manipulative." I stood up suddenly with a hand on my waist. "Now I want you to get the hell out of my house. I honestly can't stand the sight of you anymore."

She got up and dusted of imaginary dirt from her clothes. I was prone to think she was dusting off her already absent dignity to the ground. Coming close to me, she spoke in a low, threatening tone. "You're going to regret ever knowing me. If I can't have Eyare, no one else will." And she walked off, taking her poison with her.

When she left I released the in-held breath I didn't know I had been holding in. I felt giddy with joy and happiness. Eyare was innocent of the accusations that witch levied against him. I reached for my phone and quickly dialed his number. My hands shook and I wondered if he'd pick my call. He picked on the third ring, sounding breathless, like he had been running.

"My love! I'm so happy you're calling. Is everything alright? Is Eseosa fine? Are mum and dad alright?" He spoke in a rush, his tone sounding panicky.

This beautiful, wonderful soul.

How did I get so lucky to have him as my husband?

I stifled the sob trying to break free. I must have done something good, sometime in my life in order to deserve him. I smiled to myself, blinking away tears of joy as I touched my stomach.

"Hello, hello!" He was panicking right now. I swallowed the knot threatening to close up my throat.

"Eyare, my husband, Eseosa and I are coming home to you. I'm so sorry for ever doubting you, so sorry for ever mistreating you and throwing you out of our home. I promise with all my heart to make it up to you. I promise."

There was silence on the line and I was afraid he had cut the call, but I heard some noise and I breathed a silent sigh of relief. The silence stretched on, and just when I thought I had scared him away, he breathed loudly. "That sounds like music to my ears, baby. I'll book your flight out here immediately, I can't wait to have you both with me, where you both belong." I heard the smile in his voice.

We made small talk, catching up on time away from each other. He booked the flight as we talked and we ended up speaking for an hour. When we eventually hung up, I was so happy, it felt like I was riding on the clouds.

Tommorow, Eseosa and I would be with my husband and her father.

I did a little dance as I began packing.

A/N: Hmm! Serious drama. Let's see how it goes in upcoming chapters.

Some surprises are coming.

And . . . The book is coming to an end soon. 😥😥😥.

I will miss my characters, they have become like fast friends of mine.

But oh well, the show must go on.

Tell me what you think in the comment section please.

Peace and love.


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