Chapter 2 part 1 An ordinary day

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TARTAGIN .3300-04-10.

[PoV. Eric]

Author- Okay, I divided the second chapter into two parts because the original was already long (9000 words) and I had to add a good 3000 words. So I divide it in two to make it easier to read. enjoy reading. 

PS. I need a town name that I could use in a story, could anyone help?

I ran through the ruined corridor avoiding any protruding cables, bars, and sheets of metal. After repeatedly changing direction at random aisles in the corridor, I stopped, barely gasping for breath, looking back. And thank gods I've finally lost it. At least I think so. Then I realized one thing.

"Wait a second. What the hell am I running fr-" I didn't finish when the corridor shook and I heard the sound of cracking concrete, tearing metal and a muffled roar of something no one would like to have anything to do with. "Okay, it does not sound good at all."

And as if the damn world wanted to scare me more I heard the sound of something heavy scraping against the concrete. So I turned around and saw a gigantic monstrosity with a thousand three meters tentacles, arms and spider-like limbs, made of rotting flesh, crushed bones, shreds of rusting metal and concrete. I stared straight at it, paralyzed for a good hour, as it bounced against the walls of the corridor. Until I realized it has no eyes, it can't see me. At least I think so. So I did the most rational thing in the world. I started walking away as from it quietly as I could. *CRACK!* Instinctively, I looked in the direction of the sound. Which turned out to be the old skull I somehow stepped on. How the hell did it get there ?! You are fucking kidding me Fate?! 

'Okay, take it easy.' I thought as calmly as I could. 'Maybe it didn't hea-'

*ROAR!* Monstrous roar went through the hallway, stopping in the middle of sentence. I turned to the monstrosity and saw that it started running straight at me, wildly waving its limbs and tentacles, destroying the walls of the corridor and roar like hell knows what.

"FUCK!" I cursed under my breath, running as fast as I could, like my fucking life depended on it, which was the goddamn truth at the moment. I was running through a lot of random passages and corridors that looked the same. the only thing that accompanied me during it was the constant muffled roar of this damn thing.

After a while the roars slowly began to get quieter until finally stopped. and I slowly slowed down then stopped, breathing heavily.

'I think I lost it, thank the gods. Okay, now it's time for some plan' I thought leaning against one of the walls of the corridor, closing my eyes with exhaustion. 'I have two options, kill it or find a way out. Both are probably not possible. But the second seems the most likely. I doubt if I would have known how to kill it.'

Then something wrapped around me and moments later it hit me against the wall pushing the and air out of my lungs. I opened my eyes wide and saw this damn fleshy monstrosity in front of me. How the hell did it get here and How did it found me?! 

Before I could do anything, it hit me against the wall over and over again. Crushing my ribs, smashing my bones, breaking my spine and destroying many internal organs. I should feel something but I couldn't feel anything.

Then it stopped, choking on my own blood, I looked at the monstrosity, despite the darkness at the edges of my eyesight. I saw the chest and stomach of this thing open, revealing many broken bones, metal bars and pieces of concrete that looked like teeth and many spiky tentacles. I wanted to run, I wanted to swear, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. Everything went black.

Then I woke up.

"FUCK, NO !!!" I shouted, rising from bed, looking around. Instinctively I took my quantum gun off the bedside table and started aiming at everything around me. After a while I realized that I am no longer in that old corridor, but I was in the bedroom of my rented apartment with no monsters trying to kill me. 

Then I collapsed back onto the bed, letting out a breath which I didn't know was holding. "Oh, thank the gods it was just a goddamn nig-."

*BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!* Before I had time to finish an alarm clock rang through the room. I turned and fired in the direction of the sound. *BANG!* Finishing the existence of hellish machine and damaging poor bedside table . Shocked, I stared at  the almost completely ruined and ashed bedside table. Sometimes I forget how powerful these weapon is.

After a while of looking at the gun they started to come back to me more or less wanted memories from years of my serve for Council. But today it's over. End of service to power-hungry bastards.  A second later, looking at the gun, I dematerialized it

Quantum weapons are interesting things and fairly simple to understand, this weapon just fires rays of concentrated hume energy which are accelerated by magnetic rails to the predominance of one quadratic predominance of light and quantum programmed to accumulate huma energy from a short distance at the point of impact in a few milliseconds.

But how exactly does it work? Well, it works on the foundations of quantum physics, inter-dimensional mechanics, and similar black magic. About the fact that everything in the multiverse has hume energy and capacity for a limited amount of hume energy. Almost everything that this limit has been exceeded will explode or disintegrate and cease to exist. In short, it just overloads whatever it hits and makes it explode and even if not, an impact force comparable to a twenty-millimeter cannon should do fatal injuries. Okay, enough of this scientific-magic madness.

I looked at the broken bedside table and I snapped my fingers, lines of blue symbols began to appear on the bedside table. Moments later, all the broken pieces began to return to where they had been torn off, and the damaged fragments were regenerating. After a while lines disappeared and everything looked like nothing had happened, the only difference was that the alarm clock disappeared. I love being a reality manipulator.

Then in my right eye appeared a call from Marcus the Chief of the local Guardians outpost. One of the advantages and disadvantages of multiwatch, is able to play video, messages, audio and more only visible and audible to user. Chief of Guardians in Tartagin is not my boss and I have no obligation to follow his orders, but if there's a massacre going on, I'd rather be there and reduce the damage. Besides, I have nothing else to do today. So I picked up.

'Hi Marcus, what do you need from me?' I asked mentally as, materialized coffee cup in my right hand and took a sip from it.

"Eric? Thank the gods you're here. We have a big problem. Harmonists attacked the second sector!" Marcus said stressed.

One of the things I hate  in the multiverse is Harmonists. They used to be a decent group of scientists studying the multiverse and I had nothing against them and honestly I even liked them, until they went crazy and become damn terrorists. But if I remember correctly, all the members of this group were caught and ended up in the Hole. Maybe some of them escaped?

'Where exactly?'

"Embassy and its surroundings."

'Okay, call Jack and Edwin for backup, they should get to you in two minutes. I'll join you in twenty minutes.' I said mentally, getting out of bed and teleporting to living room, looking out the window at the city below, finishing a cup of coffee. 

"They were here with us when it started, Jack and Edwin are dead, Eric." He told bluntly.

"WHAT!" I shouted, almost spitting out my coffee. Jack and Edwin were Level 3 Admins. It is a shock that both of them are dead. Killing Admin is a tough job and the higher the Admin level the more difficult it is. There is literally a better chance of winning a million in the lottery than killing a Level 1 Admin. Admins are divided into five levels, the higher the level, the better equipment is available. Admin Level does not define by power but by experience, although one often accompanies the other. 'Okay I'll be there in two minutes, try not to die.' then I ended the connection.

"This is going to be an interesting day." I said to myself. I sprang to my feet, materializing on myself my white shirt, black trench coat, beige pants, black leather gloves and black leather boots, all made of biometallic nanofibers. I finished my coffee and put the empty cup on the table. "Oh boy! Here I go killing again!"

I snapped my fingers and teleported to the street near the embassy in the second sector. Huge craters after explosions scattered the street, rubble from destroyed buildings and wrecks lay around. But the worst of it was the sight of burnt bodies and the smell of burnt flesh, blood and ozone in the air. I was reminded of history lessons and all the films about the Third World War and the First Nuclear War. God, it was bloody. 

I started walking towards the embassy. When I got near, I saw a makeshift barricade in front of which dozens of Guardians were located. Lots of different creatures, all in military class, medium nano-armor.

Armor is an old human project from the First Multiversion War, but thanks to the fact that it is made of nanomaterials can change to fit on anyone, regardless of the species. Generally armor isn't bad in my opinion, but it's difficult to use, and it only takes one shot from a high-energy weapon to fry the support systems. Which, in the worst case, ends in death by boiled from the inside, and in better cases, complete immobilization due to the weight of the armor.

The embassy building was ... strange. it's not that it looks strange in a construction sense, but that it is VERY anomalous. The building seemed to be and not to be in that place, literally double or triple before the eyes, and seemed to change, add or subtract floors, grow and shrink. I swear I'm not drunk and I didn't take any drugs. This is just the effect of using materials of many completely different dimensions to build. Different levels of hume energy interact with each other. causing monstrous anomalies. the plus is that the building is almost indestructible.

I looked at the Guardians around and saw a huge Leshen giving them orders.

I walked over to the Leshen, who was Marcus, attracting his attention and twenty Guardians who immediately pointed their weapons at me. I didn't even pay attention to it. If I got credit every time someone points a gun at me, I would be the richest man in the multiverse. 

"Relax, guys, he's with us." Marcus told, on what Guardians lowered weapons and went to deal with their orders, then he walked over to me. "Good you're here, Eric"

"I said I would be and here I am. Ok, what's the situation?" I asked as I looked around, I saw several bodies of the Guardians lying around. On the armor of the bodies, there were visible traces of electrical damage. "Because from what I can see, the situation is fucking awful."

"Thanks to Jack and Edwin, we took minor losses and managed to neutralize most of the enemies. So overall it's better than it looks." He said, turning to the embassy behind him. "The problem is that the Harmonists have barricaded themselves in the embassy and have taken ambassadors of certain interdimensional communities hostage. We sent twenty Guardians to get them out, but eventually five of the group were held hostage and the rest were killed, so we sent Jack and Edwin over there to do their work, but both ended up being killed."

"So you want me, a Level 5 Admin to go there, do a massacre and save the hostages?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, that's what I wanted you to do. Can you take care of it?" He said, looking straight at me. I still don't understand how he sees without eyes. And honestly, it's a little scary

"Yeap, After all, that's why I'm here, right?" I told as I walked towards the barricade with Marcus who was following me and looking over the barricade on the field around the embassy.

The field was littered with many dead bodies, Guardians, civilians and Harmonists. Harmonists wore armor that looks like from Wolfenstein or something like that. But something is wrong with this. The original, of this armor was made of titanium, steel or Kevlar, but these was made of biometal and they had many improvements beyond what they could get, not to mention the high quality of the armor itself, this is weird.

Generally Most of the Harmonist armor was reworked civilian class light or medium nano-armor stolen from highly developed dimensions or bought on the black market. Which fall apart after one hit. But these are better quality and higher class As if they were from the Guardians' armory.

"Do you know where Harmonists got these armor? or How many they are inside?"

"We don't know. But most likely stolen from some Guardians outpost." Marcus told, scratching his skull. "How many are there? fifty maybe thirty, armed with quantum rifles, Tesla cannons, plasma launchers and several high-energy rifles. Maybe they have some military technology. But that's just a guess. Could this be a problem for you?"

"Nope" I said. "I'm wondering."

"So, what's your plan? Because, you're not just gonna go in there like a rambo, right?" Marcus, asked. 

"Well ... that's exactly what I wanted to do" I told, and without warning I teleported to one of the corridors in the embassy.

Walking slowly down the corridor I found a single Harmonist with his back to me. Poor bastard, he won't even know what will hit him. I approached him quietly from behind and tapped his shoulder, he turned to me, but before he could do anything, I punch him in the face, sending him on the nearest wall. 

I crouched down next to him and started trying to remove his helmet and mask. There was once a wise man, whose words I mostly agree, said. If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. And what better way to get to know your opponent than to learn about his memories and mindset? You know, getting infected has many benefits. One of them is that I am able to absorb almost anything, including memories from brain tissue. So if I eat his brain, I'll get his memories, mindset and more.

After a good three minutes of wrestling with a mask and a helmet, with no result. I focused on my hands, in a few seconds my fingers began to lengthen until they were seven centimeters long, luckily my gloves adapted and their tips opened before tearing apart. Then my fingers started to get thin and sharper and the skin on them turned pitch black. Now my fingers have become tar black claws capable of cutting through almost anything, sweet.

I dug my claws into his helmet and mask and ripped them apart, showing what was inside, with a rasp of metal and the hiss of decompressed air. Honestly, the sight under the helmet surprised me slightly. In the armor was a rabbit, a little black rabbit. How it possible that he could move a armor maybe six times larger than himself? You know what, not important, apparently the armor has been reworked so that the little one can move around in it normally. The more you worry about it, the more it will hurt.

I threw away the torn metal that used to be a mask and a helmet. I grabbed his head, twisting it sharply, breaking his spine, and tore it off his shoulders. I looked at torn head in my hand from which blood slowly dripped on the flor. Then I bit his head like it was an apple. The taste of blood and cerebral fluid is a strange combination, but it's good, it is a little addictive. Honestly, I feel a little sorry for that rabbit, he lived, he multiplies, he killed hell knows how much and ended up so that I'm now eating his head like some crunchy fruit. But still, it tastes good. Okay first my job, then time to reflect on the taste of rabbits.

I started walking down the hall, still eating Tim's head, past many doors and turns, trailing a trail of blood behind me. Tim's memories began to pass before my eyes. And yes, Time is the name of the rabbit. Time Silverpaw, Former quantum engineer and specialist in quantum artifacts. Born in 3279-03-14, two hundred siblings. No major connections with Harmonists except for a single saucer. After that, he start murdering as if

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