Note: if they speak Korean it will be in bold.
also, in here, Chan is 23 but its still 2023
(Chan pov)
"Chan hyunggg" I heard a voice from behind me say.
"Yes Jeongin?" I responded back.
"How about we stalk stays?"
"Excuse me?" I replied, taken aback by Jeongins odd request.
"I mean on social media. They are always doing weird things."
"Sure, i'll think about it. Do you have an account?"
"Well, i'm still not sure which platform to use. But i'll talk to you about it later."
He then left and walked the opposite way of me. I started walking to my room and thought about what he said. I then threw myself onto my bed and started playing on my phone.
It was now 3:34 AM and I was still awake, making more songs. Maybe I should try Jeongins idea. I thought to myself.
I then looked through all my socials and found one that stood out. "Twitter? I haven't used that since debut."
I clicked the app and made a new account.
What should I make the username?
I thought about it for awhile but had multiple scraps and couldn't find the right one.
I typed it out, and it worked!
I used an unused email and quickly logged in.
Who should be my bias?
It took some thinking, but I decided to make it Bang Chan.
I may be biased but thats the point, right?
I used a photo I uploaded on bubble as my profile picture and started to post my first tweet
ChansChingu: Jeongin is the cutest maknae!
4:00 AM· Dec 6, 2023· 40 Views
💬0 ⟳3 ♡5
Off the bat, I got 5 likes and 3 reposts.
I was going the right direction!
I then started following stays and looking at their posts
I looked over at the trending tags and saw #STRAYKIDS
I decided to click it and got excited
BangChansbiggfoot: Anyone wanna join a group?
No akgaes or antis
12:00 PM· Dec 5, 2023· 179 Views
💬1 ⟳1 ♡3
I immediately commented and couldn't wait to tell Jeongin in the morning!
After 15 minutes, she responded and said
sorry its so short, this is just a preview part to see the storyline! Im not sure if im happy with this but hopefully the rest is better
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net