Dangerous Pt 1

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You and Dipper's Age: 17

~•~Your POV~•~

I was running through the forest- crying. My mother and I got into another fight. I'm getting kind of sick of the fights we get into. Sometimes its something ridiculous like why I was talking to my friend on the phone. I mean, I was bored! I didn't know she had an important phone call!

I stopped my running and wiped my eyes. I shouldn't be crying. I'm too pathetic. I finally stopped crying and sighed. Sometimes a get the feeling that my mother doesn't love me, unlike my father.

Face it (Y/n), your mother doesn't love you, she never did.

This is the kind of thoughts that talk to me all the time. I ignore it though. I then heard rustling noises. Like- someone running past me, like if they had super speed. I turned my head around, searching the perimeter.

"H-hello?" I asked, "Wh-who's there?!"

I heard the rustling noises again. I backed up a bit. Ok, this is getting freaky. I was about to make a run for it until someone, or something, pinned me up against a tree, hard. I yelped from the sudden pain in my back. I had my eyes shut so I didn't see what/who it was. Then I heard leaves moving from above the tree.

"Dipper, what are you doing?! You were just supposed to scare her, not pin her up against a tree!" The person said, laughing at the end.

The person sounded like a girl. I opened my eyes a little and to see who spoke. There was a girl, hanging upside-down from a tree branch, smiling at me.

I looked at the person who was still pinning up against a tree. It was a boy. At first he looked a little angry and his eyes were glowing purple, but then he's expression softened after I looked at him and his eyes stopped glowing purple. His face went red as he let go of me.

"S-sorry." He stuttered.

I still stayed up against the tree. I stepped forward a little. The girl from the tree branch jumped to the ground, landing perfectly on her feet. They both looked like normal, average, teenage kids like me;

Expect both there eyes are red.

"Who-Who are you guys?" I asked.

"My names Mabel! And this is my twin brother, Dipper!" She yelled happily.

My eyes widened.

"W-wait? Dipper and Mabel Pines?" I asked.

They both looked a little confused but they nodded slowly. I gasped and covered my mouth, feeling tears in my eyes again.

"Y-you guys are the two missing Pines kids, a-aren't you?" I asked.

"What?" They both said.

"There's been this rumor going around the whole town." I said, "Five years ago, two kids with the last names of Pines went into the forest. After they went into the forest, they've been gone for days, weeks, months. Their parents were so upset, especially their Great Uncle. He was the saddest out of everyone."

Mabel and Dipper had sadness on their faces. But I couldn't look away from there eyes. I mean, they weren't all red, it was just the color of their orbs, like how the color of my eyes are (E/c).

"Why are you guys still in the forest? Why didn't you go back?" I asked.

More sadness went on both their faces as they looked at each other, and back at me.

"Well, w-we used to be normal like you-" Dipper said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"But- now we're- different." Mabel finished.

"Different?" I asked.

They both sighed.

"We're vampires." They both said in unison.

My eyes widened. That explains their eyes.

"V-vampires?!" I asked, backing up a bit.

"Don't be scared, we would never hurt anyone." Mabel said, looking at Dipper, "But I don't even know what Dipper just did to you back there. What was that all about?"

"N-nothing. I-it was nothing." He said, blushing again.

Mabel raised an eyebrow at him, but she looked back at me.

"Ho-how did you guys turn into vampires?" I asked.

"Well, you were right about us going into the forest a few years ago. We were going on a monster hunt. We ended up in vampire territory and-"

Mabel paused and sighed sadly, sounding like she was trying to hold back her tears.

"I-I'm so sorry." I said.

"I-it's ok. But- that's why we never went back. We wanted to make sure we wouldn't hurt anyone." Dipper said.

We were quiet after.

"Could you, maybe, tell our Great Uncle that we're ok?" Mabel asked.

"Why don't both of you come with me and tell him yourself?" I asked, "I mean, you guys are much older now, so you should be able to control your powers, if you have any."

"How do you know that?" Dipper asked.

"I actually read a book about vampires. I know everything about them now." I said, laughing a little, "You should be able to control your powers by now."

"Really?" Mabel asked, happy again.

I nodded, still laughing a little. A big smile grew on her face. She started to jump up and down with excitement while holding her brothers arm.

"Well what are we waiting for then?! Let's go!" Mabel yelled.


Dipper and Mabel waited outside of the Shack, waiting for my que to let them come in. I walked into the gift shop and saw their Grunkle sitting behind the counter. He was staring at a picture frame he was holding, but I couldn't see what the picture was.

"Um, hello, Mr. Pines." I said.

He jumped a little and placed the picture frame on the desk quickly. I then saw what the picture was- Dipper and Mabel. He must have noticed me staring at the picture, because he moved the picture away.

"You still miss them?" I asked.

He sighed.

"Yeah. They've been gone for years, and I miss them dearly. How could I not?" Stan asked, almost on the verge of tears.

"Well, I know something that will cheer you up." I said, a small smile coming across my face.

He looked confused with my smile. I walked over to the door and opened it, sticking me head out the door.

"Come on in guys!" I yelled, which was que.

They both ran towards the shack. I stepped back from the door just in time as they ran in the shop. I looked back at Stan, who looked really shocked. Some tears went down his face, but he was smiling.

"Grunkle Stan!" They both yelled.

They both ran up to him and hugged him. Stan hugged them back, almost losing his balance a little, looking like he was the happiest old man in the world.

"Kids, y-you're back! Where have you been?!" Stan asked.

"It's a looooooong story." Mabel said.

They hugged a little while longer but eventually pulled back from the hug. Stan looked at me.

"Did you find them?" He asked me.

I smiled and nodded.

"I was in the forest and I came across them." I said.

Stan walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I laughed a little and hugged back.

"Thank you." He said.

"Any time, Mr. Pines." I said, "But there's one thing you should know about them now."

He pulled back from the hug.

"What?" He asked.

"I think this is something they should tell you." I said, looking over that the nervous twins.

Stan turned around to look at them.

"Vampires-" Mabel said.

"We're now vampires." Dipper finished.


Mabel kept Stan busy by telling him what's been happening while they were in the forest. Stan also was telling her about what they missed while they were gone. I was hanging out with Dipper. But sometimes from time to time, I'd catch him staring at me.

I didn't mind it at all, but what I did mind was that his eyes were glowing purple every time he was staring at me. And then when I look at him, they stop glowing purple and they turn back to red. Then he acts like he didn't do anything.

"Have you ever seen the secret hangout on top of the shack?" Dipper asked.

"Um, yes, actually." I laughed.

"How?" Dipper asked.

"Well, during the years you and your sister were gone, I'd actually come to the shack and try to cheer everyone up. Wendy would sometimes be up on the secret hangout so I'd go up there with her. Also I've been in the break room where I sometimes cheer up Soos too. Stan was usually in the living room or in the gift shop." I said.

"So you've been in every room in the shack?" Dipper asked.

"Well, not every room. I've never seen the attic." I said.

"Would you like me to show you?" He asked, standing up from the bed he was sitting on.

"Uh, sure." I smiled, getting up from the other bed I was sitting on.

We walked out of the room towards another staircase on the second floor. We climbed up the stairs to a big room. There wasn't much light, but the light was red, making the room the color red. There was a red window with a triangle on it, an eye in the middle of the triangle. There was a ledge against the red window so you were able to sit there.

"This room is a little creepy." I said, walking over to the ledge and sitting down.

"Yeah, I'll admit that." Dipper chuckled.

We both walked over to the edge of the window and sat down. I looked out the red stained window. I saw some tourist bus park in front of the shack. Stan walked out, with Mabel behind, to greet them and make their wallets dry. As I was watching them, I could feel Dipper staring at me again. Why is he staring at me? It's really freaking my out with those purple eyes-

Wait a minute? Purple eyes? It sounds familiar. I think I read something in that vampire book about the eyes turning purple. It said that it happens to both genders of a vampire. But the only do it during-

Mating season.

And there purple eyes mean they're- claiming someone. Oh no. Does that mean Dipper's claiming me? I barely even know him! Why would he-

My thoughts were cut off when I noticed him start to get closer to me. I acted like I didn't notice though. I just kept staring out the window.

"Hey, are you ok? You look nervous?" Dipper asked.

I looked at him, only making me gasp a little. He still had his purple eyes, but he had a concerned look on his face.

"What? What is it?" He asked.

"Y-your eyes." I said, "Uh, they're p-purple, again."

It took him a second to realize, but they eventually turned back to red. We sat their in silence, until I broke it.

"Dipper? Do you know what it means when your eyes turn purple?" I asked.

He shook his head 'no' slowly. I sighed.

"It means you're claiming someone." I flatly said.

He looked back at me, shock, his face turning red.

"W-what?" He asked.

"That's what vampires do during mating season. They pick someone they 'want' or 'claim', which makes their eyes turn purple, and they have to go through this whole thing together so that vampire can 'claim' that person." I said.

We were quiet again.

"Dipper, were you claiming me?" I asked.

He didn't answer at first.

"I-I don't know. Maybe. I mean you are really pretty and nice and- wait did I say that a lot?" He asked nervously.

I giggled a little and nodded my head.

"Yeah, you kinda did." I said.

"I-it is true though..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, thank you, but you'll have to wait to be able to claim me. I just met you today remember." I said.

"Yeah..." Dipper said.

"And hey, if you need any more stuff about vampires, just come to me, ok? You can tell Mabel that too." I said, standing up from the edge.

"Ok." He said, with a small smile.

"Well, I'm going to check on your sister and Stan. See ya later, Dipper." I said, walking done the stairs.

"See ya." Dipper said from behind me.


~•~3rd POV~•~

Dipper knew who you were. He knew that you had mother issues. He knew that your father stayed out of all the drama . He's seen it all, but not in a creepy way. It would probably be more like Twilight, if you know what I mean😉.

He has actually fallen in love with you for a long time now. He watches you from the forest. He never really talked to you though because he didn't want to hurt you.

Today when you came running in the forest crying, he knew it was about your mother. Why else would you be crying? But he also could read minds, most of the time, which was one of his powers. His other power was super speed.

Did you hear that rustling noises *from the bushes earlier? That was Dipper running past you with his super speed. He did know that he loved you, but he didn't realize his eyes were turning purple. That was new to him.
Mabel's powers are super strength and flexibility.

Were you wonder why she was dangling upside-down from a tree branch and landed perfectly on her feet? That's cause she's flexible now. How about when she hugged Grunkle Stan and he almost lost his balance? That was because of her super strength.

After Dipper found out that the purple eyes meant he was claiming someone, he wanted to claim you so badly, *so you can be his, and no one would take you away from him. He'll find a way to make you fall for him. He will...

Oh he will...

Tell me if I should make a Part 2 for this

Hope you guys enjoyed this!


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