Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

-Open Wounds

Kara wakes to sunlight shining in her face blinds from her bedroom window are being pulled open.  There’s someone in her room.  No….he wouldn’t, she thinks back to last night.  Is he back to get his own shirt?  She’s lying in bed with her back facing away from the bedroom door.  Scantily dressed in panties and a t-shirt with no bra she peeks her head out from under the covers to look toward the room’s entrance.   

“Come on, I see you’re awake.  He’s already had his coffee and breakfast.  I suggest you get out of that bed before he decides to come in here and pull you out.  He asked Anzio what time you normally get up.  He didn’t like the answer.”  Millie is talking and walking around the room straightening things up. 

Relieved, Kara sits up in her bed stretching her body.  “Good morning Millie.  What are you going on about this morning?  He’s usually gone by this time.  Isn’t it after nine?”   She yawns. 

Millie doesn’t answer, something on the floor has caught her attention.  She’s bending over to pick it up when Kara quickly sits up in the bed remembering what happened between her and Braylin last night.  Her face is flushed.  She dives across the bed to look on the floor at the same time Millie rises up in front of her holding her blue bra in one hand and Braylin’s shirt in her other.

Millie raises a brow as their eyes meet. An embarrassing flush fills Kara’s face.  She sits against the headboard feeling like a teenager that’s gotten caught with a boy hiding under her bed.  Without saying a word, Millie throws Braylin’s shirt over her arm and slings Kara’s bra on top of it.  She disappears into Kara’s closet for a few seconds when she comes out Braylin’s shirt is still laying over her arm and she’s carrying a laundry bag filled with Kara’s dirty clothes. 

“Um Millie?”   Trying to suppress her embarrassment, Kara’s nails dig into the bedcovers.  “Huh…um,  the shirt stays.”  She tells her clearing her throat.  Millie stops walking to the door turns around and comes back without a word to lay the shirt on the edge of the bed.  Their eyes connect only this time Millie’s facial expression holds a quirky smirk. 

“You got about twenty minutes before he comes up those stairs I’d say.”  She tells her walking to the door turning around to give her one last look that includes a wink then she closes the door.  Kara buries her face in the pillows.  She knows the older woman is going to tell Anzio.  She thinks about what Millie said.  Why would he come into her room?  Oh Yeah, they didn’t discuss what happened at that banquet or his real girlfriend. 

Kara climbs out of the bed, picks up the shirt holding it against her chest.  She looks toward the door to make sure it’s closed before she holds the shirt up to her nose to inhale the scent still on it.  Taking it into the closet she puts it on a hanger burying it deep in the back. 

Quickly she showers throwing on fresh underwear she grabbed on her way into the bathroom.  Peeking her head out of the bathroom she looks around to make sure she’s still alone.  Making her way back to her closet she is trying to decide what clothes to put on when she hears a knock at her door.  She grabs the robe hanging on a hook hurriedly putting it on before she comes out. 

Braylin walks into her room looking handsome in his navy suit but his face looks perturbed.  One cufflink is in his mouth he’s fumbling with the other at his wrist.  She’s hoping he doesn’t bring up last night, she pulls the sash to her robe tightly around her. 

“Morning."  She frowns at what he's doing.  "Give me that before you swallow it.”  She takes the cufflink out of his mouth unintentionally touching his lips with her fingers not catching his look of surprise that she would be so bold.  She holds his wrist up then proceeds to put his cufflinks on.  

“Pocket square, you got one?”  She ask fixing his collar and adjusting his tie while holding his attention in her short berry color satin robe.  His hands remain clenched at his sides anxious for the opportunity to hold her.     

He gets a strong whiff of her scent.  “Left pocket.”  He murmurs. 

She reaches into his pocket as if it’s the most natural thing for her to be doing.  Pulling the handkerchief out, she concentrates on folding it.  He struggles with maintaining his composure.  The smell of raspberry and jasmine is invading his senses.  He finds her way of helping him compelling.  He’s filled with desire to slip his hands underneath the soft material of her robe having now had a taste of her.  It’s going to be harder to control his urges to touch her.  She’s got to stop walking around like this in front of him but he's not about to tell her that. 

While she fixes his pocket square, he wonders if this is what he’s missed out on all the years he hasn’t wanted to have a steady girlfriend. The little things she does he finds so enthralling.   He can’t imagine Elise doing this, she’s never shown a nurturing side but has he really given her the chance.  It’s so easy to be around Kara even when they have argued.   

His daily routine is disturbed by her, he really enjoys these encounters they find themselves in but he doesn't want to change his lifestyle feeling it could easily change if he allows himself to get caught up in all of this.  

“Now, you look ready for your busy day.”  She tugs on his tie and he notices her bandage is not on her wrist. 

“Where’s your bandage?”  He gently takes her hand in his to examine her wrist. 

“Its fine, I haven’t worn it for a few days, I don’t need it anymore.”  She responds. 

“I don’t want you to overdo it.”  

“I’m not, what do you expect me to do.  I can’t sit around here all day.  I need to get back to work.”  She tells him. 

“You mean like you did yesterday?”  She can feel his stare on her making her uncomfortable. 

“Not exactly?”  That…..that was.  I was helping out.  We were short staffed and I filled in wherever I was needed.  I was thinking maybe I could go back part-time.  Maybe mid-day until closing.”  Kara skeptically looks up at him. 

“No…definitely not."  He bellows then calms his voice.  "You’re not ready yet.  We have a deal remember, you’re supposed to be my girlfriend.  Go shopping, visit some friends.  Go to the spa, I don’t care but you aren’t going back to work yet.” 

“I should have strangled you with your tie when I had the chance.”  She pouts. 

“But you didn’t and I’ll remember to sleep with one eye open now that you’ve told me.  You’re going to be attending one of our building’s openings with me in a couple of weeks.  I have charity functions to attend.  One is a formal affair, black tie.  You’ll need something to wear to each event.  Go buy some new dresses, shoes, a purse whatever it is you need. Here, take this.”  He pulls a black American Express card out of his pants pocket handing it to her.   He pries her fist open laying the card in it as she tries to move her hand away until he grips it. 

“Take the card, Kara.”  He folds his hand over her open palm holding the card in it while looking in her eyes. 

“You’re being pushy again.”  She mumbles. 

“You’re being stubborn.  We’ve got to set some ground rules.  You’re going to be attending functions with me and a work vest and black skirt is not suitable attire.  You need a new wardrobe.”  He comments and she knows he’s right.  She doesn’t have the clothes or jewelry to step into his world. 

“What about your girlfriend, don’t you want to take her instead?”  Kara retorts more curtly than she intends. 

“Do you really think it’s a good idea that you remind me of what you did yesterday?”  I’m still thinking about your punishment.  You can’t go around tossing salad on people you don’t like.”   

“Me….What about her.  You have no idea what she did yet you’re defending her.  I know I’m your girlfriend in name only but give me some credit.  If that’s what you’re attracted to no wonder you came looking for me to clean up your reputation.”  Kara complains. 

“I didn’t come looking for you.  My reputation was fine until I met you.  You obviously haven’t seen today’s papers or the news.  We’re in the gossip pages again sweetheart.  Your catfight with Elise is the talk in the society pages.  You need to learn to control yourself.  Try to stay out of trouble when you go shopping today.  I have a driver available for you when you’re ready.  He will bring you by my office to pick up your new cell phone.  I need to be able to reach you.”  Braylin responds. 

Feeling contrite she backs down.  She needs the cell phone since the police still have hers.  She had planned to try to pick up another one today.    “Alright, thanks for getting me another phone.  I don’t want to take your card, I’ll use my own money and pay you back for the phone.  I don’t feel right about this, besides the stores might think I stole the card….I can’t take this.”  She holds it out to him.   

“Yes. You. Can, it’s not my card it’s yours…..”  He growls with impatience. 

Kara draws her hand back to look at the name on the card.  It has Kara M. Santino on it.  She stares at it then looks up at him with a beatific smile.  “It has my name on it.  Braylin it has my name on it.  This is a Black American Express Card and it has my name on it?”   

“Yeah, so.”  He shrugs his shoulders not understanding. 

“I….I never had a card with a limit like this on it.”   She rest her hands against his chest. 

“What limit?  It doesn’t have a limit.”  He’s still confused solidifying that they are from two different worlds.   

“It doesn’t?”  She squeaks, her eyes getting wider. 

“No….but whatever you buy to wear you’re going to have to show it to me.  Make sure you get some lingerie.”  His hands are caressing her hips pulling her closer, her eyes widen. 

“But we’re not…. you said….”  She trips over her words unable to speak thinking about what happened between last night and how it could have gone further.   He continues to tease and caress the thin satin material that’s causing tingling sensations to flow through her lower half.  It hasn’t escaped her that he hasn’t explained the relationship between him and Elise.  She tries not to get sucked into the moment. 

“I know what I said Kara, maybe I can’t touch but I can imagine what’s underneath.”  He caresses her cheek then he’s gone. 

She’s still looking at the door after he’s gone.  “Why does he say things like that to me?”  She says out loud while wiping her warm brow.  He’s such a flirt and so full of sensual mischief.  She has to be careful, it’s too easy for their encounters to turn sultry and she’s afraid where they might lead. 

She puts on a black dress that can pass for work clothes while still looking fashionable.  She doesn’t look to bad.  Her bruises are almost gone and the swelling in her eyes is down to a small bruise just below her left eye.   She’s got to figure out what to do about her comb over hairstyle.  Her hair is growing out around her wound.    

She takes her time going downstairs and walking into the kitchen.   

“Anzio….can you get me a cab.  I need to go to my restaurant.” 

“A cab….why would you need a cab.  The driver will take you wherever you want to go.”  He looks confused.  “Mr. Hurst said you would be going shopping today.  He’s sending his driver to look after you.” 

“I know, but the driver will report back to him where I’m going and I think I need to check on things at my restaurant first.  I’ll call you from there to send the driver when I’m done.  I won’t take long, I can go shopping later.  Please, don’t rat me out to him yet.  I’ve got to see how we did at the banquet yesterday.”  She pleads.   

Kara arrives at the restaurant just ahead of the lunch crowd.  Casey sees her first coming over to the door’s entrance to hug her.  Once inside the main dining room her mind flashes back to a vision of her opening the bi-fold doors.  Another flashback appears in her mind of plates crashing to the floor.  She tries to control the imagines she’s seeing but they keep repeating.  She’s surrounded by some longtime patrons welcoming her back.  The walls feel like their closing in.  She starts to feel warm all over and dizzy. 

It’s overwhelming.  A flash of Liam’s face appears looking down on her with a scowl.  She tries to ignore it.  Different members of her staff stop by to talk with her, she keeps moving around thinking it helps the flashbacks dissipate until she gets to the water station.  Mica comes out surprised to see her and wanting her to come to the kitchen where they can have some privacy away from some of the customer’s prying eyes.   

Kara’s gaze is transfixed on the kitchen bi-fold doors, pangs of anxiety hit her and she tries to ignore them.  Mica grabs her hand to pull her into the kitchen.  The closer they get to the door the more anxious she gets.  Once on the other side in the kitchen she is hugged by Darla.  She feels happy to see her and be comforted by her but as Darla hugs her Kara opens her eyes wide looking at her surroundings. 

The loaves of bread for the day is stacked in the same spot as the night she was attacked.  The stack of white plates piled high in the same general location as that night makes her uncomfortable.   She has a more vivid flashback when Mica pulls a chair from under the counter and it scraps the floor.  The sound it makes startles her and she jumps. 

“Kara, are you alright.”  Darla ask her with a look of concern garnering attention from Mica and Casey. 

There’s a bead of sweat forming on her brow she’s shaking.  Mica guides her to sit down but she jumps up when the bi-fold doors flop back and forth.  One of the waiters go out to the main dining area.  Her friends become concerned.  Darla holds her hand.   

“Kara, are you alright?”  She ask her boss, Kara shakes her head appearing to not understand what she is saying.  Mica approaches her to take her other hand she draws back a look of fear on her face. 

“Please don’t hurt me?”  She chokes out with tears in her eyes. 

Mica steps away from her looking at Darla and Casey.  They each have a look of confusion on their faces.  Casey holds his hand out to Kara hoping she recognizes him. 

“Kara, sweetie, it’s alright.”  He says standing in front of her. 

Kara starts to shake her head, she’s speaking incoherently.  Tears are rolling down her cheeks.  They all look scared by her frightened state.  She holds her hands out backing away from them mumbling No...No…No.  She lets out an anguished scream, her legs buckle she falls in a heap to the floor passing out.

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That confidence she has is about to be shaken.  She's always had to take care of herself and took care of others.  Is someone going to be there to take care of her.  It could even be a friend from her past.  Stay tuned.

Other Stories:   Tiptoe Kisses 

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