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-A race of proud explorers. 

-One of the greatest interdimensional conquerors.

-The most brilliant creatures that can be found in the multiverse. 

-The creators of the worlds and the many creatures in them.

-Founders of the first interdimensional community. Empire of the United Worlds. [ EUW in short ]

-And the creatures that started the first multiverse war for unknown reason in which thousands worlds were destroyed ,millions of civilizations have ceased to exist and innumerable dimensions have become uninhabitable and their inhabitants suffered plagues and human slavery.

One year

One year and Humans have caused such destruction.

Even gods, having infinite power, were not safe from humans. Who were able to take their power and use it to their advantage.

One day a group of interdimensional rulers, gods who survived and Death himself, gathered to figure out what to do with human madness. 

their every effort against people ended in a terrible defeat, many of them died and those who, being too weak to fight, surrendered, and Death, fearing for his existence, ran away, hides and begged for the intervention of anyone, anything in the multiverse to end the human madness, many followed his example.

Hundreds of worlds have been abandoned and thousands of troops have been dispatched to slow down humans. It gave time to escape and hide hundreds species of creatures from different dimensions

Everyone thought it was over, humans would find them sooner or later and when it did they would all die. Escape was not an option, no one could escape forever without supplies or energy and those who chase them have no such needs.

But what happened, nobody expected.

Twenty years they waited for their end, which never came. despite the uncertainty, they decided to send expeditions to the monster's cave , and they discover the monster is dead. 

The human race is dead, all weapons, all equipment, their cities, all almost destroyed and innumerable bodies scattered around, mostly human but many bodies of creatures so damaged and rotten that they could not be identified. Most did not care what they found and what happened there.  But what it meant.  

After a quarter of a century of living in fear and waiting for the end, they knew peace, the war was over. Many celebrated the end of life in fear, the end of suffering, the end of war, the end of humanity.

But some decided send a second expedition to find out what had happened and what they found shocked and scared everyone. 

The closer to the capital of the empire, the worse the condition of the bodies was but their decomposition slowed down and the condition of equipment and buildings was better but many were covered with dead and strange organic matter. also almost all the bodies they found were non-human. or so it was judged for a time.

It was decided to do research and discover what creatures in the multiverse the bodies belong to. Many tests have been carried out, ranging from DNA tests to checking the interdimensional energy signature and the result was not peaceable. The test was repeated three times to be sure, and the result was the same. Humans. Monstrously mutated but still Humans. Although mutation is the wrong word, a more appropriate word would be "changed". 

This discovery raised many questions, such as :

What could have caused these changes? 

Would what caused the changes also caused the outbreak of war? 

Where has it gone and can it affect other creatures? 

The answer to these questions came sooner than anyone expected. 

Three months after the expedition was dispatched and the shocking discovery, strange message received. The message was sent from all over the multiverse, and beyond, and from the future and the past. It is theoretically impossible to send such a message. The message itself answered questions to what happened to humans. The message said the mankind has been struck by the disease named "plague of madness".

The message also contained detailed information about the virus and its ways of spreading .

The only sure way to destroy a virus is to send a pulse of energy with a quantumly programmed instruction to destroy the virus. Fire seems to work but it is uncertain whether it destroys one hundred percent of the virus due to its unusual nature

The virus is spread through contact with infected blood and other body fluids, but also through waves of interdimensional energy. To the virus, only one in ten billion people had immunity, and it only affected humans. And the disease had three stages 

In the first stage, the senses of the infected person are strengthened, pain tolerance increases, brain activity increases and reaction time is accelerated.

In the second stage, the skin and muscles become ten times denser and there is a sudden increase in muscle mass. as well as accelerated metabolism and regeneration also increase immunity. Infected person will also be over-stimulated, excruciatingly aggressive and more impulsive. In some cases, the transmission of pain impulses to the brain between nerve cells is blocked. Which results in the inability to feel pain.

But wait, what's wrong with turning people into perpetually angry berserkers? Well, nothing if it is not something that foreshadows the beginning of a terrible agony. 

In last stage, the infected person will experience hellish hunger, almost paralyzing fatigue and weakness, and in many cases loss of motor skills. Twenty hours after the beginning of stage three, black veins are visible on the skin of the infected person and begins to feel throbbing pain. After another ten hours, the person loses control of the body, the muscles begin to break bones, and cracks begin to appear on the skin from which black substance begins to leak and begin to cover the whole body of the infected. There are also disturbances in the nervous system which make the infected person feel nothing at one moment and feel hellish agonies in the next. After five hours the black mass covering the infected begins to "melt" muscles, skin, bones and internal organs into onea bloody mass of meat covered with black, God knows what. And worst of all, it's not over.

This mass that was once human begins to spread throughout the available space and absorbs inorganic and organic matter and then turns them into basic minerals and elements which it will use to spread further and also to build a "cocoon" in which a new body for the host will be created.

But moments, a new body for the host. is the infected person still alive? If you call life experiencing all the events of your life, feel all the emotions and feelings mixed and connected together in a chaotic loop while you also sense everything that is currently happening to your "body", which is surely a hellish agony and you cannot tell the difference. what has happened and what is happening or what is reality and what is dream. then yes, is doing great

but the most interesting was the warning at the end of the message.

"I don't care who or what the hell you are. I don't care what you believe in. I am begging you on all the holiness of the multiverse. Stay away from the capital. Because what's there can end the multiverse" 

For the next thousand years there was relative peace andhardly anyone remembered humans but also no one remembered the warning in the message. And some group of people decided to visit and explore this long abandoned and avoided world. 


I don't know, Everything. 

Author -Post all errors, questions, doubts and criticisms in the comments. If you have any suggestions for a figure that may appear in this story, share it, I listen. 

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