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Hellos to everyone,

I am back with the epilogue, The ending scene is something I wasn't planning on writing but I did it anyways because we will not get a Dhruv and Sukku scene in the show anytime soon. 

As always ignore the grammatical errors.



The atmosphere in the royal courtroom was tense as Maharaj sat on his throne, flanked by his advisors. Senapati Samrat Singh stood before them, stripped of his title, his face stoic despite the gravity of the situation. Tara sat among the spectators, her eyes burning with hatred as she gazed at Samrat Singh.

Maharaj addressed the assembly, "Two days ago, Senapati Samrat Singh was stripped of his title due to the severity of his actions, and today we shall decide his punishment. His betrayal of the kingdom and its people demands justice."

Suddenly, the doors of the courtroom swung open, and Rajvdiya entered, breathing heavily. The guards move forward to take him into custody, and everyone looks up, surprised by his presence. Mahaveer is taken aback because he had specifically instructed Rajvdiya not to leave the restricted area.

Maharaj eyes Rajvdiya with distrust, knowing that he Helped Senapati Samrat Singh. He addresses Rajvdiya, "Rajvdiya ji, your punishment will be decided after Senapati Singh's punishment."

However, before the sentence is passed, Mahaveer interjects respectfully but firmly, "Pitashree, before you decide Rajvdiya ji's punishment, listen to me for once." Maharaj seems to ponder the words of Mahaveer. Maharaj eyes Rajvdiya with distrust before turning his attention back to Senapati Samrat Singh.

Tara sat among the audience, her eyes locked on Senapati with an intensity of hatred that was palpable. Her heart still carried the wounds caused by his treachery, and she yearned for justice to be served.

Mahaveer, seated beside Tara, couldn't help but smile slightly, knowing that a part of her wanted to witness Senapati suffer for the pain he had caused her and their family.

"As Senapati, he held a position of great trust and responsibility," Maharaj continued. "But instead of upholding that trust, he abused his power and attempted to harm my son, the Yuvraj, for his own selfish ambitions."

The audience listened in hushed silence, aware of the gravity of the situation and the impact of Senapati's actions on the kingdom.

"For these grave crimes, I have consulted with the council and the Rajvidya," Maharaj declared. "And it has been decided that Senapati Samrat Singh shall face a punishment that matches the severity of his deeds."

Tara's heart pounded with anticipation, waiting to hear what fate awaited the man who had caused so much suffering.

"Senapati Samrat Singh," Maharaj pronounced with authority, "you shall be stripped of all your wealth, lands, and properties. You shall be banished from the kingdom, never to set foot within these borders again."

A murmur of agreement and satisfaction rippled through the crowd. Justice was being served, and the people felt a sense of relief that the traitor would be removed from their midst.

Senapati stood before Maharaj, his face filled with anger and frustration at the consequences of his actions. He was no longer the respected Senapati, but a man branded with the stain of betrayal. Tara's eyes never left Senapati as he received his punishment.

Tara sits in the courtroom with disinterest she is just there to listen to Senapati's punishment, until suddenly her heart starts racing. She senses Dhruv's presence near her. Despite knowing that Dhruv is dead, her heart refuses to calm down. Mahaveer notices Tara's reaction and asks with concern, "Taru? Are you okay?"

Tara couldn't find the words to respond. She stood up abruptly from her seat and made a beeline towards the courtroom entrance, trying to escape the turmoil within her.

In her rush, she collided with a solid chest, and as she looked up, she couldn't believe her eyes. There stood Dhruv, alive and well, with a mixture of worry and relief in his eyes. He had recently woken up and left his room upon hearing that Rajvdiya was in trouble.

"Tara," Dhruv called out softly, his voice tinged with emotion. But before Tara could comprehend the situation fully, her consciousness betrayed her, and she started to collapse.

Dhruv acted quickly, pulling her towards himself with urgency. In the process, he tore one of his stitches, causing a slight hiss of pain, but he disregarded it in favor of wrapping his arms protectively around Tara.

The courtroom gasped in astonishment at the sight before them. Maharaj stood up, his eyes wide with surprise, as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

Dhruv held Tara close, his heart pounding with a mix of emotions. "Tara, I'm here. I'm alive," he whispered gently as if to reassure himself as much as her. Mahaveer rushes to their side, worried about both of them. The courtroom is filled with shock and curiosity, witnessing this unexpected turn of events.

"Someone, get some water! And Rajvdiya ji!!" Mahaveer says to the crowd as he shouts for Rajvdiya. As Dhruv held her, Rajvdiya, who had gotten out of the guard's hold, rushed toward them. He assessed Tara's condition and Dhruv's state, realizing the urgency of the situation. "We need to get her to a more private place," Rajvdiya suggested.

Dhruv nodded, carefully lifting Tara into his arms and carrying her away from the crowded courtroom. Rajvdiya and Mahaveer guided them to a nearby private chamber, away from prying eyes and the ongoing trial.


Once they were in the secluded room, Dhruv gently laid Tara down on a nearby sofa. He felt a sharp pain in his side from the ripped stitches, but he ignored it, his focus solely on Tara. Mahaveer looked at the patch of blood forming on Dhruv's shirt. Mahaveer pulls Dhruv away from Tara making him sit on the other sofa. Whereas Rajvdiya accessed Tara's condition.

Dhruv gently lays Tara down on a nearby sofa, his heart still racing with emotions and concern for her. Mahaveer, noticing the patch of blood forming on Dhruv's shirt, pulls him away from Tara and makes him sit on another sofa. Meanwhile, Rajvdiya checks Tara's condition.

"Dhruv, you're bleeding! Let me see your wound." Mahaveer says worried.

Dhruv winces slightly as he sits down, feeling the pain from the ripped stitches on his side. He ignores the discomfort, still focused on Tara's well-being.

"I'll be fine, Bhai ji. Let's check on Tara first." Dhruv says concerned for Tara. Mahaveer nods but keeps a watchful eye on Dhruv. He then addresses his presence in the courtroom.

"Dhruv, what were you doing in the courtroom? And when did you wake up?" Mahaveer asked curiously. Dhruv takes a moment to gather his thoughts before going into a flashback. He remembers waking up to find Rajvdiya by his side, checking on him.



Dhruv blinks his eyes, gradually regaining consciousness. He finds Rajvdiya standing beside him, a relieved expression on his face.

"Chikitsak Dhruv! You're awake." Rajvdiya says smiling. Dhruv's memory is foggy, but he manages to speak, his voice weak.

"What happened? How am I alive? Where am I?" Dhruv asked confused. Rajvdiya hands him a glass of water, and Dhruv takes a few sips before speaking again. Dhruv continues "The last thing I remember is being injured, lying in Tara's lap, and... dying."

"You were gravely injured, but with the grace of Krishan ji and Yuvraj's quick thinking, he managed to pull through. Yuvraj brought you to me unconscious, and together with Yuvraj's help, we nursed you back to health." Rajvdiya says explaining. Dhruv is grateful for Rajvdiya's and Mahaveer's actions.

"Thank you, Rajvdiya ji. You saved my life." Dhruv says gratefully.

"It was my duty to protect and serve, Chikitsak Dhruv. I'm glad I could be of help." Rajvdiya says humbly. Rajvdiya then mentions that he needs to inform Mahaveer about Dhruv's recovery and leaves to find him.


Back in the present, Dhruv finishes recounting the events to Mahaveer.

"I'm sorry, Bhai Ji. I couldn't bear to see Rajvdiya ji suffer after saving my life. I ordered the guards to take me to the courtroom, and that's when Tara collided with me." Dhruv says apologizing. Mahaveer listens attentively, understanding the depth of Dhruv's gratitude towards Rajvdiya.

"I understand, Chikitsak Dhruv. Your intentions were noble, but you should have informed me first. Now, I would like to apologize for injuring you that day to save Tara. Only If I had thought from my mind rather than my heart and never listened to Maharishi's words. You and Tara wouldn't have suffered so much" Mahaveer says apologizing.

Dhruv nods, too tired to speak. As Dhruv and Mahaveer share a moment of understanding, they both turn their attention back to Tara, hoping she recovers soon. Rajvdiya stood from his place saying " Rajkumari Tarapriya is fine, she lost consciousness due to shock." Mahaveer and Dhruv both nod, relieved to know that Tara is not seriously injured. Rajvdiya then turns his attention to Dhruv, who is still sitting on the sofa.

"And you, Chikitsak Dhruv, let me examine your wounds again and redo the stitches," Rajvdiya says checking on Dhruv. Dhruv complies, allowing Rajvdiya to tend to his injuries. The pain from his stitches makes him wince slightly, but he bears it, knowing that Rajvdiya's care is necessary for his recovery.

"Rajvdiya is right. You need rest as well, Dhruv. Let's shift Tara to her room, and then you can rest too." Mahaveer says caringly. Mahaveer gently picks up the still-unconscious Tara in his arms. Dhruv's eyes catch a fleeting glance between Mahaveer and Tara, and he realizes that Mahaveer is taking Tara to his room.

"All right. Thank you, Bhai ji." Dhruv says. Mahaveer carries Tara out of the secluded room, with Dhruv following close behind. They make their way to Dhruv's room, where Mahaveer gently lays Tara on the bed. Dhruv takes a moment to watch them, noticing the care and affection with which Mahaveer handles Tara. As Mahaveer steps back, Dhruv finally speaks up.

"Bhai ji, about bringing Tara to my room..." Dhruv asks quietly.

"Dhruv, you were unconscious for days, and Tara never left your room. I couldn't bring myself to tell her that were alive fearing that Senapati might have someone listening to us. And she needed your presence to keep her from panicking after a nightmare." Mahaveer says softly. Dhruv nods, understanding the depth of Tara's love for him and Mahaveer's consideration for both of them. Mahaveer smiles warmly, placing a hand on Dhruv's shoulder.

"You both mean a great deal to me. Now, rest, and we'll discuss everything further once you're feeling better." Mahaveer says with affection. With that, Mahaveer leaves the room, giving Dhruv some space to rest and recuperate. Dhruv takes a deep breath, feeling grateful for the bond he shares with both Mahaveer and Tara.

Dhruv sits down on the bed beside Tara, running his hand through her hair. He was so lost in thinking about what happened that Tara started having nightmares. He didn't realize that Tara's nightmares were about him.

As Tara began to stir, her eyes slowly fluttering open, she saw Dhruv's worried face above her. The sight of him was overwhelming, and her heart couldn't deny the reality before her any longer.

"Dhruv?" she whispered in disbelief, tears welling up in her eyes.

He smiled gently, brushing away her tears, "Yes, Tara, it's me. I'm here."

Tara reached out to touch his face, needing the reassurance that he was truly there. "But I thought... you were gone," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Dhruv held her hand in his, bringing it to his lips and placing a soft kiss on her palm. "I know, my love. I'm sorry you had to go through that pain. But I promise you, I'm here now, and I'm never leaving you again."

Tara embraced him tightly, feeling a mix of joy, relief, and disbelief. Her heart had been shattered when she believed Dhruv was gone, but now, in his arms, it began to heal once more.

In Dhruv's bedroom, hidden from the world, Tara and Dhruv found solace in each other's presence, knowing that their love had conquered even the boundaries of life and death.


A week has passed since Dhruv's return, and the palace garden is bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. Dhruv and Tara stroll hand in hand, their steps slow and leisurely, soaking in the beauty around them. Sukanya, their little bundle of joy, runs ahead with boundless excitement, her laughter filling the air.

Sukanya's happiness since Dhruv's return has been infectious, and she's been inseparable from her beloved "Dhruv bhai ji." She leads them toward the pond with her tiny feet, her giggles echoing in the serene garden.

"Chaahat kasam nahi hai, koi rasam nahi hai
Dil ka veham nahi hai, paana hai tumko
Khwabo mein gaanv jiska, rasta naam jiska
Chaahat hai naam jiska, paana hai tumko" Dhruv hummed the lines softly. Dhruv feels Tara's gaze on him, and he turns to find her looking at him with a mixture of disbelief and wonder. He chuckles, teasing her gently.

"Tara, staring is bad manners," Dhruv says playfully. Tara snaps out of her thoughts and smiles, still finding it hard to believe that Dhruv is truly alive and standing before her.

"I still can't believe you're here, right in front of me." Tara says softly.

"I am here, my love. I am here to stay. I promise I will never leave you again." Dhruv says tenderly

Tara nods, her heart overflowing with joy and relief. She tightens her hold on Dhruv's hand and wraps her arm around his, seeking reassurance in his presence. Dhruv leans down and gently kisses her forehead, a gesture filled with love and devotion.

As they continue their leisurely walk through the garden, Dhruv and Tara revel in each other's company, cherishing the moments they thought they'd lost forever. Their love is undeniable, they both know that they have found a love that is timeless and eternal.


The scene ends with Dhruv and Tara's hands tightly held together, walking towards a future filled with love, hope, and a sense of profound connection that nothing can ever break.

So, this is where the story ends. I hope all of you loved reading it. I will be back soon with a new story or a one-shot. This story will always be close to my heart. Till then Bye bye.

With love


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