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House: You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings: Swearing

A/N: Used to be titled "Coffee, handsome?"


Frist Person (Your) POV:

"Draco!" I squeal excitedly, throwing my self into my boyfriend's arms in the Leaky Cauldron. "I'm so glad to see you!  It's been too long!  I missed you..."

"Wel, well.  Someone's very excited to see me!  How are you, love?" Draco says, pressing his forehead against mine ever so gently.

"Much better now that I'm with you.  Two months is too long of a time for me without seeing my Draco," I reply, giving him a tight hug.  

"Come along," Draco says, gently grabbing my hand with his.  His hands are soft and warm and I smile up at him.  "Let's go get some coffee and catch up.  I want to hear about your summer!"

I nod as he pulls me toward Diagon Alley.  Witches and wizards bustle around us, doing their shopping, animals from the pet shops screech and yell, and little kids weave through the crowd, chasing each other.  It's a wonderful place.

"Remember when we used to do that when we were little, Draco?" pointing to the frolicking children.  

"Yeah.  I do y/n.  If only I'd known I was running around with the love of my life..." Draco says, squeezing your hand gently.

"Aww... Draco...," I whisper as he gives my cheek a little peck.  I feel my face get hotter and it turns slightly pink. 

"Is someone, blushing y/n?" Draco coos, turning to directly look me in the eyes. 

"N-no," I say back. His gaze softens as I stare into his silver, grey eyes.  "I love you, y/n."

"I love you, too Draco," I reply kissing him lightly on the lips.  We link arms and walk into one of the coffee shops in Diagon Alley.  It's small but cute with white circular tables and wooden chairs to match.  I hear the hiss of the coffee machines and the surrounding chatter of the witches and wizards talking amongst themselves.  "You go ahead and order, love.  I need to use the loo."

"Okay, y/n," Draco says as I let go of his hand.  I nod to him and turn around and disappear to find the loo.


Draco's POV:

I go up the counter where a witch about our age stands to take coffee orders.

"How may I help you, Handsome?" she asks almost too sweetly.  Ewww... what's with her calling me "Handsome"?  

"Two cappuccinos, please," I say, placing a galleon on the table.  She smiles at me, this time mischievously as if she's received some sort of weird message from me.  She takes the money and hands me a number, leaning across the counter with one leg in the air behind her,  eager to show her body off.  This is getting weird.

"Place it on your table and I'll bring it right to you, Handsome," she says, flipping her hair around.  Is this girl trying to flirt with me?

"Y-Yeah.  Sure.  thanks," I say, edging away from her.  She waves to me and I awkwardly jerk myself around and sit at a cosy two-person table in the corner.  I place the number on the stand next to the sugar and lean back into my chair, waiting for y/n to come back.  Suddenly, the witch appears in front of me with two cappuccinos and I jump in my seat a bit.  Where the hell did she come from?

"Hey, you!" she says, cheerily, setting the two ceramic cups on the table.  "Fancy a coffee?"

"You scared the hell out of me!" I gasp. "Thanks for bringing the coffee."

I expect her to go away, but she flirtatiously hangs around. 

"So..." she says, pulling out the other chair and sitting down, crossing her legs, trying to be seductive. "What's an eligible bachelor like you doing all alone in Diagon Alley, hmmm?  It's awfully peculiar that one would buy two coffees only for himself y'know...."

Ugh!  What's she playing at? 

"I'm not alone, as a matter of fact, I am here with someone!" I shoot back, getting mildly annoyed.  Why is she still here and the why the hell did she sit down?

"Don't you mean me?" she says, batting her fake eyelashes like crazy at me.  "It's awfully sweet to change your order after seeing me behind the counter y'know...  I was afraid that nobody was going to ask me to coffee for the day...."

"What the do you mean?" I ask, irked.

"Oh.  I'm the hottest girl here.  Nobody can match my looks.  All the single boys who come in change their orders from one coffee to two and invite me to sit with them.  All of them thus far have been... let's say... underwhelming.  But you, you're different, Handsome...  You're not like the others.  You're hot and sexy!"

She twirls her fingers in her hair and starts to reach for y/n's coffee.  Quickly, I reach out and pull it away from her.  She opens her mouth and gasps.  She looks extremely hurt.

"What's that for handsome?" she whines.  

"That's not for you," I say. "It's for my girlfriend.  I  also didn't ever ask you to coffee or say you could sit down.  Now, if you would, please leave me alone so I can have coffee with my girlfriend!"

"Come on!  You practically begged me to come and sit with you when you were ordering.  I could see the look in your eyes.  Also the fact that you ordered two coffees told me what you wanted, Handsome.  And did you say your girlfriend?  You have a GIRLFRIEND?" she inquires.  "You're a naughty boy then...  A player... Am I right?  I love those types of guys....  So rugged...."

"No!  I got this for my girlfriend and if you would please leave now, that would be so great!" I say, through gritted teeth.  "She'll be back any minute and I don't want you here when she does!"

"Well, well, well.  It doesn't seem like she's a very good girlfriend," the girl says, circling around the table to whisper in my ear.  "She's crazy to have left you alone here.  There probably are so many people who want you.  It doesn't sound like she cares about you too much...  Such a neglectful girl...  If you were my boyfriend, I'd never leave you alone... Not even for a second!"

"Please, leave me alone!" I say, pushing her away from me.  


First Person (Your) POV:

I come out of the loo and turn the corner back into the little coffee shop.  I see Draco in the corner with another girl, one of the employees.  She's coming on to him.  I can tell.  He's frantically trying to pry her off of him, shaking his head, telling her to go away.  When he finally splits apart from her, he stands up and starts to slowly back away.

"Why are you resisting me handsome?!  Dump that loser of a girlfriend you have and come party with me!" she whimpers, attempting puppy-dog eyes.  "You know you want me!  Every boy in the world does!  Each and every one of them always wanna dump their girlfriends and have some of this!"

I run up to Draco through the cluster of people and table and spin him around to face me.

"Y/n!  I can exp-" he gasps, but I cut him off as I smash my lips into his.  He immediately grabs my waist and tugs on my clothing possessively.  I match his hungry kisses with ones of my own and run my fingers through his soft hair.  We break away.  "Y/n, thank God you're here!"

The girl looks like she's in utter shock.  The shock turns into anger and she snaps.

"Hey, Bitch?  Why weren't you out here with your boyfriend!  You're an awful girlfriend, leaving him alone and only coming back when you want some kisses!  You disgust me!" she shouts.  People turn to look at her.  

"Please..." I say calmly, looking at her name tag, "Rebecca is it?"  She nods, crossing her arms, scowling.  "You are the one who you should be disgusted with.  Coming onto someone else's boyfriend!"

"Rebecca," Draco says.  "I don't want you.  I never did.  You took me ordering two coffees alone as a sign that I wanted to date you...  You're honestly one of the most self-centred girls I've ever met!  I wasn't hitting on you or asking you out and when I said that the coffee was for my girlfriend, you kept trying to kiss me and hug me!"

"Well, I-I," she gasps.  "You led me on!" 

"No, I didn't!  I kept trying to tell you to go ever since you delivered the coffees!" Draco explains.  "Come on, y/n.  We'll get coffee somewhere else!"

I nod and Draco takes my hand again.  He leads me towards the door and turns around to look at Rebecca who's in total and utter shock and humiliation. 

"Oh, and Rebecca?" he says.  She looks up at him, hopping on the inside that he's going to run to her and tell her that he chooses her instead of me.  "Y/n's infinitely hotter than you'll ever be.  Also.... I suggest making sure you clean the glue from your fake eyelashes off more carefully next time, it's starting to build up."

She gasps, her face turning a vibrant red and runs into the bathroom as Draco and I walk back into Diagon Alley.

"Thanks for saving me, y/n," Draco says.  "I'm so sorry for that.  She just wouldn't go away no matter what I said to her."

"It's no big deal, Draco. I understand," I say, kindly.  "Thanks for being so faithful. It means so much to me."

"It's nothing y/n.  I will always be faithful to you.  You're my everything," he replies, as I rest my head on his shoulders.


A/N: I had so much fun writing this one!  This chapter was 1,665 words long!  Thanks for reading! More chapters to come and requests are open!  

- Soiea  

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